Ok, can someone 'splain to me what's wrong with the new Ubuntu 17.10?

Ok, can someone 'splain to me what's wrong with the new Ubuntu 17.10?

>babbies first distro

Looks good, runs well.

>muh arch linux

Man, I don't know, this looks like a pro distro to me.


Shit werks bruh

>install Gent-

Ah shaddap with that overdone meme distro. That thing is for IT professionals. Are you an IT pro?

>Yes I am.

Ok, I stand corrected. Sorry. Have a nice day.

I'm just going to sit here and toot my little horn.

Other urls found in this thread:


>I N S T A L L G E N T O O
no but really the learning curve can be rough but its worth it in the long run... unless youre on a laptop with a shitty processor then compilation time kinda makes the OS impractical

Why is it worth it in the long run? So many OS's.

Did I tell you how things went with Sparkylinux yesterday?

just being forced to learn how the Linux system works at a low level. If you don't want to know or don't care then dont use it. use something simple like Ubuntu. Ultimately the distro does really matter. Gentoo is just alot of fun for people who like to tinker with their OS and dont mind learning things while they do so

Why do you

keep making

line breaks

like this

Did you read OP's post, he clearly has autism and is a cringelord


Go back to Rebbit, kid. Those line breaks are cancer

>gnome desktop
Shit is fucking trash, dawg. I installed 17.10 on my surface because I assumed gnome would be optimised for a touch screen. Nope. When using the pen I get multiple mice over the screen, the onboard doesn't pop-up when I need it, scaling is shit.
I just installed xfce4 and made everything huge so it was touch friendly. So much better than gnome.

But the distro itself, disregarding the de? It's fine if that's what you want. Every distro has minor pros and cons, but that's the best thing about Linux; choice. Anyone who can't respect that different people like different distros, is just arguing for the sake of it.

>install mpv
>play video
>in fullscreen
is it shit?

mkdir ~/bin
wget yt-dl.org/downloads/latest/youtube-dl -O ~/bin/youtube-dl
chmod a+rx ~/bin/youtube-dl

does it work?

>touch screen
Thats a meme. The only ''touch'' part of it is the applications ''list'', that's it, nothing else. It does have some touch support though.

Jesus Christ all that wasted vertical space, what the fuck is Canonical thinking?

>Looks good

It looks horrible man.

>all that wasted vertical space
this is really getting old
i used gnome it was comfy

I heard that Wayland still have some problems. I need a stable distro, thats why I picked 16.04 LTS which works great and I can customize it like I want because its LINUX :D

>how the Linux system works at a low level
there's LFS for that

>Gentoo is just alot of fun for people

This kinda bummed me out for some reason.

Just get Xubuntu or Ubuntu MATE and avoid the GNOME3/Unity shitshow.

It has no long term support

>Looks good
Do you really believe that user?

Gnome DE. Use a distro with KDE (Antergos, KDE Neon, OpenSuse).

if you have to toot your horn over ubuntu, you must not have much fanfare

Why do you have to use so many spaces

Seriously, what the fuck are those default titlebars? How is that acceptable to the dev team? It looks fucking disgusting, it's like 30% whitespace for NO REASON.

DE's suck cock, use a WM and get only the things you like, the way you like them. GNOME is still worlds ahead of KDE, even though they're both shit.

They just made the UI elements worse. Shit crosses over, some menus just hit dead ends and you gotta back out and o down a different path. I mean ffs clicking an open application icon doesn't even minimize it. It just feels like a productive downgrade from the last LTS.

Other than that performance is smooth and its been pretty stable so far, just pre LTS teething issues.

>Ok, can someone 'splain to me what's wrong with the new Ubuntu 17.10?
>not unity
>gnome meme desktop
Into the trash it goes

>what's wrong with the new Ubuntu 17.10

There is no AUR.
Gnome sucks dick.


Unity was probably the ugliest DE to ever exist famalam.

t. gnome dev

I fucking hate gnome, so regular Ubuntu is not for me, but I do use Xubuntu and have been very satisfied.

Debian does all of the things Ubuntu does, but better. Also your write like a retard.


nuff said

Ubuntu is good, I'm now on 17.10, because my Dell had issues with Fedora. Only Unity is cancer, I immediatelly replaced it w/ Cinnamon.

You need to have a very high IQ to use any linux distro that is not Ubunto.

micro stutter in mpv only issue i found

Antergos Gnome > Ubuntu

doesnt work with optimus

fuck nvidia

Gentoo and sourcemage are front-ends for LFS.

Clearly you haven't installed any of them. Nobody runs LFS.

Wait wait wait hold up...

Im new to technology buti learn it for fun..

I bought a linux book thats going to teach me everything i may need to know about linux. And they told me to use gnome ao i installed gnome 3 on my ubuntu 10.04 and i hate gnome so far but i come from a windows backgroumd.

I thought itnwas just me that disliked it. Is it universaly disliked?

>talks about understanding Linux at a low level
>uses front-ends
never gonna make it

Vanilla Ubuntu swapped Unity out for a customized (and neutered) version of GNOME 3. That and the sad Amazon web app.

>Ok, can someone 'splain to me what's wrong with the new Ubuntu 17.10
It's Ewbuntu, the "different" version of Debian

It's hated by many for different reasons. I hate it because it uses up an unnecessary amount of RAM for a DE.

Hey, install cinnamon.


>DE's suck cock, use a WM and get only the things you like, the way you like them.
Yeah, forget usable desktop environments, just edit config files until you make something half as usable as a DE.
>GNOME is still worlds ahead of KDE, even though they're both shit.
How exactly? I don't consider lack of a proper file picker a redeeming feature. Nor do I consider features that were removed during the years as something qualifying Gnome as being miles ahead.

>Debian does all of the things Ubuntu does, but better*.
*Font rendering excluded


I really grown to like Unity now, it's rock solid

Ugly theme, based on inferior GNOME

there is your problem

Ubuntu was great with unity OP. Now that it uses gnome it is once again trash.

same thing that's wrong with all the Ubuntus.

>overwhelming autism
>lack of tabs
>dual channel internal monologue
>somehow mumbling in type
>IT Guy

Seems legit