I saved this pic on Friday May 21, 2010.
What does the 2017 version look like?
inb4 gentoo
I saved this pic on Friday May 21, 2010.
What does the 2017 version look like?
inb4 gentoo
Other urls found in this thread:
opera is dead, idk iron
probably hexchat
utorrent is botnet now, qbit or picotorrent
openwrt should be added
mpv or mpc-hc (dead development though). vlc is a joke.
>codec pack
>text editor
sublime or vscode
should install gentoo anyway though, windows is trash
I'm wondering about System Maintenance. I've been using CCleaner but I only use the file cleaner tab, not the Registry cleaner nor the tools plus you have to toggle 3+ switches or it runs several background processes. Is there a lightweight program that does the cleaning job properly and only the cleaning job. CCleaner feels like it transformed into Vuze.
Windows since vista defragments on a schedule
Unless you disable this.
>iso mounting
You no longer need third party software for that
>desktop rice
Just don't.
>vlc is a joke
why? It plays everything you throw at it and does it rather well. The only truly annoyig thing about it is that I can't pause a video by a mouse click.
lower quality algorithms, no support for shaders, sometimes try to reinvent the wheel instead of just using ffmpeg, which results in some fun results (the infamous seek glitch, for example).
>it plays everything
as every player should? that's a kinda low bar you've set. it's like saying i like windows stock image viewer because it shows everything i open.
Win apps in general have improved
Use baka player
don't know everything on there, but here's the few I do know
codec packs aren't needed anymore (most of what you need is already built-in VLC and mpc-hc). if you have a really exotic encoded file, you can always download the codec individually.
openoffice died with sun. libreoffice
I'm surprised PDF XChange Viewer isn't mentioned. it was good back then, still is good now. on the other hand Foxit has become bloated.
disc authoring I'd add CDBurnerXP. it's pretty good, but requires .net 2
virtual machines I'd add Microsoft Virtual PC. it's good for Windows guests.
the stuff about turning off services is really advanced. I'd been doing it since windows 2000, but wouldn't recommend it for the average user (although it's more needed than ever since windows Vista). simpler to use would be something like autoruns from sysinternals.
anime fans on here are maniacs about quality, which VLC isn't that optimized for (it just werks on a huge number of platforms and plays a lot of different formats, that's its main strengths).
agreed about inability to do frame-by-frame seeking. the closest thing you can do is modify the toolbar to add the slow down and speed up buttons (and the speed indicator), then slow down close to where you want to stop. then you'll be able to pause more easily.
I'd probably emphasize checking for windows updates regularly. also check for browser updates and flash updates. (yes flash is awful, but no one ever came up with an alternative)
A good Flash alternative is...to just not use it.
well I use one browser without flash, and the other just for flash (pepper)
some sites just require it. you can wait for it to be phased out.
Firefox, Waterfox, Chrome, Vivaldi
Opera is not worth using any more
MPC-HC + madvr
Photoshop, Lightroom, Affinity Photo, GIMP
7Zip, WinRAR
Microsoft Orifice
Sumatra PDF
Slysoft Virtual Clonedrive
I know, more of a funny whip than a serious statement.
Any site that requires it should be audited though. lol
> Botnet, Botnet, Botnet, Botnet
> Botnet isn't worth using anymore
> CCleaner (I'll give you that one, although it's proprietary and recently was modified to be malicious)
> Unmaintained software with an additional piece of software that I don't need with VLC
> Not using XnView or a lightweight alternative
> Adobe malware, random shit I haven't heard of, GIMP is meh
> 7-Zip is good, PeaZip everywhere else, WinRAR is proprietary and doesn't do anything the other two free application do.
> Not using LibreOffice is 2017
> Unmaintained text editor when there are literally like 5 godlike open-source text editors
> Sumatra PDF (Now you're talking!)
> Proprietary adware with spyware
> Decent, ImgBurn
> Proprietary adware, PowerISO does more and is cheaper
You didn't do very well, but I forgive you. lol
I dunno. Werks 4 me.
>implying quality isn't enough
dont need updated
windows been perfected since 2003
Is somone taking note or something? Should I do the 2017 version or is someone doing it already?
>Comodo Dragon, Brave
>Outlook 365
>Facebook, Whatsapp
>No one uses IRC
>uTorrent 2.2.1
>No one uses FTP
>Kaspersky, Bitdefender, Windows Defender
>Windows Firewall, Comodo Firewall
>You don't need a codec pack
>Office 365
>Mounting built into Windows
>No one uses discs anymore
>VMWare Player
>Get a job autist
the default image viewer is absolute dogshit
read the fucking wiki reeeeeeeeee.
op can't inb4. install gentoo
WebBrowser: Same
Chat:Unsure, don't chat.
IRC:Unsure, don't chat.
>Sys Maintence
FW: Router + Default
VideoPlayer: MPV
All the same
Basically everything is exactly the same.
>No one uses discs anymore
Some of my older hardware doesn't have drivers I can find online nor is it detected automatically, so in those cases the driver CD is needed.
Always good to have one inside your desktop for legacy purposes.
Rip the disc, mount as iso?
how can you rip the disc if you dont have a cd drive user
you are a joke!
Talking about services. Is there a way to track when new services are added to the system?
VLC is fixed easily just turning on opengl output u nigger.
mpv is still A LOT better but noting wrong with vlc.