>purposely nerfing your ability compared to what you'd get with Visual Studio and IntelliJ
Why? You can even set up your autistic bindings in VS. My boss requires people to use IDEs because they're simply more efficient for writing, debugging and testing code.
Purposely nerfing your ability compared to what you'd get with Visual Studio and IntelliJ
>using your text editor to debug
What's next, using it to read email?
How would your boss even know that? Does he code himself?
Your boss would nerf people who are more efficient on a setup that works for them? Sounds shitty
And to answer your question, vim isn't just keybindings. It's useful to me to never have to leave the command line, and many of the plugins I use don't have an equivalent in IDE vim implementations.
how else would you use debugger?
command line
or use e.g. conque-gdb to debug in vim
>being this inefficient
why would I ever do that to myself?
>ssh into server
>sudo ./system32/vscode.sh
no surprising widf has no idea about bloat
>actually wanting to be productive
you are either pretending to be retarded or unironically a poo poo
>not using the most efficient and intuitive keybindings for your file picker, browser, music player, e-mail client or even window manager
Stop shilling Vim, Luke
>never even tried Vim
>compares it to
>says Vim is shit
>comparing a Linux text editor to a windows IDE
I use Vim for quick stuff but honestly Visual Studio Code (FOSS) is really fucking good. I have to give it to Microsoft in this one.
>using it to read email
This is what nanofags seem to forget. Their "Text Editor" is an email client.
Emacs would like to have a word with you.
Because i prefer the unix philosophy and what it entails.
Being able to "compartmentalise" each part of my development environment makes things neater in my mind.
It's mostly a matter of preference user.
I use vim. I can't imagine debugging without mouse with buggy gdb interface.
use lldb or any of the myriad of frontends for gdb if you are a fag that cant use the TUI or cli.
I need to be able to quickly edit large files on many different remote servers. vim comes on most servers and its default behavior is better than emacs. Your argument is stronger against people who rice emacs instead of a full IDE. I guess emacs is still probably faster though. A lot of us have junk PCs.
I can write, compile, push, and debug , C++,Java and scripts on vim much more simpler and faster than in any shitty IDE. Shit like eclipse and VS its bloated and slow af, do you call that efficient?, I can download and config vim in 10 minutes, fucking VS takes even hours to install.
you dont even need vim on the remote server, if you have ssh access you can use scp with vim
vim scp://user:password@host:file_to_edit
i may have (probably did) fk up the syntax/url scheme... i always mess it up
is this faster or slower
I can use cli. But GDB's tui is a fucking buggy piece of crap.
* Vim will be running locally, so if the remote server is slower than the client, vim itself is faster
* otoh, the file is transfered (from/to the server) on each read/write, so if your internet connection is slow and the file is big, or you read/write too frequently, may be slower than running vim remotely
>my boss requires us to use an IDE
does he make you wear a leash and a muzzle when he fucks you in the ass too? good bait thread
>key binds are the same as the language vim has
you've never used vim
1) you can add features to vim via plugins if that's what you're into (I prefer to keep it pure)
2) emacs with evil mode is basically as good as an IDE gets
I believe emacs supports remote edits also
I believe so too, based on emacs users' comments, but i dont use so im not sure nor care
if vim didnt exist though, id choose emacs over any other editor anytime!
s/dont use so/dont use it so/
>My boss requires
wow, how does it feel to be a slave? do you want freedom or do you enjoy your sad existence as a subhuman slave?