Nvidia botnet

>How to get rid of the bloat and botnet

use this to clean all drivers and bloat files (restart to safe mode first)
>restard in normal mode

then download the bloated "driver" from nvidia.com, and open the executable with 7zip and extract to some folder somewhere, and then delete all files and folders other than the ones in pic related.

enjoy non-bloat driver install.

Other urls found in this thread:



this will break your gpu don't do it

install gentoo

t. Nvidia employee

this is illegal, don't do it!

Isn't there a way to disable the telemetry by using Autoruns?

why do you even want to install it in the first place? but no because those tricks used to work but now other pieces of the bloat keep re-enabling them

AMD® Radeon™ products don't have this problem.

is this real? Nvidia driver download is almost 500MB


That's a 'web installer'. It downloads the required drivers

yeah but nvidia has no "minimum" install. it always installs loads of bloat

Yep, it installs the latest drivers and nothing else (other than the uninstall utility which you can delete if you want).

To be fair while the driver itself is a single 37MB file, it also installs a bunch of bloated DLLs that add up to about 300 MBs total (OpenCL runtime, Mantle, Vulkan, etc, plus the 32-bit versions of each), not sure if you can remove these without affecting functionality.

The size of the compressed installation package was something like 50MB as I recall, the "web installer" thing only exists to download and install the most up to date version at the time.

Nevermind, I remembered that wrong. The installer just downloads everything into a folder with some very minimal compression applied. Everything combined, it adds up to 470 MB, which compresses down to 78 MB using 7z.

I wonder if you could get rid of some of these though, the OpenCL DLL alone is already over three times the size of the actual driver itself. Especially shit like the GPU accelerated VP9 decoder, it seems like the sort of thing you could delete without anything noticing.

>the OpenCL DLL alone is already over three times the size of the actual driver itself.
OpenCL is not fucking bloat or botnet. why the fuck would you no want OpenVL and Vulkan and shit?

the issue with Nvidia is that everything's literally infested with telemetry and other cancer.

novidya botnet disabler here

best method is to not have the botnet in the first place though

so OP's solution is best.

pic related, I did the stuff in OP and there is nothing here to disable. clean as fuck

>install a viriii just to get placebod into thinking it's removing le botnet spyware
neet, what interesting times we live in


Go to services, scroll down and you will see something like "NVIDIA Telemetry" to disable or remove it.

is there a full list of things to disable? also control panel has telemetry related option there

do what OP said

kind of wish someone would write a script to do it

the driver cleaner is already automated, just fucking restard to safe mode.

the rest is just literally extracting the .exe with 7zip and deleting some folders

i mean the whole extracting and deleting some folders, ive already known what to do in regards to DDU

>see content of archive you extracted
>look at pic
>select folders
how is this too much work, you lazy fuck

If only there was a command you could run from an administrative command prompt like:

"C:\WINDOWS\SysWOW64\RunDll32.EXE" "C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\Installer2\InstallerCore\NVI2.DLL",UninstallPackage NvTelemetry