What do you think will happen to passwords once technology advances to the point where even the longest and most...

What do you think will happen to passwords once technology advances to the point where even the longest and most complex passwords can be cracked within a few hours?

Brute force will never catch up.
Enjoy hacking my 4096 bit encryption.

then 2FA is the way to go

We will use more complex crystallographic hashing algorithms that take longer to evaluate so that our passwords can't be cracked within a few hours.



shouldn't you use /g at the end?

What? No. Why?

You use /g at the end on Vim

I don't use vim.

To replace globally?
I'm talking about sed
Won't your command only replace the first occurence?

I don't want to replace any more than a first occurrence.

Oh, okay. I thought you did.

gib password

Biometrics, good job hacking my bank password when I only have to provide a sperm sample into the security dongle and the super fast computers verify my identity in less than 1/10th of a second.

Faster technology also means faster encryption, which means stronger algorithms can be applied. The real problem is everything still have an NSA backdoor because the only thing that conservatards and libcucks can agree with is that privacy is evil.

The day condoms become a security hazard

i got bored so i solved the lock

Yeah no sorry, all signs point to P != NP. And even if we successfully implement fast prime factorization there are other cryptosgstems that don't rely on that being hard to break, like ECC.

Also what is the point of having a maze lock inside the house?

Nigga we all solved that with our eyes within like 5 seconds of seeing it


Require Password +
Full Name on account +
Address on account +
Phone on account +
Secret hint on account +
Geo location


What happens if we switch from 1 password to 3.

If it required all 3 to be locked in to even give a signifier of being on the right track of correct passwords, how well would the brute force work?

How likely is it that it would lock on all 3 passwords simultaneously without knowing if the other 2 passwords are correct

That sounds like a pretty good idea.

That's the whole point behind 2-factor authentication

reply to the wrong post?

No, what he described is literally just 3-factor authentication

3 passwords can potentially be worse than one long one since they create an element of order.
Otherwise, you calculate all possible combinations in an M-length string of N possible letters in each place, as N^M.


Let's pretend it's one long password instead of three different ones then. If "even the longer and most complex passwords can be cracked within a few hours", then this will be trivial.

How can it be trivial though it would have to intersect 3 different long passwords at once

It's not checking off passwords it gets right and moving on to the next one, it will not even know any passwords are correct until all 3 are chosen at once

Making longer strings is several orders of magnitude easier than brute force guessing them.

attempts to defend himself


The real trick is to let the burglar walk in freely and greet him with bullets

Everyone should make a
bitcoinwallet.exe on desktop (that actually shuts down their PC and creates a txt file saying it was triggered)

>If it required all 3 to be locked in to even give a signifier of being on the right track of correct passwords, how well would the brute force work?
It's essentially the same as having one password as long as the three passwords combined.


You're a fucking retard, cunt.
Let A, B, C - text strings X symbols long
>Pass A
>Pass B
>Pass C
If I know, say, pass C, then I only need to guess pass A and B.
If P is string made up of A, B, and C in either place, then I need to guess A and B 6 times because they have 6 total possible positions relative C in P.
So a single long string is up to 6 times harder to guess than three separate passwords.

thats the wrong solution dude

Let's say we have three passwords of 1 letter each. That's 26^3 combinations. Now let's say we have a single password containing three letters. That's ALSO 26^3 combinations. Having the password split into three does nothing to change the situation.

But what if you had three passwords that are 64 characters each. That would be better than having one 64 character password squire.


And equivalent to a 192-character password. If you want longer passwords, enforce longer passwords. Splitting the password into 3 does absolutely nothing.

You're the retard, cunt, because It was stated multiple times that the brute forcing program would not know it has PASS C correct.

3 strings are held in 3 variables on the example: website logon page

And none are stated as correct to the user unless all 3 are correct in tandem allowing you to log on

I literally said I know password C. That means the program does as well.

how the fuck do you and the program know 1/3 of my password bitch

Leaked databases. So if a website asks for an email of phone number, you're pwned son

>hacking the gibson

biometric ids

Biometrics are good for identification, bad for verification. Good luck changing your fingerprints after someone gets a copy.

is it even possible to open that lock? i dont see any hole where it would come out

Yes, bottom left there is a large circle

Botnet +

None of that info has to be legit though

>the real trick is premeditated murder

>the real trick is to let lthe burglar rape and dismember you
>guns are evil
>fuck trump and fuck white people

>oh and if you do buy a gun, make sure you never think that you will defend your family with it if someone breaks in becauses thats pre-meditated murder even if the shots you "greeted them with" are not fatal - user 2017

This. Bigger numbers will at least hold off attackers long enough for me to change my password switch to even bigger numbers

Aka, just a big password

then i will make my password 12345678901011121314151617181920
what's the big deal?

One. Time. Pad.

Not crackable by any amount of computing power, even infinite.

>t. brainlet

Reverse engineer the "even the longest and most complex passwords" cracking algorithm to implement a takes-much-longer-to-crack password generator which takes your "real" password as seed.

>b-but they can crack the "real password"!
Generator has your personal key, they can't generate your long password using real password without it.

>b-but that's how cryptography works! This isn't anything new!
Yes indeed.

That's... Not how key derivation functions work. The difficulty is tuned to the hardware that will be cracking it, generally with a goal of a certain time. So you might set it to 100,000 iterations, knowing that each password will take .1 seconds to hash. For a prospctive hacker, who takes (say) 100,000,000 tries before they find the correct password, this translates to 10,000,000 seconds ~= 3,000 hours = 125 days to crack. If computers get better, then the difficulty can be scaled to (say) 1,000,000 iterations, keeping the time per password constant at .1 seconds, and therefore keeping your password uncrackable.

WRT encryption, since you don't have to memorize the keys, they can keep growing in size endlessly. Note that Moore's law applies equally to storage space and bandwidth as it does to compute power. That is, as keys get easier to crack, transmitting and storing larger keys gets more feasible at the same rate.

I got even boreder. I wondered if that chain is actually long enough to even reach the end. Tried to calc it. Thought it should be simple. Realized I don't know how to calculate the chain length correctly. Anyway, using simple approximation it turns out it's long enough.

Now I'm bored again.

I'm sure there's a way to calculate the chain's length, I forgot though atm but there is a way to calculate its slope.

If you make the chain's minimum the x-axis's 0 and sustain a well made graph you can just use derivatives with f'(x)= lim h->0 (f(x+h)-f(x))/ h

length of one ring * number of rings

What will happen to passwords if P=NP?

yep. why bother with complicated math when this works

You can simply this with 2 right angled triangles. This approach should get you very close, as you can just solve the for hypotenus, and then multiply it by 2

you can just measure the chain length on your monitor with a piece of string, and extend the string to see if it reaches

Clever, I like it. Afraid the error margin will be big though as it's difficult to accurately determine the size of one ring. So far it seems to be ~24 pixels, with a margin of about 1 pixel.

23 rings, but let's do 22 to account for the ones on the knobs.
22*24 = 528
Considering measuring error, worst case scenario:
22*23.5 = 517

That is some next level thinking.

It's actually harder than you'd think. Stupid string doesn't give much of a shit about gravity and does it's own thing, instead of forming a nice curve.

it's actually shorter than 24 pixels due to the fact that the chains overlap

I measured (well, tried to) from the insides, so that should have it covered. If not, than that would mean the chain actually is too short.


Mathfags btfo.

>this entire thread

We're trying to find an answer, it doesn't matter how. If you want a competition go watch sports.

Factoring has not been shown to be in NP and probably isn't. However that's irrelevant because primes are only used in asymmetric encryption. Breaking passwords is something entirely different. Usually it means breaking some hashing algorithm.

Although as I understand it, most hashing algorithms haven't been shown to be NP-complete either. They are just a bunch of random functions thrown together to produce random seeming output. For all we know there might exist some algorithm that breaks them easily.

>being this autistic

Brute forcing quantum crypto will be infeasible for our lifetime.

When will this quantum computer meme die? They will never be available at a commercial level. They are not a replacement for the modern computer, as you need -273 degrees Celsius to run them, and have quite a high failure rate

Quantum crypto does not require quantum computers to use. It's just that they're still very hard and extremely time-consuming to brute force on quantum computers.

Your question clearly states that you know nothing about encryption.

You can choose a good password TODAY within reasonable size and composition with ease of memorization that would consume the entire sum of the current compute capabilities of the earth, longer than the age of the universe to crack.

You can keep this almost indefinitely, and no, computing will not increase exponentially anytime soon for this to be a problem, possibly never.

What the fuck nigger just open your eyes, you can clearly determine it's long enough if you have the slightest bit of spacial coordination.

>The real problem is everything still have an NSA backdoor because the only thing that conservatards and libcucks can agree with is that privacy is evil.
>deep state has increased in every administration sense eisenhower


We can inject artificial difficulty into a system through successive hashing:

def faggothash(password, salt, difficulty) {
hash = sha256(password + salt);
for (i = 0; i

So basically you've drank the NRA kool-aid and actually believe this meant individuals could own guns instead of states being able to organize militia.

Also, please excuse my shit pesudocode.

>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
Are you retarded?

Don't say never, but certainly not for a long time.

It is still wise to consider what might be prudent to do in the meantime if we can solve the problem now \\shrug

>>the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
>Are you retarded?
If you cherry pick your quotes, you're retarded.
Your quote should be prefaced with "A well regulated Militia being necessary to the security of a free State,"...
Where is your "well regulated" militia? Are you, as a supposed gun-owner, a member of said militia?
Your right to bear arms is predicated on your membership of a "well-regulated" militia.

/sci/-fag here!
The curve of a free hanging chain can be described by the cosinus-hyperbolicus function.


Just borrow the chain from your wallet.

You are baiting or you arent an American and you dont know suffiient english and law history of that ountry.

it would about triple the time to brute force the password, since you're checking 3 passwords each time. not much, but it's not nothing.

Each time the brute forcers catch up just add a single letter to your password and the cracking time will exponentially take longer every time