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What apps do you always install/recommend?

What apps are you currently seeking a replacement for?

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Get rid of Google install fdroid


Clover - shitposting obv
DNS66 - rootless adblocking
Join - synced notifications
Nova Launcher - customization
nzb360 - media server management
Paperboy - feedly/rss news reader
Pocket Casts - podcasts
Solid Explorer - file explorer
Sync Pro - le reddit mirite

If anything stands out as shit let me know, these have all been go-to's for a while so it's possible something better is out that I'm just not aware of.

I'm also looking for 2 things. First, a remote for Transmission (BitTorrent) that doesn't suck. I had been using Transmission Remote but it has a weird crashing issue with Oreo. Second, a widget that looks like the one in the new Pixel launcher. I've tried Another Widget and the Pixel Dos KWGT Widget but they both constantly have issues updating and displaying the right info.

Nova sucks. Use buzz launcher.

why is buzz launcher better

This looks Chinese af, why would I use it?

You can build your own widgets and shit. Minimalist is how I set mine up. Black screen, three buttons. Phone, messages, internet.

Dump your browser and use Firefox Focus too.

>contact email is @kakaocorp.com
>kakaocorp has a 13% stake by Tencent
>as a dream, our founding members have always wanted to create a Social Launcher for users.

All of my fucking no. Keep your chink spyware.

You sound like a queer.

Fucking chodes man, why would anyone use a prebuilt system. You download the client and use your own shit.

Do you even speak English or are you just responding to key words? You butchered that reply like your government butchered innocent people at Tienanmen Square

Anyone knows a good free freezing app?

Spotify-dogfood for ad free Spotify
Pixel Launcher for embracing the botnet
YMusic for listening to YouTube in the background without YouTube Red
Pocket Casts for Podcasts
Clover for browsing Sup Forums
Boost for Reddit
Mixplorer for file management
FastHub for my GitHub obsession
XDA Labs for getting and keeping some of these apps up to date in a cleaner and prettier UI than F-Droid

Termux for a terminal
Dslpoit for hax
DNS66 with no root, adaway if rooted
Newpipe for youtube
Wabbitemu for a graphing calculator
KWLP for ricing
Nova launcher
F droid

>What apps do you always install/recommend?
None. I get rid of apps instead
>What apps are you currently seeking a replacement for?
Android OS

Nice joke. Just as cheap as everything else that comes out of your country.

isn't DNS666 basically a proxy that filters all the ad traffic out?

do you feel comfortable sending all your browsing data to a 3rd party service?

It runs locally, I don't use the actual DNS servers that are available, just the filterlists.

Amaze - File Browser
DiskUsage - Figure out which folder is taking up all that damn space
Gallery (The orange one on f-droid) - Best gallery I've used, good editing tools for cropping screenshots
Material Tea Timer - Good for comfy fall afternoons
OsmAnd - Better map downloading policy than Google Maps, great for roadtrips where you don't want to have data turned on, or for wifi-only devices
Puzzles (f-droid) - Plenty of thinking puzzles, including minesweeper, a fantastic way to pass the time
Simple Solitaire Collection - Card games, I've put plenty of time into this
Survival Manual - Keep this on your phone for reference once society falls apart
Unit Converter Ultimate - Converting Tablespoons to Cups is no longer an annoyance
Vanilla Music - BlackPlayer is nice and smooth visually, but Vanilla is just way more solid

Top kek m8

Here's my list
org.adaway: AdAway
com.adobe.reader: Adobe Acrobat
com.alibaba.aliexpresshd: AliExpress
com.amazon.kindle: Amazon Kindle
com.azure.authenticator: Authenticator
com.biglybt.android.client: BiglyBT
org.floens.chan: Clover
org.coursera.android: Coursera
com.microsoft.office.excel: Excel
org.fdroid.fdroid: F-Droid
com.google.android.play.games: Google Play Games
org.twinone.irremote: IR Remote
org.xbmc.kodi: Kodi
de.onyxbits.listmyapps: List My Apps
com.microsoft.rdc.android: Microsoft Remote Desktop
com.hotmail.marcinchrupek.minesweeper: Minesweeper
com.miui.player: Music
org.schabi.newpipe: NewPipe
com.microsoft.skydrive: OneDrive
com.yinzcam.nfl.packers: Packers
com.microsoft.office.powerpoint: PowerPoint
com.skype.raider: Skype
eu.chainfire.supersu: SuperSU
com.touchtype.swiftkey: SwiftKey Keyboard
com.teamviewer.teamviewer.market.mobile: TeamViewer
com.ubercab: Uber
com.waze: Waze
com.whatsapp: WhatsApp
com.nrsoftbd.wifipassword: Wifi Password
com.microsoft.office.word: Word
net.wargaming.wot.blitz: World of Tanks

I'm trying to drop off GApps, is there any list of alternatives for GApp-related software?

i thought you couldn't do that locally without being rooted

Have you encountered any issues?

K-9 Mail
>Play Store
F Droid
>Docs, Sheets, Slides
Use a computer

Anything else?

Amaze-File Manager
Simple tools-Just use the Calendar and Gallery ones atm.
spaRSS- RSS feed reader
KISS launcher- Muh minimalism
Blackplayer-Music player
Yalp Store-Play Store apps
Microg-Ungoolag yourself
Normie apps-Whatsapp, FB, Messenger, Uber, etc.

The only problem I have is that it seems to crash after a reboot on 8.1, but I'm sure that will be worked out by the time it is out of beta. I only use the built in AdAway filterlist, and then I add the StevenBlack list and I've been really happy with it.

I like solid explorer, but FX explorer is the best =).

Actually, one is better in some things, other better in other things. I prefer the advantages of FX

>FX explorer
Nice, I'll check it out. It looks like one of the few that supports SMBv2 so that's cool, and it's been updated just as of a couple days ago.

Fing, is a local network scanner, i always use it when i can since is faster than NMAP.

They implemented SMB2 recently. In the beginning it's got buggy, but now it works properly.

But, actually, I don't even know why use v2 instead of v1. Hahahahs

The W10 Fall Creators Update disabled v1, so if you want to keep your OS up to date you don't have a choice.


>It utilizes Android's VPN service to redirect DNS traffic to the local app, and filters out any blocked hosts from reaching the servers

The VPN is the running locally. This is just the default Android warning for any traffic being routed through a VPN.

Ohhhh shit I get it now lol thanks

these. other than that toy app.

Does it have any firewall capability? I currently use NetGuard as firewall and DNS changer.

How do you get a list of your installed apps?

>How do you get a list of your installed apps?
adb shell
pm list packages

OpenLauncher / KISS / Silverfish
Yalp Store (disable play store and services)
NewPipe (disable YouTube app)
K9 Mail
Simple Tools: Gallery, Calendar
KDE Connect

>using VPN bypass to redirect your traffic to an unknown dns while the app permanently disables doze and rapes your battery

The absolute state of samshit users

Packet Capture (Non root, there's probably a better app for rooted only phones but I can't be assed)
Can't really think of anything else I'll auto install

haha adaway is a piece of crap

Dashan + Clover + Reddit Is Fun
Discord + Steam (2auth)
Es File Pro (the last good version) for file management and music playing
Quickpic (the last good one) for gallery and video
Patched Pandora for streaming

I currently use Firefox but am looking for a replacement. Any better alternatives? I don't care about free, just has to be good

>converting tablespoons to cups

I mean, I get what you're saying, but you picked like the easiest examples, shoulda said like oz to anything or whatever.

not that guy, but if your phone is already rooted, what's the downside of it compared to DNS66? They seem to do the same and AdAway was really well established, are just memeing?


>his stock is so bad he has to use a launcher
get a sony



>don't like one stock, so change to another instead of custom

What kind of sense does this even make?

>touchjizz is comparable to sony stock

Both are garbage. No one is promoting Touchwiz.


Microsoft Office
VLC for Android


>both are garbage
hun bun...

Does fdroid have the same library ?