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International #632
Your country
ITT Sup Forums in the year 2046
Sup Forums posters you encounter every so often:
How has Brexit affected you?
I'm tired of my shitty life in this third world hell
Heh, I don't need to learn any other language. I already speak English. Heh
What does Sup Forums think of this country?
Bulgaria confirmed pagan
What went wrong?
American "money"
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Would you date a transgender?
1. Your country
Why are French people so unashamed of the fact that in 20 years 60% of their country will be non-white?
/deutsch/ - Völkische Ausgabe
Mom found the buttplug and panties
Zzzz........ dont wake me up
This is Spain:
Do you think russia + finland + estonia is going to be really friendly one day or not
Did you know there is an Sup Forums telegram group?
Show place in your country that don't like how is your country is expected to be?
Why are spics and Indians so bad at sports?
Tell me about the German military
What do Aussies, Canadians and Americans think this?
My salary is 90$ dollar a month
/fr/ - Le Fil des Forces du Raid Mémétiques
Really makes you think
What is it like living in a European city or town where you don't need a car to get around?
I have about four months to learn enough Spanish to take spanish level two in uni...
Moving to Berlin
What drugs are super popular in your country?
Bernard-Henri Lévy: "Trump is an antisemite who would let Putin attack Poland and Japan"
Every woman ive ever met is a whore
What would Aztec posters be like?
What do you think you owe your parents?
/asean/- Mightnight sports edition
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Hi Sup Forums I am from Nihon!
National geographic determined what Caucasians will look like in 2050, and its beautiful
I want to have japanese bodyodor
Is it worth to live one year longer in Uruguay to get the citizenship?
Fellow Sup Forums'ers, do you ever browser Sup Forums?
Why don't you have a Muslim gf?
There is black invidual in Japanese rugby team. What is this?
Post traffic characters/logos from your cunt
Why is western politics so illogical? It really breaks my mind
I want to travel the world but have a HUGE fear of planes
How much meat do you eat, Sup Forums?
Get in here !
How are all your best sportsman getting beat by ameriburgers!! Explain yourselves...
Is the EU is more powerful than the US?
Why don't Italians put chicken on pizza?
ITT: we are all in this cube
/deutsch/ - Igelausgabe
Monuments thread
W-what are they planning
Is it true americans consider enjoying sauna with friends as gay?
I haven't brushed my teeths in months hahaha
There's a pretty good chance I'm gonna spend about a year in Iceland. Anything I should know before I go?
Tfw have to find a job or I'm going to get kicked out
Is bacon a common cuisine in your country? I heard it's considered poor people's junk food in goy lands, is that so?
25% of french youth is muslim
Why Europeans get so mad when you mention they're a peninsula of Asia?
Can you find this in your cunt?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Why are most of you single?
Question for NATO countries
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /ur mum/
Who is interesting mix here
Why only white people find black women attractive?
Sverigetråden - Eftermiddagsupplagan
Itt: We are all on a plane
ITT: Fictional Characters from your Cunt
Multiculturalism in Europe thread
Leave aboriginal people alone
Hello my fellow Bernds of KC/int/
Finnish """summer"""
Mom is yelling at me to get a job again
Be persian
Tfw Chicano in Japan on vacation and everyone gives me dirty looks or avoids sitting by me
Write down
/bunt/ ehemals /deutsch/
My 16 y/o cousin impregnated some slut from his class and she is 6 weeks in...
Is Yerevan the cosiest city in the world?
Which ethnic/religious group is most hated in your country?
Russian population:
Other cunts will never taste cheese on toast with Worchester Sauce
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Brits and Aussies
I will punch first foreigner i see today...
Pajeets actually need to be explicitly told this
/balt/ + /ausnz/
Are Romanians white?
Yfw in winter, scandinavian people only have 4 hours of daily sunlight
Culture Pals - /cp/
Its time to fix Earth
Britain - France friendship thread
This is a German grill
Swedes sits down to pee
/slav/ - Castle in a cave edition
I'm glad we can all agree on this
As you sit in your local Starbucks sipping your grande latte macchiatto and reading Das Kapital...
Wake up
/ita/ - il filo
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
How do I get a White girl?
Filthy nazi kikes. Just tell me that this "human" trash didnt deserve what it got 75 years ago
What makes the Mediterranean people of Europe so attractive ?
I am so proud of being Japanese. We have not gained many gold medals so far...
/balt/ + /ausnz/
This is the Polish Leader in Civilization VI, Saint Queen Hedwig
Countries that have your flag highlighted are your friends...
ITT countries Yurop would be much better without
/v4/ Seras edition
The great debate
Is there anything good about Germany?
Metric or imperial
Kurva anyátok
Let's talk about Afghanistan
Learning Korean
Why are chinese so ugly?
Tmw the smallest penis' get the best girls
Why is white people so fucking disgusting?
Do Japanese delinquents still exist in Japan or is that a thing of the past?
Thank you for being poor, Russians
What do your neighbors think about you?
Looking for rare flags
Be american
/cum/ - Canada, USA and Mexico
Are there any good cities left in Canada?
Hilo /lat/ino
/fr/-Fil de la France
Wow! Other countries are you even trying...
Speak an ancient Indo-European language that shares its branch with no other extant languages
ITT go outside, take a picture, and show us how beautiful your country can be
Why are the French so butthurt about their dying language...
/kaz/ general
Anons my country is hopeless and doomed
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Have you heard the story of Arthur?
Why aren't you breeding with a black woman to make MASTER RACE children?
Actual merkel quotes
Why is Haiti so poo-in-loo compared to other Carrabian nations?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Is this true ??
ITT: Sup Forums in 1970
European descended population across the world, discuss
Tfw no bimbo asian gf
North Korean pictures
White people in america
Freedom ain't free
Have you ever seen a yellow man dating black woman?
Does your country allow women in the army?
Reminder that Iberians are literally Moor rape babies
Belgian Judo athlete gets punched in the face and has his cellphone robbed
Really makes you think
Is this guy white?
How patriotic are Brazilians?
How did Canadians out shitpost Australians?
The fire rises
Luxembourger on Sup Forums
A German family travelled to Russia before claiming asylum - insisting their homeland is no longer safe because of the...
I don't travel to USA anymore and neither do my family
Which part of Japanese culture do u like?
Which do you prefer
One chance at life
What would life be like in an Anarcho-Capitalist society?
Are the czechs slavs civilized by germans, or germans civilized by slavs?
How many years in the labor camp will she get?
I have not posted anything before on this website...
What are the biggest self-haters on Sup Forums?
Have once chance at life
How do Slovenes feel about being represented by these two people?
Nachtschicht ehemals /deutsch/
Post white people things
No mentally ill qt gf who is obssesed with me and she cant spend one minute alone without me
Someone fucking stole the gas cap from my truck AGAIN
KC has been 522 for several hours. Are there any Bernds who took refuge here? Did someone anger the Russians again?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Show us your city, Sup Forums
1. country
C'mon user, help me take down this fence. we HAVE to help the refugees get in!
Is this accurate?
Slovakia literally has an athlete named Benus
White people in the world
Is Uruguay comfy?
Why aren't you breeding with a black female for LITERAL MASTER RACE children?
What president would benefit Europe most?
Do you love Jesus Christ?
/Romance/ Thread
Who killed Krautchan? Is that you, bastards?
Languages Learning
Why the fuck is portugal always fucking insulted here?There's literally no fucking reason...
What would make for a better vacation, Mexico or Spain?
/slav/ - Chinese Cartoon Edition
What's the best education system in the world?
Post Sup Forums snacks from your country
Chinese Thread - 中文主題
Danish woman about Serbs
What happens here ?
/balt/ + /ausnz/ + /ur_mum/
Is Japanese the most aesthetically pleasing looking language?
I used to laugh at Americans because they are religious as I thought religious people were retarded...
/eyes of int/
Official country rankings just in
/rzeczpospolita polska/
Aryan thread
Why do wh*te girls have no ass?
Multiple citizenships
/MeNa/ tunisia's cute edishaan
Tea or Coffee?
The most important newspaper about travelling chosed Romania's Transylvania as the most beautiful region to visit
That 14 year old girl with huge tits and THICC ass at my gym that ill never get to fuck
That feel of absolute humiliation when every single Polish Sup Forums poster is mouthbreathing biowaste
Slav men
I bump while u watch
Sverigetråden - Kvällsupplagan
Say something nice about Jews
Why do you hate Japan?
/fr/ - le fil de la Francophonie francophonante
Why are right wing Sup Forums-tier people pro-Serbia when the Serbians are less white than Bosnians?
Why are most of you unemployed?
1. you're county
Can he pass as a local in your country ?
What cars are considered as typical mafia car in your country? Here, in russia typical car for criminals is G63
ITT: compare your country to the US
What is the most disgusting language on earth?
Anti Muslim mobs just raided a couple small towns 50 miles from where I live
Deny the Holocaust or you're a pussy
Das Braunhemd... Ich rocke es
/luso/ - Fio lusófono
Haha benis :DDDD
What do you know about South America? Do you like it? Hate it? Why?
Could I pass as a finnish man named Viiho Kaumanen in your country?
Hey Sup Forums, why dont you have a muslim girlfriend?
What's the best country in Europe
>slavs think they have it bad
/ita/ - il filo
Is this real?
Would you buy Mass Effect: Andromeda?
Social Experiment
Best cars - Germany
I have a task for you, Sup Forums. Humiliate my country like never before. Roast it to oblivion...
Which country has the most beautiful cathedrals?
Why are Canadians so stinky and smelly and ugly?
Why are Europeans so smug about having more than half their income taxed?
Alright guys. I'm 23 and I want to build up a new life in Latin America...
Scenery from your country?
What kind of coffee do Europeans drink? I know Italians drink espresso and the Balkans drink Ottoman style...
How can non-white women ever compete ?
When do you guys plan on getting married?
/asean/ - Special Snowflake Edition
ITT: Worst and most livable provinces in your country
Finland and Sweden unite, when ?
/ausnz/ + /balt/
ITT: sum up your country in a single picture
Have you ever wondered
This is a roundabout for bicycles in Netherlands
How about we divide Europe only to North and South...
Why do Asians have the best internet speed?
Is anzu a virgin?
/luso/ Fio Lusófono
This is objectively the worst national flag of all time
Question to quys from USA. Do TV serials show ypur life accurate? I mean, such shows as Californication...
Which is more of an embarrassment?
/rzeczpospolita polska/
Zika virus
Hello. I'm a shut in who doesn't like other people, but I've decided to travel a week to Turkey...
How common are people with freckles in your country?
What are the most common pokemons in your country? Ignore insects, pidgeys and ratattas
ITT cheesy racist jokes
Any Japanese out there willing to translate?
Someone please kill me. i'm too coward to kill myself, just shoot while i'm sleeping
I don't like how much bullying Sweden gets on this website
A McDonalds inside a's the most American thing I can imagine
What does your country name mean?
Describe your paradise
Are they European?
Why are you living at side of tiny ass street instead huge avenue?
Who self-hate here?
Where are you from and what is your political standing?
We write in phonetic English
Is there any Northern European cuisine that doesn't look extremely unappetizing?
Does Magic still exist in your country?
Argie grills *-*
Should we Anglos let France become the 6th eye?
This is a turkish girl
Do you hate USA?
1. your cunt
Walk into gym
Why haven't you chosen a black gf, why haven't you chosen happiness?
Why are their languages so different while neighbors?
Finland and Olympics
European RISK
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Hottest guys
Why do so many countries on this board afraid of Russia?
Australia Census
Do you support your country?
I lik Isreal, you like Isreal?
Who here /Eurasian/?
Why are Spanish speakers so obsessed with Dragon ball z and the Simpsons?
This nip text editing is fucking bullshit desu
What's the worst province/region in your country?
When was the last time you tasted cum
German people, what do you think of WW2?
These are perfect borders
/MeNa/ - Arab Man's Worst Fear edishaan
What the fuck?
Daily reminder. If you have yellow fever, you're a fucking degenerate...
Which is more of an embarrassment?
RAF asked to defend Ireland
Your Cunt
Norsk people pls rate me. Do I look Norwegian at all?
Another week spent browsing Sup Forums and accomplishing nothing
What man do you resemble most?
Why do Americans get naked during sleep session?
Why is Poland considered ugly by Sup Forums when irl the opinion is different?
I'm an Arab and I've noticed people attacking not only my people but also the Turkish people
What's like like for gays and lesbians in Russia?
This is currently our top model
Americans don't eat lamb
Dat feel when you're country has zero Street Food culture
/deutsch/ - Heiko-Maas-Ausgabe
Where can I open an anonymous bank account where people from all over the world can pay in?
That feel when wageslave
Seriously how could Europeans believe importing Muslims in big numbers is a great idea?
Why the hell is this being shilled so hard, who is behind this
/balk/ - Balkan thread
Describe the life in your country with a SpongeBob picture
Countryball thread
Tfw no German gf
/asean/- Olympic month edition
/ex-yu/ - PANIC edišn
1. USA (19 medals)
Australian war weapon
I'm fucked
/fr/ - Le fil du coq francophone
Turkish nationalists storm wrong party in Vienna
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
Real quebec
Liberation day in Japan
You will ALWAYS live in CANADA
Ask a mexican anything
If American animators had invented anime like this style, Anime would have been better more than before
What language do you dream in?
1. Your cunt
Kurva anyàtok
Would you date a colombian girl?
Hey Sup Forums
Which race is the ugliest and which race is the most beautiful?
When will the Japanese pay reparations for their war crimes?
What happens here, bros?
Brazilian music thread
1. your cunt
How do we fix Australia from being a desert continent ?
Sup Forums what are you listening to tonight?
Do you like australians?
Why do Iranians have cute and pretty names like Nooshin and Farah while ar*bs have ugly names like Fatima?
How do European view each other?
Why rest of the world except europe is complete shit-tier?
Is Tunisia really the Sweden of the Islamic world?
Are you intimidated by American intellectual superiority?
Why Koreans are selling Japanese cuisine in oversea countries?
/cum/ Canada USA Mexico
Hilo de la vuelta a la normalidad
Seriously what's wrong with the justice system in US? Why do they imprison so many people?
What goes on here??
Boy become girl
How do you measure the frequency of Sup Forums usage in other countries?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
Am I white?
It's cheaper to get plane+hotel to turkey than anywhere in europe
Be australia
This is the first transgender allowed to represent Team USA on the men's team
What do people wear to protect themselves from Mister Sun in your country? Hats? Sunblock?
Could I pass as a local in your country?
Whst makes this country so good at english?
Will they ever be united?
Can someone tell me why are turks so stupid?
/balt/ && /ausnz/ == /bantz/
Sverigetråden - Nattupplagan
What do South Slavs eat to get so tall?
Sup Forums asian posters average
What happens here?
/slm/ - Islam doesn't mean peace edition
Your cunt
"Finns are not mongols" my ass
Post statistical info that makes other countries look bad
Why Koreans are selling Japanese cuisine in oversea countries?
Tfw at 188cm I am a manlet in America but in my favorite country of Japan I am considered tall
/MeNa/ Middle East and North Africa
At what age did you start drinking?
1. Your country
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
ITT: People you respect from other countries
If your moms white and your dads black, your moms a whore
National cheering
/nachtschicht/ ehemals /deutsch/
/ex-yu/ - MAGA edicija
Hey are you a sunni?
Why is everyone so obsessed with being white?
1. country
Japan hate thread
He cant drive for days and still be in his country
Hey Sup Forums what ethnicity do I look like?
Why are Americans considered white but Mexicans/Latinos don't?
His country is so shit that it's greatest achievement historically is the millions of people fleeing his shit country...
How do you feel knowing that Germany could look something liek this
Did you have a talk about sex?
Make your own country thread
/ita/ - il filo
What was his name again?
How do we fix Germany?
Current listenings
What's the worst crime to have occurred in your country?
Rangeban of Russia when?
Why is the white man so tiny?
Your cunt
None of you are white
/slav/ - Friendship edition
Why US has such a meme infrastructure compared to Europe and Asia...
Political spectrum
1. Your cunt
European visitors from the 1860s to yesterday never failed to notice the American habit. In 1883...
Why is it allowed that a cunt as small and irrelevant as Portugal has the biggest fucking colony in LatAm...
Are you part of the naturally hairless chest master race?
1. your country
Faces of Sup Forums
Hey Sup Forums, who else here can't walk the streets because it is too dangerous?
It's been a long time since we had one of these: White Latin American Thread
Hilo latino /lat/
Really makes you think
Do Europeans like Texas barbecue?
Why don't countries in Africa or S-America ever attack each other? Why are they so ppeaceful compared to us?
1. country
Why does every race want to fuck white women?
I heard that in America, students :
Why are Baltic countries not part of the Nordic Council again?
You laugh, but Burgers are actually a very efficient meal...
Sverigetråden - Cancerfri upplaga
Sverigetråden-periscope upplagan
Why aren't you a socialist, Sup Forums?
I'm trying to convince some friends that we should go partying in Minsk for the lulz
What are the girls in your country like who live outside the cities?
Honestly why are there no Chinese posters on Sup Forums? It's not blocked there
What's her name, Sup Forums?
OY so you sayin tatht
Faces of int
Really makes you think
Straight yurop
Hola, me llamo Javier al-Moordrid bin Notrabajo bin Siesta
/fr/ - Le fil de la République Française
Ok this day today new tradition born - monday evening poland!
/rom/ - Fir românesc
Are there any Koreans-Japanese with naturally borwn hair or do they dye it?
Bath or Shower?
Tfw you're a twink top and love bottom muscle dads
A Scotch-German will be the next President of the United States
Wow... really makes you think
Should the USA aporogise for this?
/balt/ + /ausnz/
1. Country
Pics with flags thread
What does this flag mean to you?
How many of these retards do you have in ur cunt?
Arab christians
He is under 30
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
They will never find her
Be amerifat on vacation
/greek recruitment general/
Does your country have peculiar names for some foods?
Brits will unironically defend this
What do you think about homeschooling? Is it popular in your cunt?
Dankest Sup Forums meme
1-your cunt
What's the difference between the Chinese, Japanese and Korean peoples?
Int list
1. Your country
Sweden bully thread
/MENA/ (Middle Earth and North Armenia)
French living in Japan. I now realize how doomed this country is. I mean, it's amazing to see how well organized...
Hates islam
Is it worth it to learn Japanese?
Cozy commiblock thread for friends
This is considered a fully functionong airplane in the United States of America
Is there such thing as racism agains white people?
Czech population: 10,553,443
Which region has a brighter future?
Why are Finns genetic outliers?
The /balt/ and the /ausnz/
Why are French so gay and effeminate compared to the "macho" attitude of the Spaniards and Italians...
I am greek
You wake up in Europe
/Rzeczpospolita Polska/
I suffering in east Ukraine
Asian/White racemixing
How much percentage of men in your country do you think would want a nip gf?
Why is Europe so gay?
Italian girls are perfect
Dubs decides which european country i will flee next month
I fixed Europe
Is it true that in Europe it's not considered gay when two men take a shower together?
Wake up
/ita/ - il filo
ITT: Olympic qts from your cunt
How common are white male black female relationships in your country?
/luso/ - Fio Lusófono
On the left:Turkish people
It's Always Sunny in /brit/
Redpill me on Poland
What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you see this flag?
Japanese Thread / 日本語スレッド
You hate Japan
Height for males
What's your country's alternative flag?
How can a country with so little people be so dam great?
15% of Rio de Janeiro's population is gay
Should I start learning Spanish, Japanese or Finnish?
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...