Office Chairs

What kind of chair do you use Sup Forums? Are there any that don't fucking wobble/tilt?

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Herman Miller Embody

>Are there any that don't fucking wobble/tilt?

I bought a chair that looks like your pic from Office Depot for like $100
I regret it

I own one of these. I weigh about 375 and it lasted me over two years of 8+ hours a day in it. Strongly recommend.

I got one of these
Works pretty good.

lol fatass

dumb larper

Steelcase Leap V1. A total craigslist score for $75.

Awesome enough that whenever it breaks, I'll consider buying a new $1k chair.

>I weigh about 375

ikea chair.

Was thinking of buying a sled chair but they all seem to be slow low to the floor.

Who's fucking surprised? Not like I intend to live past 55 or 60 anyway. As long as a fat fuck still gets laid semi regularly he has no reason to stop drowning himself in sugar water and shitposting from a comfy chair.

Some chair off amazon that cost $175. Don't remember the name.

I'm not paying $500+ for a fucking chair.

Like holy fuck.
If you're not making $100k+ a year, then you have no fucking business having this chair in your house.

You spend 30% of your life in bed.
You might spend 30% of your life in a chair.
Why skimp on something you spend so much of your time in?

Far more useful than spending it on some shitty $1000 fruit toy that's catch fire and explode.

>You spend 30% of your life in bed.
Yes but you're not conscious when you're actually asleep. I don't know about you, but I fall asleep in less than 10 minutes when I'm tired. A $10,000 bed won't change that experience vs a $300 bed.

>You might spend 30% of your life in a chair.
>he thinks the price is based on comfort
It's expensive purely because of the brand name. Some snobby rich hipsters probably bought a bunch of them, and now they have high value. Having one gives off a certain impression of you, just like driving a $140,000 car vs a $30k one.

You don't pay $140k because it makes your driving experience better.

>Herman Miller Embody
More than my monthly wage.
t. eastern eurocuck

You americans will never stop to surprise me about how much your life turns around things. It's like you define your lifes through things you are surrounded with. What an empty and sad life. Being poor in USA must be hell.

>today I feel euphoric, not because of the things I have, but because I looked down on americans and felt superior for a tiny moment

Welcome to living in a first world country, where the things you own literally own you.

>It's like you define your lifes through things you are surrounded with
Or status symbols.
Having a 2017 model car, brand name clothes, etc give off the impression that you're in good standing, and impression means everything.

Black people are the worst offenders of this. You'll see a McDonalds worker driving a fucking 2017 Toyota Prius yet lives in an apartment barely able to afford rent, all so they can pretend they're some successful bigshot for a few minutes on the road. Fucking stupid. I hate normies.

> Are there any that don't fucking wobble/tilt?
Check your tilt mech.
Also got a MARKUS for me yesterday. Fucking 22kg package without handlings but damn, it's comfy.

I don't feel superior. From your point of view I'm a stupid third worlder who is worthless just because I cannot afford things you can afford easily. I only wanted to point out that I see threads here on Sup Forums about things I wouldn't even think about as important or valuable. Mechanical keybord? Is there anything worthy about it except being "cool"? I use my 10USD keyboard and I'm happy. Flashlight thread? Watch thread? I don't get it. I just don't. It's just stupid stuff for me. 1300USD office chair? For what fucking purpose if I'm not a manager and I want to show off.

>Fucking stupid. I hate normies.

why exactly would you hate people based on how they spend their money?

wtf does it have to do with you?

is the black guy who works at McDonalds fucking the girl you like? then maybe his choices of investment aren't as stupid as you think

>From your point of view I'm a stupid third worlder who is worthless just because I cannot afford things you can afford easily

lol you seem to know quite a lot about me
I'm not even from america, son.

You may have to trust me on this one, but there is a huge difference between a $30k car and a $90k car in the driving experience for sure.

The problem is the china-ization (for lack of a better word) of all products. Almost everything is manufactured for the lowest price point. If you want something of high quality, the price is going to go up. The moment you rise off the bottom end of the price scale, the volume you can sell drops though the floor, raising production costs at least 10x.

So yeah, If you want an adjustable chair that supports your back and is going to last more than a year or two and does not look like a piece of shit you are going to have to pay a seemingly ridiculous amount of money for it.

The designer chairs have had an architect or industrial designer sketch it out, a doctor consultant rate it for ergonomics, engineers look it over for robustness, you can probably get parts for it. It will probably last long enough and well enough to have the cushions recovered.

At some point step out of the disposable consumer culture we are all trapped in, and buy something nice and high quality because you like it.

> just like driving a $140,000 car vs a $30k one.
>You don't pay $140k because it makes your driving experience better.

are you fucking crazy? do you really think that your Civic has the same performance as an M3?

Steelcase Leap v1.
Got two of them for super cheap from some failed kickstarter type business office.

I'm genuinely glad poorfags like you can cooperate in the Internet using the white man's electronic waste. Welcome to the party.

I'm white.

Then why do you live in a shit country?

T.Manlet signature

>go to capital
>find business selling embody for $200