Updating and cleaning my .vimrc after eight years without major changes

>updating and cleaning my .vimrc after eight years without major changes
> delete .vim folder and set up vim-plug
>discover loads of interesting stuff like youcompleteme, ale, vimtex, nvim-r, ctrlp

Has neovim/vim8/async really boosted vim plugin infrastructure development? What other things can you guys recommend that I might have overlooked? Mostly doing data science stuff, analysis in R or Python, text processing using Latex or markdown. Any good colorschemes? Sort of fed up with wombat. Was about to switch to spacemacs, but with this stuff I'll probably stick to vim.

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custom text objects
replace with register

small things but I can no longer live without them

Switch to emacs.

check out indent-line and vim airline if you don't already have them.

>How to turn those beautiful carpel tunnel-free hands into dysfunctional broken crab claws in one easy step


Have you heard about our Lord and Savior org mode?

org mode is a meme, and plugins exist for it for vim

fzf-vim has rendered ctrl-p obsolete

nerdtree gives you a file explorer in vim

colorscheme, I use monokai.

vim-easytags for automatically generating ctags

vim-commentary for commenting/uncommenting lines using vim motions

ultisnips for language snippets (this is GOLD for latex especially)

vim-syntastic syntax checker


I unironically use VS Code.

>nerdtree gives you a file explorer in vim

I tried but c++ module on Linux is unstable as shit

nerdtree and syntastic are obsolete friendo
use fzf and ALE instead

>vim users: haha emacs is an OS bloat haha
>eight years later
>support for plugins in 50 different languages
>terminal emulator plugins
>IRC client plugins
>file browser plugins
>music player plugins
>mail client plugins
>only missing image support
>10000 line vimrcs

>meanwhile, emacs:
>core editor without the bundled elisp is actually quite light
>everything written in pure elisp, no ruby/python/perl+vimscript abominations

Remap caps lock to ctrl and esc. Problem solved. But use rctrl so you don't fuck with lctrl.

You never used it anyways.

Evil/spacemacs is dumb. Vim is only good for batch operations, not day to day editing.

I suggest taking a look at mucomplete vs youcompleteme. ycm requires running external processes while mu runs in vimscript.
ycm is a bloated monstrosity (last time I looked) while mu is rather light.
Please elaborate

I do most things in Vscode now and only edit basic files with vim from time to time. the VsCode's vim emulator is very nice, it can even run with neovim backing. Setting it up is a little more painful, you'll need to find alternatives for your vim plugins on vscode plugins, but still it's much nicer imo.

anyone migrated to neovim? I tried to and it's fucked up. Everytime I press ESC in insert mode it brings the airline up and duplicates it. It just doesn't feel stable. Maybe I installed an incompatible plugin or something

Have Airline, will look into indent line thanks

Still faster than spacemacs.

OP here, I tried syntastic and ale and found always to be a much more pleasant and snappier experience.

I didn't as im mostly using Gvim and there was some problem with ctrl in the terminal.

How and why is that nicer? You can't really customize shortcuts to your needs as in vim can you? I've never seen a vim emulation that works well, it's all limited. I often use the vim mode in rstudio on my server, but it's incomplete and buggy. Still better than nothing, but not remotely close to the original thing. Closest I've used was spacemacs. But spacemacs was slow and buggy as hell.

>install a few megaybte or less text editor
>imiedietly add on a 400mb pearl script for auto complete, that's not even as good as autocompletes from IDES less than 400mb

fuck offfffffffffffFFFFFFFFf
youcompleteme is shit

why should i learn vim when nano does everything you need in a work environment

Just use ideavim like a sane person, or a similar plugin for your ide of choice

Vim is a just a text editor with great keybindings, dont try to change it into something it isnt

>shift ZZ to exit

>not ^q or ^x or ^z like the rest of my unix standards


>nerdtree gives you a file explorer in vim
so doest netrw

>vim-commentary for commenting/uncommenting lines using vim motions

>ultisnips for language snippets


Just tried it. Ehh, it works, but it's a lot more cumbersome having to switch modes, and there's a bit of a delay before it takes effect, whereas it's instant with the plugin. It also will automatically detect the comment style associated with the language which is nice.

I'll check out the other ones you mentioned, thanks for the suggestions.

Good luck finding something as easy to use and powerful as org mode for vim.

those are all pre neovim/vim8
last i checked there werent any nontoy plugins that use the new async and other useful features.

Yup, I agree. Youcompleteme makes the vim experience laggy. What's a better alternative?

I think Ale does use them. And is much more pleasant to use than syntastic.

>org mode is a meme
>there are multiple plugins of it anyway for vim
It seems like most people think it isn't a meme.

One of the few things that made me want to switch. It's just that the rest of the vim experience is so much better.

Why should I use VIM and not nano?
Can someone help me understand this shit?

Daily reminder that dark characters against a light background are easier to read

Emacs has all those things too just written in emacs lisp. I think it's a strength of emacs though,, being able to do so many things with the same keybindings and controls, and if all my applications were implemented in emacs I would be much more productive in almost everything I use my computer for.

Maybe but the higher brightness also increases eye fatigue.

See ux.stackexchange.com/a/53268

If your monitor is causing eye fatigue then turn it down. Having your brightness set such that it blends into the surrounding room is ideal (i.e. it's no brighter than the walls).

Editors like ST seem to have popularised dark themes and burned it into programmers that light-on-dark is best when actual research shows exactly the opposite.

What is the difference between vim and neovim? The description on neovim homepage is vague as fuck.

That link is irrelevant for me because I can read text either light-on-dark or dark-on-light just fine. I find a dark theme more pleasant and easy to look at for hours and have been using one for longer than sublime text has existed

Neovim + Deoplete

Also, most of the time I use my computer at home is at night with the other light in my room off so matching the brightness of the walls would require a dark theme anyway

> set path+=** in your vimrc so you can use Vim's built-in “fuzzy” finder :find
> filetype plugin indent on for maximum language compatability
> Tagbar for browsing your ctags file
> Gundo to actually be able to use vim's undo tree
> Vimwiki to keep notes
(you should check this one out. It's kind of like 1% of org-mode, which is still a big deal)
> A useful but non-bloated status line
> A few language-specific plugins to make integration better

ctags (go to definition) and cscope (go to usage) can be used for multiple languages, not just C/C++. E.g. starscope gives ctags and cscope files for Ruby which vim can use to fly around a codebase just like an IDE (and no heavy backend compiler needs to be running)

Also look into integrating vim's :make with your language's compiler/intepreter output. Lets you run your program inside vim and jump to errors.

bump 4 vim

It's a fork of vim that removes a lof of the legacy compatability (useless cruft to 99% of users) and introduces new features like async operations and a built-in package manager. Unless you use a ton of old plugins, chances are your current vim config and plugins will work straight away. Create ~/.config/nvim/init.vim and put
set runtimepath+=~/.vim,~/.vim/after
set packpath+=~/.vim
source ~/.vimrc

into it to have it use vim's current setup.

It also uses a set of generally accepted sensible defaults, like no vi compatiblity, a status line, syntax and indent switched on. The stuff that most people enable anyway. Unless you are using a terminal from 20 years ago, or you need neovim-specific features, you can swap between them basically without noticing.

One nice thing I found was the terminal neovim supports using both the block cursor ▮ in regular mode and and I-beam | in insert, like in gvim which quickly tells you what mode you're in.

I'm using it as a tool to manage my workspaces/projects
So when I'm loading big C++ projects, I just open the workspace, and have all my files ready to go
(Also replacement for CtrlP)

vim is like a puzzle game where you try to figure out how to do what you want to do in as few keys as possible

There's too many completion plugins for Vim now. Youcompleteme, MUcomplete, Nvim-completion-manager, VimCompletesMe, Completor, Asyncomplete, Supertab.

Which one do you guys use? I've been using supertab and tried to add Youcompleteme, but it slows everything down a lot. Using Vim8 and I'd like to do all completion using Tab and keep using Utilsnips.

Forgot deoplete and who knows how many more.

I've really enjoyed completor

I use YCM in neovim because deoplete looked like kind of a downgrade. redpill me on it Sup Forums

It depends on the languages you are programming in, for example there are many plugins that make only sense for Ruby (endwise, vim-rails and so on). But if you are doing HTML than Emmet is worth a look. But for something like C I'd choose a different configuration.

Generally I like Supertab and NERDtree, but the better you get the less plugins you need. Many plugins only emulate things that you could also do with vanilla Vim key commands.

As for colors, I'm a sucker for Monokai, for what it's worth.

fuck off with your reddit line spacing, faggot.


Is that the same command line application?

Depends on language but for C/C++ the last time I checked, clang_complete was the only one with argument completion. Though there was an issue about on YCM's github, which they had about a year to solve...

Oh shit, i didn't know clang_complete did that, it's the one thing i've felt was lacking in YCM.

I don't get it. And I sometimes use vim

Hmm... looks like this might be a solution if you don't want to abandon YCM github.com/tenfyzhong/CompleteParameter.vim

There is a division in the Linux community between weather vim or emacs is better, personally I plan to learn them both and make up my mind, got a book on vim coming!

>calling it "reddit spacing"

Fuck off, this is not your safe space.

kek how new are you

Bitch this imageboard doesn't support markdown. get hit buy a truck newfag.

Samefagging too hard..

I know there is this one literal autist on Sup Forums that always gets triggered if people don't follow that weird rules that were made up in his fucked up head.

Seriously, seek help.

What does "Quork!" mean?

Pic related typical emacs user

I'm not samefagging pussy just accept the fact that you're reddit


being this ass-blasted

What completion plugin(s) should I use for C, C++, Go, javascript, and Scala?

I'm completely fine with switching between vim and neovim at will if necessary, I'm just tired of searching through unmaintained shit and just want an environment that's lightweight but has proper completion and syntax highlighting in the few languages I need.

No Idea what Quork means sorry

what if i just use nano for quick in-terminal edits and sublime for everything else

Oh you poor dumb bastard.

Who is the one trying to tell people how they are supposed to comment here?

You are literally derailing this thread to tell the world about your hot opinions considering line spacing, eh?

Do you consider yourself a smart person?

Applying to PhD programs atm actually

I'm sure you'll get your Phaggot Diploma in no time.

Yeah sorry to dash your hopes of me being dumb :)

>he thinks intelligent people can't believe stupid things

>he keeps sperging out even though it's clear im just dicking about

I'm not even that guy I just wanted to make a Phaggot Diploma joke.

lets all just use trips and argue like men

> Quork!
Can someone explain?

>hey bro what distro do you use

It's just a sound penguins make in that webcomic.