China has successfully emancipated itself from Digital Colonialism

Are you digitally colonised?

Do you support digital self-determination or are you a shill for Western tech botnet monopolies?

Long live Xi Jinping, our savior.

China did nothing wrong

>implying those aren't botnet either

How many times you gonna spam this thread senpai?

Rather Chinese botnet than Western botnet

being this stupid.

I've seen it like 6 times in the last week.

>not using a RU stack.

so chinese people are using linux or bsd or something?

>are you a shill for Western tech botnet monopolies?
Looks like you're a shill for the Chinese botnet government-owned monopolies.

I support self-determination. Which is why I use Qwant instead of Google, and open source software (for the most part).
Unfortunately, until a good non-android smartphone is made I'm still stuck with Google's garbage. I had hopes for Librem 5 but it won't as powerful as I'd like it.


Straight up jealous of China and my country not learning from them. Everyone just mindlessly sucks American tech company dick like clockwork and use it simply because it's American and popular

China is shit and always will be. Their internet blows, it feels 10 years behind the West. Hope you get a kick out of shilling for them and posting this thread over and over.

all hail our future robot overlords


Visit Shanghai Disneyland, chinks haven't changed a bit.

If you're asking me if I use chinese services, I don't, except for my VPN. But I don't use Google or Facebook. I do use Amazon, though.

Western botnet is full on kikery. Therefore, chink botnet is incomparably better

>It took the person getting hit a second time for someone to go over there
That's pretty fucked up.

Admittedly, it looks like they just stood there.

That is because you're on the hook for their medical bills in China if you help them. Pray you never visit there alone and get injured and need emergency care.

That sounds like a myth. Why would this be the case?

Because the hospitals will ask you when you bring them in to start paying the medical bills. If you don't then they are likely to send the patient home if they are awake enough to be told to leave. It's cheaper to kill the person than it is to save them.Their medical system is more fucked than America. At least here you can't be denied emergency help.

It's actually how the chinese system for accidents and personal injury works.
For one they have no "good samaritan" laws to protect the helpers, so if you for example try to give someone CPR but they die anyways, you're on the hook for not providing "good enough" help, and also they can get you on the hook for "not having a medical license" and thus you "caused more harm than help".

China also have this insane thing where if you hurt someone, you're obliged to pay not only their medical bills but pay them money for the rest of their life if they end up unable to work, walk, etc.
Additionally if you kill someone, you're obliged to pay the family money every month for the "loss" of a family member as some kind of restitution for money said family member "might have brought into the family in the future".

Long story short, China's laws are fucked beyond belief, which is the reason you see shit like this.
People don't want to help because there's a 99% chance the family will legally attack THEM instead of the person who ran them over or whatever.
People who run people over with cars, etc, don't stop because if they do there's a 100% chance they'll be on the hook for life payments, if they just keep driving there's at least a 50/50 chance that no one saw their license plate numbers and thus they won't be found out and not punished or forced to pay.

It's only like 50k if you kill them. It cost way more to not hit to kill with your car in China.

lol at amerifaggots crying over this
us tech companies like facebook and google are insidious intelligence collection frameworks that have been doing cia/nsa tier shit for years. china is not stupid. they are fighting it and locked those botnets out of their country and will now start proliferting them in the west through their chinese immigrant communities which will mean westerners interacting with them will start installing these apps on their phone and getting tapped

the us china cyberwar been going on for a decade at least this is just one of the more publicly visible aspects of it

> only like 50k

For your ordinary chinaman salary, that's at least a good 10+ years worth of payments.

no one cares. enjoy your glorified intranet and 1984 society.

>no one cares
You obviously do.

>enjoy your glorified intranet and 1984 society.

Nice projecting, normie.

That is way better than the amount you'd pay for your entire lifetime if they survived.

That sounds very stupid indeed. More fucked than America is an achievement of sorts - even America will only happen if the powerful do not have to worry.

That too is insane. I get the basic idea bout having to pay when you hurt someone, but how the fuck can that ever be the random person who dragged you off a street with traffic and brought you to a hospital...?

There have to be some seriously retarded judges to get to that point.

Welcome to countries that have no "Good Samaritan" laws.
The family can sue you for anything they can come up with, and it's your responsibility to prove that you did in fact not kill/injure the person you were trying to help during the acts of trying to help them.
And they most definitely will because more money, and in most cases there's no way of locating the original assailant (driver, etc), so you end up being the scapegoat for a distraught family with nothing but ¥¥¥ for eyes.
