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Where does this article even mention KDE? Maybe it does in your head.

It means the major distros are backing up GNOME as the official face of Linux, is over for KDE.

>It means the major distros are backing up GNOME as the official face of Linux
Neither has this been mentioned in the article either.
Doesn't seem that KDE developers have abandoned their work.

>KDE is ignored


ubuntu were part of the gnome board before they made their switch to unity.

now that they're back using gnome and will be contributing massively to its improvements it's legit that they're part of the board



>Contributions KDE won't have.

Nice logic there.

Hopefully they contribute a proper file picker, lmao.

that's the kind of shit canonical would fix in a couple days.

can't have a decent user experience without thumbnails in the file picker

So ubuntu is now officially sjw?

It means that KDE got BTFO

>KDE is ignored
You still haven't provided any evidence for that. Not that you will, because you are just shitposting and hearing what you want to hear.

>You still haven't provided any evidence for that.
Th fact that Canonical officialy supports GNOME and ignores KDE is not evidence for you?


Does kubuntu still exist?

But canonical does nothing, 0 contributions

A myth spreaded by anti-Ubuntu shills, not true at all.

i like to see a STRONG Ubuntu and GNOME alliance and as clear leaders for GNU/Linux for the desktop. the rest can and will continue to thrive but primarily to niche *cough neckbeard* crowd

this is the only way linux desktop has any chance of becoming a reality

GNU/Linux will be irreversibly ruined the moment it goes above 5% market share

yeah kubuntu still exist but it's developed independently from canonical.

in fact there was a divorce between canonical and Kubuntu/KDE when they decided to switch to unity/Mir around 2012.

it seems that the relations between canonical and KDE have been restored lately ( around 2016) when they officially became a patron for KDE


but , well, it's complicated...

i beg to differ. money and making money off software and related services is a GOOD thing. the only time it gets bad is when it is a monopoly and exorbitantly priced.

>Th fact that Canonical officialy supports GNOME and ignores KDE is not evidence for you?
Canonical isn't the only company which develops Linux distros. It's as if you're equating Canonical with Apple in that regard. I still haven't seen a source on KDE being abandoned. You just forgot to paste it here, is that right?

they didn't abandon it, they actually fund them to some extent

but they don't develop kubuntu internally, it's an independent team

>Canonical isn't the only company which develops Linux distros

Ubuntu is the de facto Linux Distro, every comercial or open institution that supports Linux it will support Ubuntu first and maybe only Ubuntu, Ubuntu as the face of Linux is embrasing GNOME and not KDE, so GNOME won and KDE got BTFO.

And how it is important? If only ubuntu is supported that means that any other disteo with gnome is not supported. What difference it makes that both ubuntu and, for example, fedora runs gnome if there is only .deb package specifically for ubuntu? And almost guaranteed it will work on any kde distro, based on ubuntu, like kubuntu or neon.

If you are going to continue repeating KDE BTFO, please have the decency to sage the next time you do it.

>they didn't abandon it, they actually fund them to some extent
I was being facetious, although we should really stop giving him more replies.

>And how it is important?

How is not?

Ate you that dumb? You can run gtk apps on kde, you know?

>If you are going to continue repeating KDE BTFO,

Sorry if it triggers you, but is true, KDE got BTFO

Stop giving him attention, please. Just in time, another epic win for OP:

So BTFO indeed.

Indeed user, that was before Ubuntu switched to GNOME, but now they know KDE is nothing but dead weigth for the Linux DE, so it won't last long.


OP just keeps winning those battles. Why don't we all let him celebrate peacefully?

Not so fast KDE shill.