I forget how comfy mouse is compared to touchpad on a laptop. What do you prefer more Sup Forums?
I forget how comfy mouse is compared to touchpad on a laptop. What do you prefer more Sup Forums?
Mouse is maximum comfy.
Trackpad is for subhuman troglodytes.
mouse. more responsive
c l i t
m o u s e
nipple mouse
clit or trackballs for me
All of my computing is on various ThinkPads so, I haven't been at a desktop for a very long time but its probably nice. W530 at the moment.
touchpad because I can't have a mouse on my lap on with an 11 inch laptop.
Are ball mouses superior?
just use kb senpai, and tp for scrolling websites
TrackPoint when I'm typing.
Touchpad when I'm reading something lengthy and only have to scroll.
Mouse for everything else.
Mouse for work at home, Track Pad for quick stuff.
I have three thinkpads and I have never used the clit in my life.
Touch input > pen input > optical mouse > clit > ball mouse > a pile of dog turds > trackpad
This clit is only really good for gayming, if you want any productivity yoou have to get a mouse.
Sure the clit excels at FPS shooters, or RTS where it feels right at home. As a desktop pointing device, it falls short.
Mouse is far better.
Also touchpad tapping is for faggots.
TrackPoint master race
Vim bindings for everything. What the hell is a mouse?
this :DDDD
Mouse + trackpoint.