Say something nice about Jews

Say something nice about Jews.

They burn quite well.

They rule the world

I have nothing good to say I wish I was northern european

Druly greadest ally :--D

Am moving to israel for work for the next 3 years

What should an Irishman do/not do in israel to avoid antagonizing ppl?

Allison Brie

This place is a shithole desu don't mind it

They are the true master race, Hitler was just jealous of their success so he tried killing them all but instead made them stronger by killing the weaker ones. I LOVE jews, I wish I was born one

They are clever people. There's a many scientists and Nobel laureates among them. Is a people that gave the world the Bible and Christianity. And most importantly, Jews are the fucking cancer which must be destroyed by any means.

Muslims and Ukrainians are the next Jews.
Prepare for a POGROM, nazishit.

Ireland is a shithole too m8
At least israel is a sunny shithole

>Ireland is a shithole

Sun is over rated would rather stay pasty

Calm down, Abram, you yourself are the Hitler-tier racists, even God is a racist in Jewish religion, that's why the goim is a literally non-human in their view.

Nice try, jew


they're good with money
even when it's other people's money they stole

They made Sure Germany didn't Win WW1 and So I didn't Have to learn a Language with Retarded capitalization

Big titted jewesses

Good post

They have high survival skills
You'll never see a poor jew
I wish I was a jew

something nice about Jews.


Would shove my finger into the middle and then run away giggling

is she a jew too?



literally named Litwack

i want to marry a big titted rich Jewish girl so my children will belong to the master race



I want to BREED

Чё дoлблёб чтoли

Good at war
Biggest butthurt belt the world has ever seen
Yaweh-tier women

German Capitalization makes perfect Sense: first Word of the Sentence and all Nouns, and that's it!

Capitalization is a stupid concept

Keep posting jewesses please. Homework assignment.


This. It's also my homework assignment

The rarest of flags.

Also, German pronunciation makes sense. You almost always know how a word or letter is supposed to be pronounced without having heard it before.
It's not like English where o is pronounced differently in "work", "job" and "come" with no reason whatsoever.


>tfw no jewess gf

How to get Jewish gf?


Sounds like juice. I like juice.


My wife is Jewish. She is nice

don't let anyone rip you off and try to make a fool of you.

people will try to rip you off all the time. you need to develop thick skin and know when to tell people to go fuck themselves even if it seems really impolite by your personal standards.

if you act friendly and obliging to someone who is trying to sell you something, they will try emotionally blackmail you for all they can get

people can be hot headed but you need to stand your ground. they will do the same and the stalemate of jews trying to jew jewish-trickery aware jews will be upheld.

t. former ole hadash from a polite english speaking country


Didn't you deport all Jews during Communism?

no, those sneaky bastards changed their surnames to polish and converted to christianity, so we weren't able to deport them all


>Communist did a better job at converting Jews to Christianity than the inquisition did
