No bezels actually taking off

>no bezels actually taking off
>no headphone jack actually taking off
How fucking stupid are people?

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What about no expandable storage, that would be ridiculous

>2014 + 3
>still not realizing that smartphones are now purely a fashion accessory where technicalities do not matter in the slightest
>not taking a hint by the fact that people pay 700$+ yearly for virtually zero objective improvements
>still thinking that anyone in the real world gives a shit about any of the things Sup Forums gives a shit about
Isn't it obvious enough by now? Smartphones are like cars. Getting one that does everything you need is dirt cheap, it's all about the status symbol.

This. They pretty much exist for the worst, vainest, most unenlightened members of our society can continue to waste the precious fruits of their labor to continue participating in the endless dick measuring contest of having the hottest, most aesthetic things.

I'm no Apple fanboy, but
>implying wires are cool
>implying wireless everything isn't the future

>getting rid of useful functions and replacing them with something you could have anyway because it's cool
>not an applel fangirl

What's wrong with no bezels? I wish they would remove the stupid front camera from phones so we can have true bezelless phones

>time to go to bed
>can't forget to charge my phone, watch, and earphones

There's just no alternative to wires without making things complex as fuck.

Unless you can somehow transmit power from your phone to your wireless headphones with over a foot with 90% efficiency

No bezels is nice but yes, there's nothing good regarding the no headphone jack meme.

Right? Who the fuck is still taking selfies in current year.

I wouldn't say it that harshly, i want to own a nice car as well once im done with university. Just buy what you want, no one would be calling Porsche or Lambo owners mindless consumer whores, there's a lot of sour grapes going on. Still, flagship smartphones are not necessary and hardly have anything over midrange chinkphones. Capitalism, Ho

>killing video chat
Out of all the "future" things that were envisioned, we actually have one that is widespread and functional.

>making the screen more fragile is nice
Kill yourself

It's like Macbooks and Thinkpads. Serious laptop users who need docks and ports will get the Thinkpad, and people who just need a portable internet box will get the Macbook.

You talk with your voice not your face, useless meme feature

Front facing cameras are the epitome of the degradation society is experiencing

I don't know, man. I just wonder what things would be like if people saved more and spent more wisely. I'm not against the market or spending per se - I'm just kind of appalled that people spend so much exclusively on status symbols, and that the economy largely relies on this kind of behavior.

the economy would go into a recession because consumer spending is like 65% of gdp

What would you personally gain from this change? Like said it would be bad for the economy and as long as you see yourself above it, you're free to not spend your money.

The existing economy, for sure. I think it's a decent question as to whether or not a decently functioning economy can exist without this kind of superfluous consumer spending, though.

It honestly scares me that the economy as it currently exists relies upon individuals acting irrationally and being fiscally irresponsible on such a large scale.

>you talk with your voice not your face
Have you ever conversed with anyone fave to face or are you autistic?


Idk why we can't just get rid of the qi standard. Like who cares about efficiency when your phone is 5-10wh. Like dumb university students figured out how to transmit 1000w over a large room at 50-65% efficiency, with a fairly ghetto setup.

Like at 5wh and charging once per day that's 150wh per month. Electricity is 13 cents a kw hour. That's like 2 cents lost in inefficiency... Like I get we don't want large noise or inefficiency for large power draws, but does it fucking matter for phones and laptops man?

Wireles audio is the future, for mobile. Keep your audiophile sessions for home where they belong. You probably don't venture outside but I do, wires are fucking annoying.

>try wireless charging
>phone takes 30 years to reach full charge
>it literally burns in fire while charging


Oh go fuck yourself. Videochat is redundant. Waiting an extra 20 seconds for a pixelated shitty video blur representation of a human being just so you can feel like you're in the future is fucking pants-on-head retarded

>Front facing cameras are the epitome of the degradation

Now That's What I Call Autism!

Voices can be faked and people can lie/speak empty nothings.

Having a face is much more reliable to check up on someone.

Or are you going to tell me that video recorded in interrogation rooms isn’t valuble?

Also, when you live halfway across the country/world, sometimes faces are necessary. Like military checking up on their kids growing up without them.

I've literally never seen anyone using videochat on their phone more than maybe once or twice when that came out.
Leaving annoying voice messanges instead of just typing is the current trend.

>How fucking stupid are people?
you are pretty fucking stupid. How many times have you been totally wrong about tech future?

>Waiting an extra 20 seconds for a pixelated shitty video blur representation of a human being just so you can feel like you're in the future is fucking pants-on-head retarded
On Android, are we?

You gain literally nothing from it. The Biggers screen space is covered by your hand most of the time plus it takes up space for hardware.

>All these people bitching about front facing cameras

Have you guys never actually been in the real world? Because like to video chat, like to take pictures, ect. Women like the selfie camera and use it all the time. Need a mirror? Front facing camera works in a pinch. Flirting with a girl? Forward facing camera is 10x easier to take pictures of yourself.

Seriously you guys have to be autistic if you geneuinely think removing the front camera is a smart idea for any phone company.

I use it to chat with my mum who lives far away from me for job reasons. But I guess that just makes me a degenerate in Sup Forums eyes

>trying to be a chad on a mongolian throat singing forum
fucking kek

>hating on no bezels
Why? The only company that fucked it up is Apple

Bezels are great, where else am I supposed to grip my phone?

>expect ironman like technology in 2017
>still clings on to old tech like a retard
people like you should just die
pulling down others with your retardations everywhere
learn to move forward faggot

Bezels are dead space that could be used for screen space.

Headphone jacks are ancient analogue inputs and require special shielding just so the signals doesn't get all muddy because of the phones interal circuitry.

Don't a retard.

this kek. always has to be that one faggot trying to act cool and call everyone autistic

Again go fuck yourself because that applies to FaceTime too
The quality is always a pixelated mess the voice never sounds great and it's just not any more than a fad

Everyone has something they chimp out on. I buy the cheapest clothes and phones but chimp out on cars, for example.

if fucking razer can make a phone why can't we get a phone with a truly FOSS OS?

>Bezels are dead space that could be used for screen space.
no, bezels are where the extra bits of the screen are hidden
>Headphone jacks are ancient analogue inputs and require special shielding just so the signals doesn't get all muddy because of the phones interal circuitry.

>some tin foil
>special shielding
go fuck yourself shill

What about removable batteries?

You are supposed to throw away your phone when the battery starts to hold less charge.

Chimping out refers to people of dark skinned ethnicity becoming belligerent, like a rampaging chimpanzee. Jumping and shouting, swinging things around.

It has nothing to do with spending money.

>How fucking stupid are people?
Half the population has a double digit IQ. ~84% is below 115. So imagine not only going with the heard but being incapable of doing anything else. This is why we can't have nice things.

Stfu weeb, it just means go crazy on something.

No, it specifically means to act belligerently like a chimp. Its used to refer to violent or aggressive unacceptable behavior.

Your misappropriation of the term to describe excitement over purchasing something is understandable, sometimes during sales mobs of minorities will become violent and attack eachother.

>Right? Who the fuck is still taking selfies in current year.
>tfw idiots and thots dont know how to selfie with a back camera

Mate, you can chimp out over something. It's not something exclusive to minorities. Everyone has something that excites them.

i use bluetooth headphones for 90% of media consumption and I still think it's fucking retarded to give up analog audio on smartphones

>capitalist economics scares me

Chimping out, while most definitely a state of excitement is not in fact all excitement. Its a specific violent subset of an excited behavior in a way that resembles a violent chimpanzee, Mate.

Also the reason the slang is used to describe minorities is because white people don't look like chimpanzees.

Do you watch Rick and Morty?

>tfw to intelligent for rick and morty

That's not the only meaning of the term; at this point you're being pedantic. I cannot believe you are arguing this.

People are idiots. Eat shit, buy shit, don't think long term, get manipulated, can't think on their own, waste, forget and never learn.
I hope meteor destroys the whole planet.

Stupid enough to buy a phone that openly scans your face

That’s been possible for over a century

What isn’t possible is doing that kind of transmission on a daily basis without giving you cancer

how about with cancer killing nanobots

Economies of our forefathers wasn’t any different. People weren’t accustomed to libations and consumerist attitudes so governments relied on war and natural disasters as a way to jumpstart economies. If you weren’t going to change a thing about your home, nothing like an army torching your home or a flood sweeping your possessions away to get you back in the general



video chat is a meme, just call people.
taking pictures with the front facing camera is idiotic at best.
selfies and mirrors are for women.
flirting is more fun in person.

The drivers just aren't there yet

it's truly disgusting. Look at any youtube video featuring a phone with no jack, there are swarms of people actively DEFENDING the removal.

>"just move on bro its over haha"
kill yourself!

>no cd drive actually taking off
>no disquette drive actually taking off

bezels are actually useful tho.

>>no cd drive actually taking off
This is actually a bad thing. I feel like optical media with proper investment could have stayed around.

Because consumerism is growth for the sake of growth. It's the ideology of a cancer cell. An uncontrolled positive feedback loop is not sustainable; eventually there will be a crash, and it'll hit everyone, regardless of how frugal you were individually.

>I feel like optical media with proper investment could have stayed around.
The market has spoken and it said "NO!"

subjectiveness, on my Sup Forums?

no bezels is fine
no headphone jack is an atrocity

The problem I have with this headphone jack meme is that a) there's no standard for lossless Bluetooth audio, so manufacturers are either paying out shekels to qualcomm if they feel like it or they're making up their own like Sony and b) no matter what, it's going to introduce latency. This might not matter for music and phonecalls, but watching videos and making music is unacceptable.

god that's disgustin