Who killed Krautchan? Is that you, bastards?

Who killed Krautchan? Is that you, bastards?

What happened to KC?

Can't enter it for several hours

the Jews did

also 4kanker is shit SHIT

Last time you tried?



Their Sup Forums board is pretty cool.

Okay I'll try myself.

No jews allowed

It seems to do the same for me too.

Are we still rangebanned there?
Not like I REALLY care though

No, you introduce new menes on KC.


No, I seen Finish posters jyst a week ago. You guys are in every chan site I go.

>Who killed Krautchan?

error 522, so russians did it.

Where are you guys? On Yl or Circle?

Everyone's on yli.

Circle is trash though and you should feel bad for using it.

Nobody gives a fuck about KC here.
Stop making these fucking threads.


Yes you do stop lying 4chinz subhuman.
KC's int is better than this one in every way.