What do you guys think
What do you guys think
Go away, marketing idiots
quite epic...
its true and anyone that disagrees is a pajeet poorfag
3, 2, 1....
Both are trash
lmaoo xD
Apple products are real “good” for you, if you’re not a tech savvy person. I’m enough computer literate to run Ubuntu on my computer and I’m happy with it.
>nothing but fruit
>hurr its gud 4 me #balanceddiet
Macfags can't even meme properly.
>skyrim runs at 8 fps
>i love skyrim
* Laptop - MacBook Pro
* Workstation - Linux (Elementary)
* Server - Linux (debian)
* Windows - Not even once
Right tool for the right job user.
Perfect if you don't play Videogames...
Why is this guy trying to compare macs to old win xp dell pcs?
I play city skylines on Linux.
Debian Sid
Debian Sid
Debian Stretch
PS3 with modified FreeBSD
>imagine being so tech illiterate you can't even use a pc so you buy an overpriced dumbed down trendy meme computer and claim it's better
mactoddlers are an embarrassment to our species
>Imagine being at compurters
Is this loss?
No, no, no. This comic has it all wrong.
Let's try this again.
No, this is gain
Inflation, specifically
That explains the Napoleon complex.
how to play skrim in linux?
use Wine
Get a VM so you can run mods on it. Actually, switch to windows, since no PC on the market can handle linux gaming without problems.
>Nintendo 3-DS
>Likes: Eating, Sleeping
>Power Chords
every fucking time
dozen werk
cant even play the cinematic
Dobson is the living image of an leftist man child artist with zero sense of the real world. I really don't know many more pathetic human beings as him.
>draws shit art with shit jokes
>constantly makes SJW comments
>lives with his parents
>he makes like $5 a month from his art on Patreon
>loves Nintendo and unironically has said he wishes to be a kid again
>hates on things he used to love to fulfill the SJW agenda
>Literally got BTFO by Gamergate tranny
>ugly bald manlet
>zero future ambitions or plans
just say I need 2 pc... one for gaming and one for geek stuff
Also forgot
>used to draw inflation fetish art
>he's only moderately successful work is him telling his life experiences which are super pathetic and thus somewhat entertaining
>applefag fursona
The day of the rope can't come too soon.
You can easily dual boot on one PC.
So fat you look and see food.
I thought I'll see a
>Debian Sid
line for a second here.
so much space needed in hard disk
20gb for windows and skyrim. if you can't afford that, then you shouldn't be playing skyrim on your insultingly bad rig.
>he doesn't have two harddrives
>inb4 laptop
>his laptop doesn't have space for two harddrives
Wow, it's ANOTHER Apple vs the world thread.
Amazing. Keep 'em coming.
plus 2Gb for bonzibuddy
yeaa... a laptop, with intel celeron processor
>can't even play his flavour of the month hipster games
I almost feel sorry for him.
Both are on the same level.
buying a overrated pc with preinstalled and moreso locked unix makes you better
same way that buying a samsung s8 clone called iphone x makes you a better tech enthusiast
Does it have a disc drive?
That cow can't stop produce lulz.
yes...but I think have to choose 1 OS only
Swap out the disc drive for a hard drive caddy
You can install a second hard drive there
doest fit
I don't
>act like a macfag
>literally can't play games that work just great on a 100 dollar thinkpad because "pc sux xddddddddddddddddddddddd"
I-it just werks user xDDD
24k gold
Everuthing is perfect in that image
>numale furfag hipster manlet applefag
The guy just collects em huh?
168cm lol woman tier
Did he delete his skyrim videos?
Sexy AF
i got 2 fans
My Sides. Kek.
Is your disc drive slot loading or tray?
fucking manlets
when will they learn?
Poor people can be good people too. Money requires luck and hard work
>Hating mayo
what a faggot he draws himself as a cartoon
_| --
>Took 8 posts
> PC looser fat nerd draw shitty cartoon as job.
> Mac fit smart guy had career and make good money.
didnt he do a skyrim livestream which was 800x600 with 20 fps all the time?
they stopped making powerpc-based macs in mid-2006
he's just trying to run a powerpc version of the game for some reason
>likes: nintendo, cartoons, eating, sleeping
Guy's pretty much an 8 year old.
I can't get past the retarded American neo-male facial expressions
Or he bought a 2 year old Mac running a dead architecture.
>unironic t-shirt
Don't forget his inflation art
tfw you play that in 2560x1080 in perfect 60FPS with countless of 4K mods installed
>These drawings
"Your settings for faggotry and narcissism has been updated".
That picture just shows how much of a faggot some people are
So if Windows is unhealthy Fast Food and Mac is healthy fruits
What is GNU/Linux™ then?
No shit Sherlock
instead of buying a second hard drive you recommend building a second computer?
I thought I saw something like this! I couldn't find it though so I made my own OC
A proper home-cooked meal.
That this dude is a moron and inflation fetishist faggot and all of his comics and opinions can safely be discarded as the trash they are.
Off brand market stuff?
Gentoo would be puddle water
Buying from the grocery store and using free recipes to cook.
Imagine being so much of a cuckold you draw a female and feel the pavlovian conditioning to draw a nigger near her.
yea, it was painful to watch
>arm hair
Is there male that doesn't have visible arm hair?
Why is this notable?