IPhone X Leak Video gets Apple Engineer Fired!
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Roastie BTFO. Hope her entire family loses everything and they go homeless.
Makes me happy that this dumb roastie got fucked at least once in her life
>my dad takes full responsibility for the rule that he broke...and he fully apologizes
bitch you got him fired
a fat cunt ruins everything a man worked hard for? wow what a surprise never saw this before
The rich can't lose in America, europoor.
Apple will put he on black list, now will work in McDonald
He won't make it anywhere big. His career is fucked. That is enough for me.
ahahahaha women
oh no now he has to go back to his mansion in fucking silicon valley
fucking white male
>trusting females
this lol
>He won't make it anywhere big
He already has. Once you work for Apple any company will gladly take you. You've got this wrong, retard.
Look at this dumb cunt's original video
>2 seconds into the video
>we're going shopping, shopping solves my problems
This is why I don't even tell my loved ones what I do at work
No big US company will ever let him close to confidential information. He is BLACKLISTED now.
>tfw don't live the aesthetic rich people life in California as a completely vapid person with great weather literally the entire year
>tfw a fucking sad history-rich british rainy weather sad person in a rowhouse with no natural space for building malls and cheap houses
brb kms
nope he's on a blacklist for violating NDA of course midrange companies will hire him but his career is in the bin
he's also embarrassed himself worldwide everyone in the tech world will know about this
>show an already displayed to the public iPhone
>actually make it look nice in the video, same as marketing
>only a week and a half before it's released
>get fired
Only in America. "Employer loyalty" everyone
why did I watch this shit. some fat bitch bla bla bla 0 content the first few minutes
She's not fat
This is it! We must activate reddit activitism over it and make normies boycott iphonex for doing this.
Her father got fired. It's the marketing team's job to market the cellphone, not the employee's daughter.
>shopping solves my problems
>thanks for sitting in the backseat dad
Fuck him. Apple is better off without this cunt ever visiting its campus again.
They were completely justified in firing him.
letting a non-worked in with a camera should be enough to be fired desu senpai
She did a better job than Apple's shitty conference.
>sign a NDA
>info gets leaked by dumb fuck millennial daughter
>daughter continues to make it about her for them SWEET SWEET PITY POINTS
They should both be fired, from every job everywhere. No work ethic. No sense of loyalty. Fake tears. Papa Johns
It's not about the phone, it's about teaching a lesson. You can bet this will never ever happen again or people will at least try to be more careful from now on, if apple doesn't react, then all its employees will start doing the same.
>It's not about the phone
This. It's about millions of dollars spent by the company to keep it a secret until the reveal. Fuck apple, but people worked hard, and put a lot of thought into product launches. This dumb bitch just ruined that time, effort, and money that went in to it.
If retards like this guy can get hired by apple, then I'm really starting to think I can do it too.
>"I'm not mad at apple"
>"Still going to buy Apple products"
Right after they fucked your dad over. Apple shills really are cucks.
>My video vent viral, let's talk about it.... BUT FIRST let me tell your my life story
fucking women, fuck you bitch get to the point
wait, she got her dad fired from apple?
holy shit how mad must he be
Attention whore at its best.
>apple removed my dads ability to keep us from starving and living on the street because he broke some stupid small rule for the first time
>literally one small mistake and they discarded him like a piece of trash
>but i still love apple, apple is awesome
I never ceases to amaze me how incredibly delusional are apple drones, steve jobs could literally shit down their throat and they would worship him for it
It is any sellers dream to have such brainwashed fanatic consumer base
lucky apple
It was his mistake, he literally handed the phone to her and let her record it.
did she know about the fact it was under NDA
He obviosly knew and still gave her the phone
what did she expect when she filmed herself with the new iPhone? Everybody damn knows it's a social status icon making the video go viral since it's not released to the public. She got we she deserved.
Marketing 101
did he really know she was recording a video and putting it out? thats retarded
watch the original video, she even asks him if people call it iphone "ecs" or iphone "ten"
We don't know what the nda says, so if it only states that employees are not to remove device from property then he should be OK for a lawsuit.
That is if they are on apple property.
Damn that fucking sucks.
Girls will be girls
I can't even argue with this.
>trusting a woman ever
>retarded girl needs to be an attention whore and gets his dad fired in the process
How fucking retarded can you be? He deserves it for raising such a spoiled girl.
father lost a job, but it was worth it since she's gonna be famous on youtube... for a day or two
I knew he was going to get canned when I saw the first vid. Surprised it took so long.
>"I want to become an engineer to work at apple"
roastie hopes and dreams sleep with the fishes
Video blogs like this are really comfy because i live the wealthy life vicariously through them.
He mentions that he has it for testing, so i don't think the device could be recorded and displayed like that. Apple knew what they were doing when they fired him.
There's a clear warning that filming isn't allowed in the building they were in. There'd be grounds for discipline even if the video didn't include an unreleased product
I m not defending her but you watch the video , HER DAD AGREES , he even shows her some features , so her dad knew exactly what he was doing
>I'm not mad at apple
>I'm not going to stop buying apple products
It truly is a cult.
>Last 5 years
>Every apple product is revealed months in advance due to chinks on the factor floor stealing production samples and showing it to bloggers
>Apple does nothing
>White man shows his daughter the product he's been working on
>gets fired
>This dumb bitch just ruined that time
Man Chinese manufacturers ruined it like 6 months ago. Everyone knew what the phone was going to look like and do a month before the apple event. If apple was so serious about keeping secrets they wouldn't outsource their entire manufacturing line to a 3rd world country.
The video is heavily edited so it's hard to be sure, but it looks like he gave it to her with no mention of secrecy and she openly recorded it with fairly bulky, conspicuous recording equipment. If that's the case, it would seem to be entirely his fault. She just carried on with her vlog and took the opportunity he offered her.
The device in the video is presented very well and seems to work perfectly, and nothing was revealed in it that wasn't already known, so Apple hasn't actually been harmed by this at all. But I know that NDAs have to be enforced with an iron fist.
I don't understand why he gave it to her. He must have known she would film it, he certainly knew she filmed him using Apple Pay on it.
There was a failure of communication at some point but idk if it was corporate->engineer or engineer->daughter.
what is controlled leak?
the only way you know her dad got fired is because she posted this video. if she didnt post this video would you have known her dad got fired?
how do you know the chink who leaked those photo in the factory did / did not get fired? they didnt make a video about it or call the press.
fuck man you morons are really retarded af
>retarded af
go back to niggergram fagot
this is a well known thing when you first go through training in apple even if ur working in their call center
there is absolutely no excuse that the dad doesnt know about the NDA / confidentiality at all
it prolly is the engineer > daughter issue
she came in with full on video recording eq and planning to make a vlog and her dad didnt say anything about it eventhough it was well known that you aren't suppose to film anything at apple campus. i cant even bring a digital watch when i clock in to work with apple
looks the same as the last 10 phones from them.
This, desu. It wasn't really the roastie's fault.
No, she's just retarded (and ugly).
If you're retarded at least try to look cute like pic related.
Ignore viral marketing threads
I have
What happened? What's the story?
>those hands
that's a dude, not a cute girl
Will wait for iphone X+ S next year but probably settle for galaxy X+
what a handsome man
wtf, who cares about her life story? fucking millenials
A roastie means a flappy vagina, roast beef lips. Does it have some new meaning now?
>cause your parent to lose his job that was the highlight of his career
>"we're okay. we're good."
uh, this bitch has no idea about real life does she? he is fucked now.
> (OP)
>>my dad takes full responsibility for the rule that he broke...and he fully apologizes
>bitch you got him fired
I'm glad that I'm not the only one who was enraged by that remark
>"so my advice to people out there is..."
i don't think anybody should be taking advice from this impulsive roastie
how old is she....30?
lol, she ain't skinny
yeah she should really know better and be acting her age, i mean jeez
Yes, he's doing the cosplay correctly. He never specified a gender in his post.
shut the fuck up pajeet.
>wanting to
The real world has consequences.
It's a girl you gay faggots
>get btfo
>fall back to racial slurs
What's that whole thing about pretending to be idiots?
getting fired for cause is a serious black mark on your resume. it's not equivalent to say that someone can work at apple, quit, and then pick up a job anywhere else.
and to be honest you either know that and you're being disingenuous, or you're preposterously naive.
why is it surprising or remarkable to you that she says that shopping solves all her problems? she's a woman. hell, she's a human. it's not some revelation that people feel good when they acquire shit.
stop acting like some faggot neckbeard who's transcended human nature.
>apple fires his dad
>still buying apple pruducts
Typical Applel drone
"My video went viral"
Blood starts to boil
"Let's take it back. I grew up in..."
Thumbs down, close video. Self-important cunt lol
It's almost as enraging as
3 4
look m8
thats the same exact thing as you saying
>I am feeling good today
>I am going fapping
>fapping solves all my problems
Damn, the product is officially out and available for the public, who gives a fuck about NDA?
Any company with a halfway decent security policy does not allow filming on campus, this gentleman, and the visitors he's responsible for when escorting them, clearly breached that policy, so he's being held accountable for that.
If you're employing a few ten thousand people, you simply can't make exceptions.
I doubt this guy will have a hard time finding a new job anyway.
>Roastie BTFO.
The only one got BTFO is her father. Well he got what he asked for, raising a dumb stacy and handing over an iPhone.
apple employees can't afford homes in the bay area. They fork over their income to the baby boomers and mexicans that moved in before them. That's capitalism for you.
He got fired for filming in the campus in violation of the rules. They didn't give a fuck about the phone
It wasn't just the phone, there ere unreleased apps and notes with future Apple products code names. It's possible Apple lost millions of dollars as a result of the video.
>when your spoiled kid fucks you over and you don’t even have balls to take control over it
To be honest I think Apple fired this guy because of this instead that the whole leak, I can totally see Tim losing his shit over this dumb cunt while watching the video
I’m sure he thought/lied to that the recording for private personal vlog, not to YouTube, otherwise im sure he will refuse. That cunt is a liar spoiled bitch and he deserve it.