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Link you monumental faggot

it's only natural that some iToddler has retarded progeny.

because OP couldn't



link me baby

This is why you don't let your daughters become basic bitches, even if you're a metrosexual

Check the goddamn catalog.

Good; maybe they'll be poor now and his daughter will stop being a spoiled, entitle brat

It's not that worth reading

Basically some spoilt blonde SoCal bitch gets her rich Apple engineer daddy to take her into the Apple Campus and to give her a play on his iPhone X (he calls it X, not 10, by the way)
The bitch is so self absorbed she spends most of the video just pulling duckfaces and focussing the camera on herself, and only about twenty seconds showing the actual phone itself

Still daddy broke the NDA and got fired with cause

He looks old as fuck though so was probably nearing retirement anyway

She looks inbred, is she british or american?

lol literally the MY DAD WORKS AT NINTENDO but irl with a dumb duckface cunt.

Good. If you can’t prevent your daughter from doing dumb shit you might take the consequences.

How many times did you think she told her daughter no to do something stupid like that?

She wasn't even the one being an idiot.
He just outright handed her the phone and watched her take video of it. He's 100% at fault here and can't be trusted with anything.

Androidfags don't have this problem because they never reproduce

This is obviously a viral marketing ploy due to lackluster sales from iPhone 8.

Californian rich girl

Both are idiots. One giving her the phone and access to private data over his job and her showing it off trying to be a fat attention whore.

Thing is Apple blacklist people like this, the guy and his family will never have a decent job again.

“Rich”, the sad is wealthy, not rich by any mean and I doubt the girl has any money under her name

>the guy is wealthy

They are loaded. The other videos so her massive house

Her daddy bought her a Pilates studio so she could run it as a "business" but after a couple of years she got bored and decided to pack it in to become a professional YouTuber, even though her videos only got 400-500 views (until the whole iPhone thing)

Even in her "apology" video she keeps going on about how they'll be fine, daddy will sort something out, he always does.

She's always been bailed out by him so can't imagine a world where he's not loaded and handing over cash to her

Isn't that liker 90s-tier naming?

I read that as “after daughters hand job video goes viral” I am disappoint

social media / sjw media will probably make this into a whole smash le patriarchy thing and turn this duckface cunt into a martyr / minor celebrity so she doesn't end up whoring herself out on cam sites

Reapeal the 14th ammendment. Women are the niggers of gender. White Sharia now.

Didn't this already happen with the HTC One M8?

>here's a lengthy fictional narrative I've fabricated from the vast chasm of my colon

Now what?

hahaha wondered why the fuck apple was paying her to review this shit.

glad that wasn't the case

bet the dad was a classic "reluctant white dudes"

>literally every private company has "no cameras no filming"
>goes on private property and films
>i-it was just innocent and for me and my family!
>posts on the largest video sharing platform

fuck off cunt


That guy and his coworker have some problems.

But there are a few valuable points in that.

>break DNA
>get fired
- This is shocking to Millennials.

One day they will get real jobs with actual responsibilities: we're doomed.


They should call it the X-2000
For maximum 90's vibe.



So this is why china is winning

How can you be this stupid? The situations are entirely different.

Break NDA - > get fired

No fucking shit sherlock

>say something the overlords doesn't like
>gets killed

>say something the overlords doesn't like
>gets fired

if you ever bought an apple product you need to be put to death

you apple-fellating bootlickers should be shot


I'd actually blame the procedural failures that lead to someone who hadn't signed the NDA getting contact with the iPhone X rather than the engineer himself.

But that's just me.

Don't worry. Her future husband will beat the shit out of her.

God, I wish I was in a beta orbiter relationship with her. She looks like the kind of girl that would treat her man badly if she was upset with something.

Who is that qt? Asking for a friend

lol why would you want that?

She does make a fair point. There's already tons of review videos of hands-on iphone x. Why does apple care so much that the device got shown on her video?

Never worked before in your entire life I see.

And I probably never will now that I saw this bullshit. If this is the kind of control your bosses have over you I will gladly remain a NEET on autismbux.

Because they were all monitored. All people invited to try the device (and paid to say good things about it).

Who does support you leech? I hope Trump cuts your welfare and makes you toil for a living. Die scum

what is state level autismbux?
trump has no power over me wagecuck. Enjoy your Sunday because you get back to "the grind" tomorrow.

>Shopping solves all my problems
Fucking white girls

Looks like a dumb college sketch

imagine being such a sycophant that you sold your child's sexuality to gain those sweet sweet media dollars.

Because he's a beta orbiter looking for a hamplanet to revolve around...

They did though, they fired the guy who broke the nda by himself with no one else's help. Bringing family into work is a somewhat normal thing, doesn't mean he should the go show off confidential work to them.

>not aborting all your daughters

>build something in china
>have to adopt their way of life or getting the boot

sounds like a win to me

>he calls it X
That's what it says, that's how it should be called.

GTA eye vee

The difference is GTA used roman numerals from the start while applel didn't. And yes, they're retarded and a shitty choice so I will pronounce it "I V" anyway. Not that I ever even talk about it because only underage play GTA.


Calling that mutt faced, brown eyed, black haired mongrel blonde is an affront to the idea of blondes

ijustine must be jelly. Maybe she can avoid working with her macfaggotry and youtube fame as she have now fanbois, despite being fucking ugly.

entirely the father's fault because he had most likely signed an NDA.

>Leak highly anticipated device
>Get fired

Jake hurwitz

>shopping solves all my problems
lol white people

Go home, china.

Extremely irresponsible decision on her part, especially now that it's in the public eye.

The engineer probably has about 100 other companies inviting him out for business dinners with job offers handy.

Best of luck!


iphone x wasnt generating enough hype so they make a viral advert like this

and even you guys are too business illiterate to see this

600k views isn't that great.

>The difference is GTA used roman numerals from the start
GTA 2 didn't use them.

So what were the codenames in the notes app?

>breaking company rules gets you fired
>having retarded offspring amplifies this
>this stupid (((woman)))
They deserve all of this.

why are women so damn retarded?

>idiot breaks non-disclosure agreement
>tripfag implies he has companies inviting him
Wow, no wonder you're a filtered-fag now.

Maybe white spoiled brats.

Money is the most important thing in the world, so why the fuck not?

It's capitalism at its best, if you can cash in on your dumbass child, I say go for it.

She will have to suck my dick every day for the next iphone.

Whatever blows your goat my dude.

>Money is the most important thing in the world
Tell this to that brat. Also if you are right, then applel gave up on males or any woman with functioning brain.

Oh I'd be so fucking angry. She really has made a massive blow to that engineers career. Fucking bitch.
I hope the family disowns her. What kind of fucking asshole does such a thing?

What do you mean tell it to her? She knows that already. The only reason she made that video in the first place is to get popular and get that youtube ad money.

The fun part will be when google don't let her monetize that shit.

She was blinded by the opportunity. It probably even never occurred to her that the video would be taken down.

That sounds like something a chinese communist would say

Stop being a lazy fuck and search for it instead of asking for a source like a whiny bitch

By what kind of fucked up twisted logic can you come to that conclusion?

How is she retarded

Get out of here you fucking idiot. Summer is over

>got no argument therefore I'm gonna start by calling you names, starting with new, shill, faggot, etc
You surely showed me, I'm literally shaking

I can't help but think if she were attractive all your reactions would be very different right now.

Doubt it. It's not like she's ugly anyway. I think I'd generally criticize "attractive" bimbos more anyway.

She looks like she's in her late 20s which in women years might as well be 50s specially being fat and all. She's still trying to be a YouTuber?

Argument against some shitty opinion? Your shitty opinion is irrational and is not based on logic. You are literally just namecalling some guy and supporting the worst possible view about the issue. Anyone who know a bit of logic knows that there exists no valid logical arguments against irrational statements like yours.

Just saw a post on a forum saying the cheapest launch price for the 256GB version will be $1826 here (aus). What the fuck.

What's so irrational about it faggot? Instead of asking for source like a uneducated fuck and having the time to complete a captcha, you might aswell open a new tab and search for the information yourself.

Again, stop being a lazy pretentious faggot and don't expect everyone to comply and do everything for you.

White women should be euthanized

>Instead of asking for source like a uneducated fuck and having the time to complete a captcha, you might aswell open a new tab and search for the information yourself.

It's irrational. There is no loigical reason that he/she "might as well" do that instead of OP when OP wants to talk about the issue. It is completely irrational to put the responsability on someone else.

>Again, stop being a lazy pretentious faggot and don't expect everyone to comply and do everything for you.

Which is a completely irrational claim. Your premises does not support your conclusion.

Did Apple fired your dad too?