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*Lennart Poettering has marked this not-a-bug
*Lennart Poettering has closed this


fake news. This never happens since every distro provides a default DNS configuration.

Switch to Gentoo so you can use OpenRC it's fantastic.

I'm a linux noob, I used Devuan for a bit and had terrible issues with the sound. Is PulseAudio part of systemd? I don't actually know what systemd is, like is it the same as a kernel or is it something else? Again total noob, so would be interesting to find out.

Macbook doesn't have this problem

What does an init system have anything to do with DNS

what's the problem? do you want ISP DNS or something? if you know DNS and you don't like Google DNS you probably can change the default settings yourself easily

to start certain services after you have internet access.

Pulseaudio isn't a part of systemd but they are both made by the same guy, Lennart "not a bug" Poettering. systemd is an init system, service manager, and other low level stuff. Basically init is what initializes essential software during boot like your network manger, firewall, desktop manager, and other stuff as well as mounts disks. A service manager is a piece of software like OpenRC which manages services by telling you if they are running, and letting you start, stop and restart them. Systemd does all of that and provides daemons for other stuff like setting the hostname, dns, network management, managing logins and a whole host of other crap. Basically systemd absorbs way too much functionality and does it badly in a lot of cases.

Nothing, but Poettering thinks everything should be bundled together.

Wouldn't you if you were in charge of the bundle?
I don't blame the man. I blame the users.

Even if you set other dns, having dns servers hard coded in a resolver is a terrible idea.

What do you think about DNS discovery as an alternative? If not that what should the default be?

DNSCrypt obviously didn't resolve properly on a few days before it got rekt


No. That's a very Windows mentality. Part of the reason (GNU/)Linux became so good is because distros took individual tools, each one made by developers passionate about having their tool do what it does well and bundles that into a collection of great software making a fantastic OS. We don't need all these tools to come from one place to work together because we already have universal interfaces like unix sockets and virtual devices like /dev/log.

But that's not a dns server you can connect to.

All these tools agreed on an interface.
Everything was bundled together and shipped together, you are misremembering if you think he is doing something weird here.

Yes they agreed on interfaces, but they all came from different places. Please read the cathedral and the bazaar.

> Using Pulseaudio in 2017

systemd-resolved is disabled by default.
Most people will be using NetworkManager.service

Also when no configuration is available it creates a resolv.conf with in it, not google addresses.

What part are you talking about?
gnu coreutils? unix coreutils?
BSD still just gives you an SVN tree and then you build stuff.

Also the reason Lennart is adding more functionality to systemd is because the alternatives are in maintenance mode, need desperately to be modernized, and starting over is just easier.

I'm talking about things like rsyslog, bind, grub, lilo, dcron, fcron, syslog-ng, wicd, and so on. Programs developed by developers scratching their own itch and creating fantastic little programs that can work together.

That's okay, but does everything have to be google nowadays? Why not opendns? Why not cisco or yandex?

inb4 alzheimers, if you hardcode it in you can take one that is hard to remember, don't argue that you cannot remember other IPs

How do you resolve an external DNS server on movie streaming site? is a local address pointing towards resolved. It adds it to resolv.conf to make applications use it for dns, which also happens to break dnssec.

>How do you resolve an external DNS server on movie streaming site?
What? I don't get your question.
Fact is, that I used back then and it did not resolve background javascript from correctly. Switching to opendns resolved that issue and the site worked again. That's all I know.

Stop making shit up. The alternatives are not "on maintenance mode" and "modernized" is just some bullshit buzzword. For example, some alternatives to journald like rsyslog and syslog-ng have commits that happened just 4 and 6 hours ago respectively. An alternative to resolved, dnsmasq had a commit just 20 hours ago. Network Manager, an alternative to networkd had a commit just 18 minutes ago.

how come Debian, Arch, and Fedora are all on systemD? Are you saying all those devs are morons who don't know how bad sysD is?

They work together, but it isn't the same interface.
Systemd usually gets shit for implementing coreutils with dbus interfaces instead of using the existing which were more like a text filter.

>all those devs are morons
Most programmers don't have a phd or even a msc.
But that is not why they use systemd.
Systemd have a lot of technical features good for most users so it is a decent default.
People who dislike systemd are more vocal than the majority who think it is an improvement.

>still crying for a supposed bug that needs at least 4 conditions rarely met to happen
>choice shitty distros that dont make sensible defaults

actual gentoo noob here, what do I use instead of PulseAudio?

For Debian, there was a vote between systemd and OpenRC, which was slightly over 50% for systemd. Fedora uses it because Red Hat. Arch uses it because it's easier for the lazy maintainers. Most other distros use it because they're based on one of these three or because they see the big distros use it. Now imagine how many distros would have systemd if Debian would've adopted OpenRC as its default.

PCLinuxOS no systemD

ALSA. But thats retarded.
Jack, but thats mowing your lawn with MOABs.

>using the 80's audio solution know as ALSA

>not realizing PulseAudio is literally just a layer on top of ALSA

They generally do work together on text interfaces because that's how a unix operating system is supposed to work. Also systemd does not implement coreutils, coreutils in BSD and GNU are things like ls, mkdir, cat and other various little utilities like that, which can be used together because they use the common human readable text interface.

Arch switched because those devs are lazy and pretty bad, basically they didn't want to maintain init scripts anymore and they didn't bother looking for anything else. Fedora switched because systemd is made by red hat and fedora is their testing ground for shit they plan on putting in RHEL. Debian switched because after a long debate and the mysterious death of Ian Murdock, the creator of Debian, a general resolution decided that they didn't need a general resolution to decide on an init system, so the red hat funding members on the tech committee were able to push systemd into Debian.

use windows, macos, or bsd

linux is trash and can only get worse

>Linux is good
(citation needed)

I just use plain alsa. The config file format for alsa is pretty simple, for example mine looks something like this:
defaults.pcm.!card CARDNAME
defaults.pcm.!device 0
defaults.pcm.!ctl CARDNAME
defaults.pcm.rate_converter "speexrate_best"
defaults.pcm.dmix.rate 48000

Just replace card name with the name of your audio card (find that by running ls /proc/asound or using alsamixer) and save that file as .asoundrc in your home directory. Make sure you have alsa-plugins with the speex use flag installed for high quality resampling and enable alsa by running rc-update add alsasound.

As said, pulse is just a layer on top of alsa since all the drivers are written for alsa. Realistically the features of pulse should have been implemented in alsa's dmix and might have been if it weren't for poettering.

That's what you get for using resolvers that don't give a fuck about DNSSEC validation, including most ISP servers and replacement recommendations except Google DNS.
It really helps getting incompetent domain owners to implement signatures correctly if a popular resolver only returns DNS errors in response to validation errors.

PulseAudio can also act as a layer on top of OSS, JACK, CoreAudio, WASAPI etc. For example, I'm regularly using a combination X11/Pulseaudio server on my Android tablet that has clients running over on my home server. Yay networking.

Why are you in a thread about a Linux init system if you don't like Linux?

I like laughing at the trainwreck that is Loonix

I'm not making shit up, you are just using extreme cherry picking.

systemd-nspawn is far more modern than chroot, also systemd.mount is exponentially better than fstab which doesn't handle mounting sanely in any way.

Also the networking portion of systemd is disabled by default, they don't just turn half assed replacements on and force you to use them lmao.

systemd-nspawn and chroot are two different things, systemd-nspawn creates containers, chroot just switches your root directory (hence the name change root). Also fstab is perfectly sane for mounting things.

>trying to reason with tripfag
he is cancer and always wrong

>replying to tripfags
>not filtering tripfags the moment they are spotted

It's like you WANT to talk to redditors.

I just wish he would be banned already.

Don't we all? I wish Hiroshima would start doing stuff to help this website. So far it's got to have been a year and all he's done is add a fade in on hover-over images. I was hoping Hiroshima might actually be a good thing for us.
Enabling V9 and making HTTPS default are both obvious changes.

Oh okay I understand now, what you should’ve said was “ did not resolve properly”

I thought you were saying on, you couldn’t resolve Misunderstanding

ayy lmao


So what, everything uses google DNS, your ISP probably forwards queries to google dns anyway

Because its not a bug


>tfw Sup Forums defends systemd now
what happened, someone cut off your balls or something?

Anyone else install systemd on Gentoo? I like my software to just work.

>just work
Nice meme.

Not an argument

Devuan does a worse job on systemd compatibility than Gentoo does. I don't think they have networkmanager working yet.

I have PulseAudio and NetworkManager working on my gentoo. I also use JACK for guitar, but it's annoying to use.

Why would you use something instead of PulseAudio?

The alternatives are dmix (part of ALSA) and JACK. PulseAudio is basically dmix with each stream having adjustable volume and better software support, since PulseAudio can act as a virtual ALSA device. JACK is for pro audio recording and nothing else.

You're way of thinking is trash too

Microsoft Windows doesn't have this problem

they have other major problems

Do you have any advice on how setting up PulseAudio works? I've tried the Arch wiki, but I always end up fucking something up, and usually just stick with ALSA.
Am brainlet

Still doesn't have this problem.

i want to know what kibo thinks about systemd

>linux has been ruined by systemd
>windows is even worse, both adware and spyware at this point
>there a backdoors in every modern processor
>a majority of internet traffic is from walled garden botnet phones, at this point you can't even replace their batteries
where did it go so wrong Sup Forums?

>using linux instead of freebsd

Poettering is without a doubt on an american government agencies payroll via the german government.

>linux ruined by systemd
I don't think it's been 100% ruined. Functionally, everything from a normie Desktop use perspective is the same, and most people probably have no idea what an init system even means. That said, I agree with the criticisms people have about systemd, and do want to move to a non-systemd OS at some point.
>windows spyware
Absolutely yes
>backdoors in modern processors.
If you have a lot of money, maybe check out TALOS II. It's a desktop workstation based on OpenPOWER. We can also hope for the best when it comes to RISC-V.
>botnet phones
Yeah that sucks. Librem 5 looks nice from a non-botnet perspective, but the lack of repairability is something that will likely persist for a long time.

It's literally just pacman -S pulse
That's fucking it

He want's to configure pulse audio not just install it, you retard.

>Debian is mainly at fault for letting fast paced, bloated, Windows-like code into a large majority of the GNU/Linux userland
good to know

Yeah I did that, and then couldn't hear shit, and started troubleshooting and ended up fucking around with sinks and all kinds of weird settings that didn't make any goddamned sense. I gave up when I started seeing actual typos in the command outputs I was getting with whatever tool I was using to set this thing up.
This was a while ago though (i'd say half a year to a year ago), so maybe it works better these days, or maybe I'm just really retarded (not likely, as this was literally the only thing I've had issues with).

>I wish Hiroshima would start doing stuff to help this website
given his track record you probably don't

It's configured by default
Use pavucontrol and choose the right output. If it works in ALSA it works in Pulse

wasn't the sole reason for that distro to come into existence the opposition of systemd?
I thought Devuan was a sysd-free fork of Debian?

>muh sysvinit
>muh minimalism

Yes. I think the guy you're replying to meant systemd-free compatibility not systemd compatibility. I tried devuan, but it still pulls in systemd libraries, and still uses systemd-udevd instead of eudev. Right now if you want all the systemd stuff of your system Gentoo is one of the best ways to do it.

Not everyone who's against systemd is obsessed with using sysvinit. I use OpenRC, some people really like runit and s6 and there are many other options:

I think I may end up doing that. I'm usually good when it comes to terminal-based tools, but for this pulse stuff I think I need to stick to clicky-buttons

Yeah that's the thing. There's actually a lot of other inits out there. I personally am kinda intrigued by Shepherd, as it's made by GNU and seems fairly minimal as well.

>muh minimalism
>not busybox

Doesn't busybox use the dash shell? afaik that doesn't even have tab completion.

>fast moving, corporate sponsored party, suddenly rewriting major previously independent parts of the OS into one spaghetti ball with meme level vuln surface

Literally, the dictionary definition of systematic destabilization

>tab completion
useless bloat git gud

Yes it does. Why would the hardware, on which you run a systemd enabled Linux distro, change how systemd-resolvd functions? That makes no sense. Even on a MacBook, it's hard coded into the service.

You're overthinking a shitpost that was talking about macOS
Take it easy

>mysterious death of Ian Murdock


who is designed to be wrapped against sysvinit (or runit)

gpl made this inevitable