
Friendly reminder that this is your fault, Sup Forums

Marijuana makes you lazy and stupid. Alcohol does the same but at least alcoholics will eventually drink themselves to death so that they aren't a burden on the state. Stoners just sit around and eat. I have never met a pothead that was a good person or that was useful in any way, shape, or form. I want every last one to off themselves because it would make the world a better place.

And no, it doesn't cure cancer. It only makes you retarded enough to believe something so absurd.

I like weed as a recreational drug, it has made me a lot of friends, and most of those friends manage to be productive people despite smoking regularly. Granted, I go to a high tier university full of overachievers, but still.

I don't like how people overstate the medical benefits just to justify their recreational usage though. Be honest with yourself if you're smoking to get high rather than to treat some kind of illness.

I'm pretty sure anonymous was a Sup Forums thing.

I hate how these refeers use studies with concentrated THC or cannabinoids to justify smoking weed.
That's akin smoking willow bark to treat headaches and justify it with studies about acetylsalicylic acid

weed is literally a soy boy cuck drug

>lmao dude peaaaaaaaaaace
>dude fuck that jus smoke le weeed xD
>gives you xenoestrogens out of the ass

Wonder why weed is (((socially accepted)))? Think again.

not really

I don't smoke weed, but I rip dabs all day therefore everything in that image is right

>t. refeer
>t. refeer

Alcohol is an academics drug.

Name me a canon writer that wasn't an alcoholic.



Sup Forums sure mobilizes quickly.

>not a bunch of skiddies
Fuck, have you ever talked to the top brass. They've got an IRC channel and they're all just retards.

Lizzard Squad, that one other group Mad I think, and all the loners on Kickass are all steps ahead of this dumb shit.

>weed is illegal cause its a cure all medicine
yeah ok

Snoop Doggy Dogg and Dr Dre are at my door

>le Sup Forums boogeyman

Except for virtually every musician or actor you listen to or watch. Not to mention the most successful people smoke or micro dose lsd

>. I have never met a pothead that was a good person or that was useful in any way, shape, or form. I want every last one to off themselves because it would make the world a better place.

This. They are always on welfare or living at someone else's expense, always saying they're gonna do this or that and never do it. The excuses they make up are laughable.


>guy is not 420lmaofriendly

MUST BE POL NAZI AGAIN !!!!!11!1!1!!!1

OP is a retarded newfaggot

>Not a burden on the state

Do you know how many adults I take to jail every weekend because they can't take care of themselves when drinking?

I've never had to take someone that was smoking weed in for disturbing the peace

cd code
cd ..
cd ..

people are allowed, and should be allowed, to make bad choices. Neither you nor I nor the state nor society is their mom. If they choose to be lazy, stupid, useless people, then let them, that's their problem. I'm not willing to spend a dime on having police and DEA folks prevent them from doing that.

Sadly you're still on the same planet as those people, so they do affect you.

The "marijuana is a wonder cure but the drug companies keep it down" is such a stupid argument. Plenty of countries don't give a single fuck about US rules, yet you don't see Cuba, North Korea, or Venezuela using marijuana as a medical treatment.

The planet's awfully big, user. Choose not to deal with them and the effect they can have is negligible. Other people affect you far, far less than you think.

but you're fine with them people taking welfare benefits which consumes a large portion of tax revenue

If you're upset with people that you think are undeserving getting money, the solution to that is to take welfare and social services out of the hands of the state and taxpayer altogether, and leave it to private charity. Then your dollars - in whatever amount you may choose to contribute - will go only to people and organizations you think are deserving of it.

If I had my way, Welfare would be repealed in all it's forms. Did you know welfare recipients can make upwards of $117,000 US a year in the government programs they can get in on?

Then there is socialized Education, Medicare, Social Security..all on top of the welfare state sucking the country dry. Poor "people" are useless. Bring Slavery back, put the poor to work.

I smoke weed every day and it makes me dumb and anxious but it makes me happy doing the same stupid bullshit every week again and again forever and i am paying taxes so the government can fuck off. Antiweed cucks are authoritarians boot lickers.

That's because you've only met potheads aka people who treat weed like a hobby. If someone is a functional stoner, you won't know because they don't talk about it nonstop.

nobody says it cures cancer. its just used to treat cancer symptoms like nausea.

Alcohol was made illegal during the 20s. As it turned out, this only ended up increasing violent crime and increasing alcohol consumption.

Marijuana is being legalized on a state by state basis because as with alcohol prohibition, we've learned that we haven't accomplished anything other than increasing costs on the state to jail people who would otherwise be potential productive members of society. A quick Google search reveals that the average cost to the taxpayers to jail someone for a year is $31,286. Consequently, for $31,200 you could pay someone to work 40 hours a week, for 52 weeks (approximately one year), for $15 an hour. Clearly we need to consider strongly whether we need to jail someone. If what they are doing is not harmful to society, we are better off using that money to hire someone to do some needed job for society.

Never understood why Americans are so afraid of alcohol.
You can drink a case of beer on a Saturday and go to work the next Monday.
People are not sober as fast with marijuana.
I don't care whether it is legal for medical use or not, but I really hate that people pretend that it is all safe and fun compared to alcohol.
Alcohol is basically a poison we can tolerate. Sharing a bottle of wine with another person over a meal is not going to affect you. Drinking three bottles by yourself can make you pass out drunk and you will need time to recover.
But even when you do the latter, you can be a productive member of society after a day of rest.
This is not the same for people who smoke.

>Sup Forums makes you lazy and stupid. Alcohol does the same but at least alcoholics will eventually drink themselves to death so that they aren't a burden on the state. 4channers just sit around and eat. I have never met a Sup Forums user that was a good person or that was useful in any way, shape, or form. I want every last one to off themselves because it would make the world a better place.

You are correct about alcohol, but incorrect about weed.
Just like with alcohol, someone who smokes a whole bunch of weed will be unproductive until they recover. However, you're incorrect in asserting anyone would need more than a day to recover from a single smoking session.
You could argue potheads will smoke continue to smoke making them unproductive, but really this is comparable to alcoholics that keep drinking.

They're equally bad in terms of productivity.

t. regular alcohol drinker that doesn't regularly smoke

Alcoholics are only a burden on the state because the state lets them be a burden on it.
If we didn't have a growing welfare state we could just let people fuck off and leave each other alone, but if health is the government's job it can't happen

I smoke weed and go to work, smoke weed and take the trash out, smoke and clean in house, smoke and and feed the cat. Why do people think you cant do normal life function aftrr smoking? I drink and clean the house and do my laundry snd shit too. I

Functional Stoner vs Non-functional.

I can drop opiates and go out to the shed and build shit.

I had a mindless web-dev job, smoked weed every day at lunch and still performed fine at work

I always program well when i get really stoned and go to work. Makes it easy to focus

No one's saying you become paralytic and literally incapable of performing basic functions. If you think you can be high on weed and just as productive at skilled jobs as someone well-rested and sober though, you're flat out delusional. Just as someone who is downing regular glasses of scotch at work will be unproductive

You dont understand marijuana consumption if you think it is comparible to drinking scotch. I can smoke weed all night and drive just fine. I cant drink scotch all night and drive worth a shit.


Alcoholics cause a burden on the medical system yeah, but all alcohol drinkers cause a burden on the legal enforcement system

Responsible drinking is a myth

comparable =/= identical.
Someone smoking weed at a skilled job will be less productive than a sober one. The same comparison can be made with someone drinking alcohol on the job.
Depending on the quantities they may be less or more productive, but either way it will be less productive than a sober individual.

How does someone drinking a glass of wine with dinner, a beer in front of the TV, or a glass of scotch at home burden the legal enforcement system?
If anything, given the taxes levied on alcohol, it's supporting it.
People that break the law burden the legal enforcement system.

Alcohol leads to domestic disputes all the time, it makes people aggressive, domestic calls are the most dangerous calls for police and usually mean 4+ officers

when I was a stoner I had more motivation and was more interested in my hobbies. I was a lot more productive than I am now.

I had to stop smoking though because it gave me crippling anxiety.

Ready to make an entrance so back on up

t. self-hating poorfag

Cannabis is illegal because it cuts into the tobacco industry and makes you lazy.

>You can drink a case of beer on a Saturday and go to work the next Monday.
People are not sober as fast with marijuana

What in fuck. How much do you assume people smoke per session on average? I've never had a case where I'd wake up after 7-8 hours and still be high

>implying big tobacco companies haven't already purchased land to grow weed when it inevitably becomes legal
also if you really believe your claim then how do you explain E-cigs and vapefags?

I agree. Beatings should be legal as punishment again.

The tobacco industry is not as nearly as powerful as it was back then when they first banned marijuana, which probably would explain all those legalizations happening.

>makes you lazy
The big one. Plus mental dependency through association like where once you stop nothing seems as interesting or fun because you've normalized doing everything while high.

Wrong. Cannabis is illegal because the Nylon and Cotton industries purposefully suppressed hemp industry. Hemp was a competing rope product after all.

Strangely enough this is the real reason. I mean there's also the strange religious puritanism that the US has, I mean are you going to blame alcohol prohibition on the pharmaceutical industry too?

I mean, I wasn't implying that at all. I was just saying that we shouldn't be dropping down jailtime for productive people. If someone's smoking pot... let 'em. It's not the government's job to stop degeneracy.

But I suppose, yes, beatings can be used as an effective form of punishment for certain crimes.

>weed can cure PTSD
fuck you! I get panic attacks in 50% cases I smoke weed. What the fucking fuck this is an outright lie.

Can confirm.

Alcohol gets me buzzed, creative, lowered inhibitions, makes me feel like I own this world.

Weed makes me want to sit on a couch and be lazy.

your just a pussy

That's paranoia, not PTSD, moron.

Made me kek

I was lazy before I was a stoner. I was only a stoner for the first half of this year and I quit mid June. I never depended on it though. I quit for a month (all of March) to prove to a friend I wasn't addicted and felt fine being sober minus my natural laziness.

It really did make me more motivated and interested in stuff, but to be fair people like me are rare and exceptions.





Marijuana for me will indicate what kind of person I'm dealing with, based on experience. In my country it's exceptionally rare to see anyone under the age of 20 who doesn't smoke weed and I met many people. They all have more than the weed in common: they're lazy, they are really irresponsible, they always talk about doing things but never end up doing them and they can live in the mud and not seem to notice it.

I have tried so many times, but I really can't keep a proper friendship with someone who smokes weed frequently. The worst thing to come out of it is people who try to push it.

Obviously you can drink responsible.
Where I live, drinking is normal but there are a few people who don't drink. Let's overestimate that population to 5%.
95% of the population is not a burden on the legal system.
We have police patrolling the streets in the weekends all night because someone might need help but that is a minority of drunk people.
Most people just drink in their homes or at gatherings. People don't get drunk at those places.
Eg, it is customary to gather with your coworkers and have a beer each Friday. It does not mean everyone drives home drunk and beat their wives.
The health departments say it is fine as long as you drink less than 5 beers / day and most people drink less than that.
So yes, you can drink responsible. Otherwise the world would collapse since all are suddenly alcoholics.

Lets go with this, I have pain problems due to shit body, and short of killing myself, the issues will never go away, i would either be on a week's supply of vicodin for 400$ a bottle, or I would be on a several month supply of pot for the same price, both drugs would make me equally useless.

pot has been shown in studies to retard cancer growth and cause recidivism in very specific cancers.

most of the positives for cannabis are very minor, the pain killer relief isn't going to get rid of oxycontin, but it would get rid of vicodin for the most part, any kind of disease it helps, it's not out right curing, but it will help mitigate problems while being safe for 99.995% of people, where as the drugs they give you have very real side effects and cannot be taken long term without killing you.

I want recreational pot to be legal not because I want to get high, but that would drive the price down so far that I could afford it without even thinking about what I need to cut from my budget, whereas with vicodin/oxy I have to decide what days I don't eat.

>10000 years of European tradition
>adopted every spice and drug from asia
>for some reason weed was not adopted
>after WW2
>suddenly everyone wants to smoke weed


and yet I know several multimillionairs who are pot heads with long careers.

people who use it recreationally, I think south park said it best, it makes you ok with being board.

basically it lets you accept you lot in life, because let's be honest, I want to be a multi millionaire myself, shit will never happen, I want to afford whatever I want without needing to worry about bills, another thing that's never going to happen every want I have in life is around 20000-30000$ with around 2000$ every 5 or so years in upkeep and possibly 500$ yearly upkeep for the little things.

my body shit out on me and I can never imagine having everything I want, pot would make me more comfortable in multiple ways both in dealing with pain and numbing my mind to the point Im happy.

no, it doesn't make people more aggressive, it lower inhibitions. if the person who normally puts up with a nagging wife/gf would grin and bear it drinks alcohol that grin and bare it attitude kind of goes away.

Note im not talking about people who drink themselves fucking retarded on the daily,

Gee, I wonder if this person ever tried it

you don't live in a city where you are forced against these people, but point still valid, with the internet we really should be able to work more remotely than we currently do.

>marijuana treats cancer, ptsd, seizures, anxiety & glaucoma
It has not been shown to treat cancer, period.

It doesn't treat PTSD, but it has been shown to calm patients down when they have panic attacks.

Seizures is not an illness in itself, but rather a symptom of something. It has been researched for use to dampen tremors caused by Parkinsons, but there are other more efficient drugs that do this. It have been anecdotally shown to reduce seizures in cases of severe epilepsy, but has shown little effect in clinical trials.

It doesn't cure anxiety. While it certainly can calm people experiencing panic attacks down, long term use of marijuana has also been correlated with increased paranoia and anxiety.

It doesn't treat glaucoma. Initial studies showing that it decreased pressure in the eyes have been debunked and its use for such is discouraged, and it is curently only used as a painkiller for glaucoma patients.

>all alcohol drinkers cause a burden on the legal enforcement system
>Alcohol leads to domestic disputes all the time, it makes people aggressive, domestic calls are the most dangerous calls for police and usually mean 4+ officers

Are you seriously trying to argue that everyone that ever drinks alcohol causes domestic disputes?

medical, real education, and social security should all be a thing, and have no caps on their tax.

reason being,

1) medical the current system is fucking retarded. I have to go through private insurance to get government assistance, so the government pays a middle man instead of doctors directly, increasing waste. unless you are ok with just letting people die, the cost to treat people who go to emergency rooms, a place they can't turn you down, costs FAR more than preventative care. and with it being tax, you ultimately pay less for the same coverage... but this retarded insurance company shit is a ponzi scheme at best and should be dismantled and made illegal.

2) education, at least primary to secondary is necessary to give people a fucking chance, there is no reason not to make this free.
collage, we would only allow stem fields to be free, and the government decides what courses are required to get said degrees, all of which would be free. little brother is in college for stem, and has to take so many fucking social science classes trying to push feminism (an english paper he had to make was literally why the wage gap was real and how to fix it) and marxism. these should obviously not be free, and stem people who come in from out of country would either need to stay and work for x years to get free education, or pay like currently needed.

and social security

unless you are ok with just dying or never retiring, this is needed, its a program that if government cut funding to day and did not dip into at all for wars and shit (we don't know) its fully funded to the 2030's. un capping how much you pay into it would make it more fair to everyone, while also significantly increasing how much is brought in.

>Believing the Government's lies

trust me, you still know they are a stoner if you interact with them on a personal level, pot is just able to be smoked/eaten and still allow you to be functional while alcohol has a very small window for where you are not drunk enough to feel it and to drunk to be functional.

>being a sheeple

There are several cancers where pot shrinks the cancerous tissue, not full cure, in humans, and in mice there are a few types where it was found to be a full cure.

granted last time I payed attention to any of that was pre states making it fully legal, but still.

>The discovery of fossils [...] only widens the holes in Evolutionary theories
lol wut, wouldn't it prove evolution rather? Especially a 71 million old fossil?

>This means the whole Earth was one land mass and broke up
Well, yeah. Continental drifting caused the supercontinent Pangea to break up. This is shown by fossils from that era found on all continents, as well as rock sediments and the direction of the tectonic plates.

depression is something mind altering substances help with

you are not a rare exception, the thing is what most people who are mildly depressed have other state forced options to take rather than a fairly safe pot.

ITT: druggies and underage children who don't know how the real world works.

I can't wait until you potheads get kicked out of your parents job and get shot doing petty theft to buy another bag a weed from jamal.

Comes from smoking marijuana, but plenty of people eat it instead.

The rest of the negative effects are true though.

>Well, yeah. Continental drifting caused the supercontinent Pangea to break up.

Checkmate Christians.

>hurr durr I really hate those fucking potheads, aka the only people dumb enough to reveal that they smoke weed
you people are awfully clueless

They smoke once in a while, they would not e famous if they were just sitting smoking their ass off

ITT: brainlets don't know what sativa is

I don't really have a problem with potheads, I think alcohol use is a lot worse than than marijuana so it would be inconsistent of me to condemn one thing and not the other.

I do think long-term use of marijuana is bad for you, in the same way long-term use of alcohol is bad. Also smoking it is bad, for the same reason smoking tobacco is bad. But if you limit yourself to once a while, like most people drink a glass of wine or whatever in the weekends, there is no problem.

My problem with potheads are mostly centred around their claims about marijuana and its supposedly miraculous effects. Don't claim that you smoke marijuana because it cures cancer, you clearly smoke it to get stoned.

> be me
> pouring wine for wife
> accidentally leak drop in my glass of water
> drink it
> go into inexplicably violent rage
> beat the living shit out of wife
> takes 6 men to restrain me
> alcohol made me do it :(

>I do think long-term use of marijuana is bad for you
Inhaling smoke from, say, a blunt is bad for your lungs and contains some carcinogens, but a bong hit contains no carcinogens and edibles don't irritate your lungs.

Mind altering substances (even mild ones, like marijuana) can exacerbate mental health issues. Aside from this, what issues could pop up from consistent marijuana use?

>successful people smoke or micro dose lsd

I'd believe that creative professionals like artists and writers benefit from weed, not so much others. Micro-dosing LSD, on the other hand, is a crazy productivity boost for many people.

Very few of those are problems if you don't smoke heavily as a teenager. Alcohol impairs your cognitive development harder if you tend to binge drink as a teenager. Schizophrenia is always a risk but that's more of a hidden variable, you may or not have the gene.
>I can't wait until you potheads get kicked out of your parents job and get shot doing petty theft to buy another bag a weed from jamal.
I have a job and I'm free to go for a smoke while on the clock, sucks to be you.

>be me project leader in the marketing department of a respected PR company
>vaporize weed every other day
>crushing my shit hard and making bank while doing it

U mad user?
Besides if I didn't bake I would probably lose my mind..

afaik you can't smoke lsd, also the tolerance builds up so fast it's hard to trip two days in a row. Microdosing it seems homeopathy tier desu

>Be an average pot user
>Be 180kg
>Smoke pot every day
>Get munchies and eat constantly
>Inform everyone I have to smoke pot to keep my diabetes under control
>I don't even like smoking but the medical profession wants me dead