W-what are they planning

w-what are they planning

America what are you doing

There is NO WAY this will end well

capitalism is create a war
then capitaism is create a stuff for war
then profit
just wake up already mother fucker

This is why we can't have a post-oil economy. No wars for wind and sun and tides, cobber.

They aren't planning anything, saudi army is a meme


Don't worry Bruce

Hillary is a terrorist herself

Yes you can
Thus is why you will always be the jester auzzie brah

We're just making money, whats the problem?

I hope those are M48s


Profit is great

>"i'm gonna make a bamboo computer"
>-this guy

le military industrial complex runs the show m8, dont you know this? international govt's are simply the market through which conflict and commerce are transacted

makes money for the military suppliers
that's the bottom line, if they go to war we make even more money

But what are they even going to use it for

for whatever comes along i suppose, tho my bet is the purchase is a deterrent to other countries/radical groups that want to fuck around on their soil, mb even against their own people, in protection of their oil production infrastructure. arms sales are part of geopolitical chess matches that us regular civilians are wayyyy in the dark about by design.

communism also creates war, both in practice and theory
wat do?

>selling weapons to muslims
What could go wrong?

Nothing. Saudi Arabia has many planes, tanks etc, okay, but they have no soldiers to use them, so it's not dangerous.

America is half the reason Middle East is so fucked up, can't wait for 10 ameriburgers to reply saying how great the US is.

Until they unite a large chunk of the Muslim world under one caliphate...

that is well known. the fact to aknowledge here is that ameriturds are hipocritical lying shitfucks and shoudnt be trusted.

"tell me who your friends are, ill tell you who you are"

trucks weren't dangerous a year ago

It's partially to replace equipment lost in Yemen, and partially feel-good spending.
They're not going to do anything with it, beyond continue flattening Yemen (which is pretty much 2D at this point).

They can buy soldiers as well.

They're fighting a war against the rebels in Yemen user. Plus also funding ISIS. They need dat moneh fo dem programs.

We tried cleaning up the mess created by other countries and ended up making it worse.

Killing Yemeni civilians and funding ISIS/Al-Qaeda

Tbf, we've been making it worse since 1953.

And then we fucked up again in 1956 by helping end colonialism in the Middle East.

Wonderful. More shit for ISIS to steal and use against innocents.



That's how they equip themselves. By capturing bases and other properties and taking over all the vehicles and weaponry.

we did not fucking try to clean up lmao

>We tried cleaning up the mess
By backing numerous dictatorships, overthrowing democracies, invading countries, supporting Islamists, supporting coups etc.?

You a Clinton supporter by any chance?

Calm down $1.15 billion doesn't get you very far

Forgetting your own adventures in the middle east?
The Great Game with Russia?
The various Anglo-Afghanistan wars?

>Forgetting your own adventures in the middle east?
I'm not the one claiming we were trying to "clean up the mess". That's where we differ.

Neither did I
That was another poster

What are ennemies of Saudi Arabia? Except usurpers

Meant for

Are you inplying Saudi Arabia doesn't actuvely arm those terrorist groups they support?

What is Al-Nusra.

Well then we're in agreement.

What I can't stand are these people who say "We just want to spread our values", "Humanitarian intervention" blah blah blah.

Hillary is bought and paid for by Saudi Arabia
I'd put money on Trump cancelling the deal

You realize that $1.15 billion in tanks is like 4 or 5 of our overpriced, over engineered boondoggles, right?
Its all a subsidy for the defense contractors.

there will be wars for lithium and other rare earth minerals to make those panels and the places those are mined have shit environmental standers.

wars will be fought over those, in countries with them, including china and Africa.