Am I autistic if my desktop background is plain black and I don't use a wallpaper?
Am I autistic if my desktop background is plain black and I don't use a wallpaper?
Yes, just activate with KMSpico
No, that's patrician.
mine's grey.
I use wallpaper engine
if you have a desktop, you're autistic.
normal people use phones and tablets.
No. It only is if it's anime, mlp, or any creepy shit.
You're autistic because you care whether or not people think you're autistic.
Please stop LARPing.
No, you're just being productive by focusing on tasks instead of staring at a fucking waifu wallpaper.
No, but you're autistic for making this thread
Yes. Autism is defined in the DSM manual as someone who uses plan black desktop background.
I use one to keep my retinas from burning if I find myself within the desktop.
As long as you change the default wallpaper, no matter how hideous the default one is, yes.
Is it autistic to keep the default Windows wallpaper on my LTSB installation?
No it's a very nice wallpaper.
mine's grey due to compton
How'd you get the bar to be like that?
no that only means that your windows is not genuine , anybody knows how do i fix this problem ?
install gentoo
If you're actively using , then yes, you're LARPing. There's literally no reason to use some shitty interface like that other than trying to pretend to be someone you're not. Or you're on a really shitty nostalgia trip. Either way, LARPing.
>DSM manual
>diagnosis and statistical manual manual
Just been using a simple gradient like this for years. I launch everything through the start menu and always keep my browser open, so I only ever see the desktop for a couple seconds after booting windows.
it wasn't my actual desktop but just a historic visage. i do use rio which looks like that tho. it's actually useful and not shitty
People with pitch black wallpapers are psychopaths. Prove me wrong Sup Forums, protip: you can't.
I never understood the appeal of wallpapers, you hardly ever see them.
I do the same. I just got used to having everything always at full screen. I never even see the desktop so there's no point in having a picture on it
Best of both worlds. Majority gray and simple but a little something to not be boring as fuck.
This is only acceptable if you have a OLED display
Not if you don't use DE and your terminal emulator is transparent.
It feels great to have a dark wallpaper along with that setup not to exhaust your eyes
Mine is grey because it's a t420.
I use plain color wallpapers on laptops, because I have this half-baked idea that it's easier for your laptop to process and, as a result, gives you slightly better battery life. I'm all about minimalist shit on laptop for that end goal, even if it really only equates to just minutes of extra battery life (realistically)
>no that only means that your windows is not genuine
No, you are normal.
People that sit with their desktop open for more than 20 minutes total in a day aren't doing anything useful.
The desktop is also the worst method of interacting with programs and files.
is your wallpaper isn't an anime pic you're autistic sorry
I think we have an entire wiki in the sticky that could solve that problem in 5 minutes.
Healthy kek
hi frend
It means you have a good taste.
Could be. Could also be that you're not an unproductive manchild unlike the majority of desktop posters.
Mine is gray too
Gray, Win95 teal or Win2k blue >>> black
Gray here.
>w95 teal
>w2k blue
I see you too are a man of culture.
desktop is workspace, it should be mostly clear
mine is blackᵉᵈ.ᶜᵒᵐ too!
I just use whatever's default.
I can't be assed with wallpapers or ricing, it's not fun.
post original image
Got the same, classy shit m8
Personally I prefer pic related, but plain black is nice too.
black is good for your battery.
In b4 desktop
>inb4 desktop
He literally just said desktop background
Fuck it if anyone recognizes me
psychopathy is a meme
I recognize you. You are a nigger faggot