0.2% of Android users have Oreo

>0.2% of Android users have Oreo
>Been out since August
>Almost 50% of users on 5.1 or earlier (2014!)

>40% of users on iOS 11 within two weeks of release
>11.1 just around the corner

>most android users will never be able to see the emoji pictured
>most android users run outdated and vulnerable software

What is Google going to do about this!?

>What is Google going to do about this!?

Why would anyone to have any of them instead of an old version?

Nothing they can do. it's up to the manufacturers. and most don't give a fuck, especially the chinkshit manufacturers.

>Muslim emoji

kitkat with security patches is all you need

Why does every fucking company feel the need to pander to minorities?
Emojis were fine when they were just yellow blobs. Literally no one could possible be offended by a fucking yellow blob.

t. Muslim

>breastfeeding emoji
>no male version

that's not a good thing

enjoy that "updated" battery life

>yellow blob
that's racist towards asians

t. brown asian

> pedophile cult emoji

wtf i love Apple now

I don't see anything there representing cucktholics.

I do see little Aisha, though

>os that you can use past versions with and it still works
>you can even flash the phone to get the latest version if you don't like what you're on
>os that you have to get in order for your future apps to work and be with the "in" crows
hmm.... really a head scratcher

I'm only on 5.1 because when I try to upgrade to 6 it doesn't work. Probably because it's rooted. I only use my tablet for Sup Forums and Puzzle and Dragons anyway so it's all okay.

It's Google's fault for this jewery. Google adds new requirements that OEMs need to follow in order to ship gapps. For example, Google mandated that phones must support Vulkan in order to ship gapps on N. This caused OEMs such as Sony to go back on their promise of updating older phones to N.

I'm waiting for LineageOS 15.

Fixed in 11.1 beta 4 do your fucking reading nigger

>i have to run software made by pajeets to make my phone usable instead of having manufacturers that support my device

state of poodroids.

>not flashing the latest Twemoji

Because these emojis didn't exist until Emoji 5.

These are brand new emoji that andpoors will not have the fonts for.

completely missed the OP point
>most Android users

This is what pisses people off. People who bought last years flagship are stuck with old features whereas iPhone users 5S and up get the latest shit and its Google's job to fix this shit.

>Wanting those emojis

Why? The blob ones were better.

>wanting square boxes because Poogle couldn't update your andpoor device.

and don't forget that the 10% that are on Android 7 Nougat are like half a year behind on security updates

pathetic that Google mocks Microsoft for shit security when only 0.2% are on the latest security patches for Android KEK

Oh no, my sail foam won't be able to render weird surrogate pairs that do stupid shit that make two capital emoji letters makes flags, or make my occupation emoji, a strong empowered black female.

Doesn't matter since I'm using Oreo already since I only buy Google aids phones.

I'm on 8.1 :D

60% are smart ios users with ios 10 and jailbreak. Recently I had to set up new iphone for my mom and fuck I wanted to kill myself, both itunes and not jailbroken ios are too much pain to do anything.

i use android 4.1
>it just werks

>latest shit
>only novelty is sjw emojis
really missing out

Is there a petition against the brainstorm one yet?

I'm waiting for LineageOS to update to oreo.

Is there a petition against brainlets yet?

feels good to have o out of the box with regular security updates.


project treble.

how's the XZ1C?
i've got one turning up today

camera distortion can be annoying. patch coming soon though to software correct in the camera app rather than post processing.

had to do some flashing to keep the FP sensor and get tmobile volte and wifi calling working

battery life is pretty damn good. lasts me 3 days with 4h sot. music playing on and off while im in the car, location and wifi on all the time.

ah good neat, fortunately i'm not in the US so the FP reader will work out the box.

seeing that mussie emoji really made me think, and now i'm mad.
I'm mad at the fact that not even with inane fucking emojis can one escape the hell that is modern politics. I'm mad at the fact that people will not condemn Islam and sharia, i'm mad at the fact that any opinion that is not PC is racist, sexist, homophobic, hate speech. I'm fucking peeved and i have no-where to direct my anger.
Fuck the world, i'm gonna take a nap.
Good night Sup Forums, and God help us all.

I want a gay flag emoji for android.

I'd love to be on Oreo if T-Mobile would roll it out to my HTC 10

>40% of users on iOS 11 within two weeks of release
>40% of users on iOS now can't use their phone because of how slow it is

>most android users will never be able to see the emoji picture
Looks like shit and I can see it right now
>most android users run outdated and vulnerable software
No they don't

I don't know why Android users get so autistic about updates, as long as you get security updates in a reasonable timeframe you should be happy.

Desktop Linux or windows users seem annoyed by updates or really don't give a fuck.

Is there anything that is must have in Oreo anyway? Treble makes updates(which you aren't going to get anyway) a little bit easier and some emojis that teen girls would use (who are iOS bluebubbles anyway)

I'm glad mine doesn't have that update yet. I don't want any disgusting muslim emoji

>Desktop Linux
>annoyed by update

With android updates, either you get it or you don't, regardless if it's a security update or not. The only Linux users that get annoyed by updates are ones that use a bleeding-edge distro like Arch as their daily driver. There's a huge chance that something might break when an update is done.

>Windows 10 is for morons who like to be spied on
This is literally the state of Sup Forums

> judging the value of a phone based on emojis

you outrageous cock gargling faggot.

>something breaks in linux update
>restart and select 2nd bootable above recovery to revert
>wait a week/day and update again
windows should really adopt this feature

Bro I'm also middle eastern but why are you religious?

Is it for the culture?

It's not pandering you shit, its inclusivity.

t. Also Muslim

back then they were very wh*te

>not using emojis in your're code

literally lmaoing at youre live

OnePlus hasn't updated their OxygenOS to use Oreo yet, it's still on Nougat.

So really what do you expect? These things are gradual roll-outs and depend on vendor support.

It's just representation. If something is part of this world and commonplace, it should be represented.

only one and correct answer to OP's question.
But it is. It is to make you feel accepted so white people will suck your dick when you behead them. It is to brainwash them.

How do I get the old blob emojis in Android O?