My brother is building a new PC. He bought all the parts but forgot to buy windows...

My brother is building a new PC. He bought all the parts but forgot to buy windows. Is there any way to get it off of his old PC?


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Put in the harddrive of the old PC?
Copy the content of the old harddrive to the new harddrive?
Are you stupid?

Yea it is super easy.

Just use the windows right behind the PC.

Just install windows 10 and never pay for it. You can live with the watermark.

Windows 10 is free. You don't have to activate it ever, the only downside is you won't be able to change color schemes in Settings. You can get it by downloading ISO from Microsofts website.

that almost never works, windows doesn't like to be transferred between chipsets it authorizes too

Wrong. Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 won't care.


Don't call the man stupid, when you yourself don't understand how drivers work.

...or just use KMS, after you legally downloaded it for free.

Ok, i shall call you stupid instead.

It will automatically install generic drivers when you copy an old install into a totally different machine.
Latter you can download your own drivers or let Windows update do it.

This is not a problem with any recent Windows release anymore. You're probably thinking of XP.

Well, you know...use a free operating system instead.

Pretty sure he will want to play games on it and not just fix broken packages and shitpost.

When was the last time you've used Linux? 1998?

buy business windows key on ebay for 15$

...or you know, flip through pictures of people selling their computers/laptops and try to spot a key.
Also Windows 7, 8 keys still work for 10.

all valid options to do it for free

Can't you find the activation key of the old one? You could also grab a cheap key online for Windows 7™. Anyway you can upgrade to Windows 10™ using the Microsoft™ accessibility Windows 10 Upgrade Program™ from any version from Windows 7™ and up.

pirate windows 7 on one of the ssds so you have a fresh boot on it. then transfer/re-download shit that he wants in the rest of storage.

are you sure he used a legit windows licence in the fist place

took me 5 seconds

>Raid 0
>he only has two SSD drives
ye ok kid, call me when you have a decent setup

install gentoo

>call me
Nigga pls.

Just torrent it you stupid fucking cunt.

If you've still got the old PC, sign in using a MS account. It should tie the key to that profile, then sign in with that profile on the new computer.

Or pirate Win8, get free upgrade to legit Win10.

But the Windows is clearly there behind the pc parts.

>buying windows
>giving microshit any money ever

Why not BPX / 960?

>wd black
I would've pick WD Gold or 2x Firecuda instead, probably the second one as I can see benefit from my usage, tiny but probably more than WD Black (compared to ordinary Seagate/WD Blue).


give it back jamal

Windows 8/10 handle it just fine. I've done this a dozen times now.

If you're using something older the Garbage 10, you can use magic jelly bean to pull the license key off the old computer. If you don't know what that is, google it.

Are YOU stupid? gtfo retard.

Linux has been easy to use for about 10 years now.


if it's the full product version or upgrade version, yes. OEM no (it's tied to the old PC)

you can just install from any windows DVD (but it has to be the right type, OEM, upgrade, or full product). then enter the product key.

to retrieve the product key from the old hard drive, copy this file
you could retrieve it from a linux live USB stick for instance.
then on a working system with windows, run produkey (from nirsoft) and pick load file from external registry hive. load the file you saved from above, and you should see the 25-digit product key.

you can buy legit coppies of windows off kingquin for about 23$ if you want windows and have a pendrive or just use your old hhd aslong as its win8/10 it wont give a flying fuck about your hardware and will grab drivers asson as you give it internet

""""forgot"""" to buy windows

such a nice guy op posting for his """"brother""""

>he doesn't know about kmspico

Yeah, do it like this:

Buy a Win 7 key for like 9-20 dollars on amazon or take one off an old laptop, can be used, doesn't matter and install win 7.

Go here, do this.

Enjoy free or very cheap W10.

Also it isn't taking advantage because most of Sup Forums has autism so you qualify as disabled.

idk what you guys are talking about but my key stopped working when I changed my mobo on Windows 10.
It was fine though, called up Microsoft, got some Indian dude, and he gave me a new key.

>pirated windows 7 one thousand years ago.
>been using same disk for ages.
>upgrade free to 10 using that method
>get new computer, call microsoft support tell them i own 10 but need a usb version
> gives me link and associates it with my microsoft account so ill always have it to load on any usb

Try that with different CPU manufacturers

Yup, on the other computer, you can see your Windows key, so find that, take a photo or write it or whatever, then go to microsoft's website and download the iso with the tool and install it on the new pc with a usb.

>buying windows
people do this?

install gentoo

>your OS is permanently linked to an online account full of your personal information

Jesus you guys are stupid, install windows 7 and use windows loader 2.2.2 by daz, then download windows 10 upgrader and upgrade to win 10 from there, worked for me fine, it sees the win 7 install as legit and then installs win 10

Just install linux

I got legit windows through Kinguin for $30, didn't have to wait for shipping or anything, took all of 10 minutes to get a working key from them.

I think it was worth doing, its the first version of any OS i've ever paid money for and I've had zero problems with it in terms of legitimacy and authorization.

No OP, it's tied to the motherboard as far as I know.

His old windows key will work to install 10 and activate.

It's times like this I wish I was still a household name

because fucking nobody knows who you are in the real world?
nobody here gives a shit either

This but run sysprep oobe forst to strip all the drivers

Reddit Microsoft swap. Use a reputable seller.

>My brother is building a new PC. He bought all the parts but forgot to buy windows

Sounds like your brother knew exactly what the fuck he was doing

you probably shouldn't use magnetic tipped screwdrivers on your mobo, just saying

I'm stupid, what does that mean?

>32GB overpriced as fuck ram
>inexplicably shit CPU cooler
>3x SSD
>gaymur case

Just go fucking buy windows you cheap fuck.

You can torrent windows from the pirate bay and install it from a live USB very easily

someone on Sup Forums asked for my autorgaph once like 7 years ago

highlight of my life

Most programs actually check both the motherboard and hard drive, if both are different, it invalidates the key.

For the interested readers windows basically has a "points" system

motherboard change is a lot of points, HDD change is fewer, etc.

Accumulate enough "points" and it'll ask you to reactivate

Motherboard change is usually an instant reactivate though

Buddy i switched from a fucking athlon x2 to ryzen, it works unless you're retarded

Here is a link for a free copy of're welcome.

That upgrade also works with Windows loader by Daz, which is free.


>Get DOS
>Upgrade to 95
>Upgrade to 98
>Upgrade to Vista
>Upgrade to 7
>Upgrade to 10

Install gentoo

I literally took my harddrive out of a Toshiba and into a HP tablet
Nothing changed
Swapped main drives between thinkpads too
Just werks


Go into the registry to find the key he used. Torrent uncracked windows with same version, install offline and use old key. Problem?

key management server

>Torrent uncracked windows with same version
why tho, the .iso files can be dowloaded from the MS website

Problem is that once he goes online windows will know that the key has been used. I'm pretty sure he didnt use a MAK key for his last install, retard