I made a Website

A couple of days ago, I was bored and decided to make a website for fun. The idea was that I wanted to practice minimal and modern design, and I think I'm happy with how it turned out.


Basically, how it works, is you put in your mood (case sensitive and also one letter, with the exception of 'in love') and the background color of the website changes. I tried to go with nicer and softer colors to look good on the eyes.

I am also newer to web development, so it may be amateur.

tldr: I made a website, how is it?

Other urls found in this thread:


>clicking on random websites on Sup Forums

>neocities site

Useless and needs more emotions added to your list.
Or just add a random generator for words you still don't have listed, and then save your association or not.
Or add a vote system to build the perfect color for each emotion, by weighting results.

Looks nice and minimal though, good job on that.

>no transitions
>hardcoded emotions
>big if-else trees
1/10 see me after class

also for fuck sake use a switch instead of if else if

>Embbed javascript

thanks for the compliment.

Holy fuck this is literally cs grad meme-tier

I didn't want transitions, and I am also new to JS.

s for styling


someone put this in the graduate meme

Or an object. (you'd have some extra lines for synonyms, but still probably less overall than a switch)

no need for switch for that.

>horny isn't an option


>I didn't want transitions
>. I tried to go with nicer and softer colors to look good on the eyes
>to look good on the eyes


Not really a bad thing for something that simple.
Still eons better than using 100mb of frameworks

I like it OP, don't get discouraged.

thanks, user.

damn it OP

LOL :~) the n*gger meme





> ...


At least it's https.
Or does neocities automatically enable that?


there's nothing harmful from neocities sites. you can't even upload .php files

>I didn't want transitions, and I am also new to JS.
CSS animations would be better suited for simplicity, no need to think JS is required.

No I mean should I give props to the OP for using https or hasn't he evern set it up himself


(I am OP) neocities sets it up by default.

>being this much of a retarded fag

i made this website i while ago whilst i was bored


Not OP, but what's the best way to vertical center? Transforms? I heard about flexboxes but they're complicated so I'm ignoring those

>using a botnet
hahaha what a faggot

>embedded js instead of an external file
>awful js: var instead of const, repetitivity, low text/code density (if/else tree instead of something more suitable and shorter)
>linebreaks to center the input
>input isn't even consistently centered

at least you used strict instead of loose equality

please leave this website

Nice project, OP. How long did it take you? When did you start learning?

flexboxes are the greatest, cleanest, simplest, most effective thing since sliced bread for almost every layout issue like centering, and if you think they're complicated, you didn't read a good guide


>never implied I wanted the input centered

can't tell if you're being sarcastic

>user trying to better himself and make a cool thing
>Sup Forums just shits all over him
seriously the else ifs are a bit cringy you need to do a bit of research into proper system design

OP don't listen this faggots, you are fine for beginner.
Keep going you gonna make it

>wanting to move an element arbitrarily far down, to no specific spot on the screen, possibly outside it
you're like a wahmen koder:
>else { return 5; // lol I'm so random :D }

I made an iOS calculator named “Objective Calculator”

please r8 Sup Forums

I'm genuinely curious

>tldr: I made a website, how is it?
Cute, in a "we'll put this on the fridge" way.

>I wanted to practice minimal and modern design
It's definitely minimal, but not modern.

I recommend you read some proper CSS3/HTML5/ECMA8 books or tutorials. Modern web design is completely unlike anything it was 10 years ago. Assuming you actually want to go that route though.

I started in the morning and finished it at about 5:00 PM. I learned HTML & CSS thorugh codecademy.com.

you need 1 line of javascript.

>on* html tag

*attribute, not tag

it's in the spec. if i could i'd've just used body as input. no placeholder tho

>wintoddlers are SCARED of visiting websites

Sorry, but I don't let other people run arbitrary code on my machine

>firefox running as root

using the on* attributes is horribly bad practice and should get anyone fired from modern development teams though

>be Chromebook user
>browse all the shady porn sites with impunity
>laugh at loonix and windoze users getting ransom'd and equixfax'd


This is beautiful.

back in the day it was all we had. appreciate it.

source: your ass

more like every respectable programmer everywhere

the only people speaking in support of those attributes are dinosaurs

This, but still better than op if if if Oki doke


Funny how no-one has yet mentioned that you should use toLowerCase function for making it non case sensitive.

Or regex with /i, gotta keep them options open.

it's special aesthetic to only allow lowercase. on the other hand it could translate chars as it types

>respectable programmer

Childish dipshits circlejerking over the "framework of the week" you mean.


It's called tough love, next time OP will not make the same mistakes he did this time and might even think his choices through an extra time.

That's just chan culture. If he ignores the recommendations to kill himself etc., he got some constructive feedback.

Not bad for a day's work, code needs rewriting though

flexboxes are comfy as fuck

>tying the class to the input value
interesting approach, I like it

wasn't mine, I just added the background-color transition

All those breaks lmao


> fellas where wer u wen sides ?

1. flexbox
2. top:50%;
transform: translateY(-50%);

w/ parent el having a position defined

ChromeOS is based on Gentoo. Ahahahahahahaha

i mean its kind of a given.
If you post something shit people are gonna pick it apart.
Im fucking retarded with websites but i can do better than this and i have autism