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Technology #633
Octave vs Matlab
Just ordered a refurbished thinkpad T430 off eBay. Any thought on first thing I should do with it? Libreboot? Gentoo?
Which is the best form of autism, Sup Forums?
What code editor should I use, Sup Forums?
Fucking use hooktube, faggots. A Sup Forums user made it so you better fucking like it fags
What do you think about the Xiaomi Mi A1, my meizu m3s is almost dead and i need a nicely priced phone...
What is the Sup Forums-approved browser? Firefox Quantum is a piece of shit and chrome is bloated with botnets...
Android User Considering Moving to Apple
/WDG/ - Web Dev General
Getting into Cryptography
Time to switch
They are building machine learning systems to take away the right to drive, aren't they?
Firefox 57 is hideous
Tesla Semi will have a working range of 200 to 300 miles, typical diesel truck is capable of traveling up to 1...
/sqt/ /sqg/ - Stupid Questions Thread / SQ General
I have 6 GB of RAM, WTF is this?
So does Sup Forums actually have any non-meme reasons why they support net neutrality besides "muh freedom and privacy"...
Computers can never emulate something more complex than themselves... so how will we go about making vast...
Chrome wins again
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
Is she our new mascot?
User what is your favorite terminal font?
Firefox with ublock
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why does disabling adblocker never work?
What's your favorite handheld device?
Chinese mini-pcs
Windows 10 Auto Update
Choose Your Destiny
Switched to Devuan! (muh freedums restored)
This was Apple's peak, prove me wrong
Java vs c++
Net neutrality
What are we currently downloading, folks
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Open source VA new thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Can Sup Forums fix a security issue in TAILS?
Linux sucks because nothing fucking works. Not even for programming. That's the bottom line...
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
/wt/ - Watch Thread
Is stallman just an autistic child that hates everything that normal people like?
Tfw snorting aderall and chain-smoking while coding at 2 am
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
Why did all mainstream reviewers shit ln OnePlus for using a Pentile AMOLED panel but Apple gets a free pass?
How does one get a tech job with no experience and a 4 year degree?
I'm fucking proud to be Indian...
Why aren't more games using vulkan? Are gamedevs all a bunch of microshaft cucks...
What is you favorite Firefox addon and why is it Reddit Enhancement Suite?
Bought a new build, already regret it
Certain combinations of cp are illegal
Why haven't you accepted your lord and savior Apple?
Google is now throwing in "sponsored products" on Youtube. Ublock origin didn't catch it
What does Sup Forums think about having multiple SSDs?
Does anyone know of some website where I can just upload a file and post the link to it without having to register?
Name my router
Why the fuck is this CPU continually getting sold out? It gets re-stocked on new-egg like 3 times a day, sometimes
Real resolution graphic
Chrome popularity
Build $1800 computer
What do when pajeet pai ends net neutrality?
Just admit it already, Sup Forums, you use her
Decide to use loonix to make my shitty trap gay homosexual music
Aren't computers just expensive toys?
What the fuck's taking giorgio so long?
Does mental illness have a correlation with FOSS?
Fedora > 90% of Linux distros
Software mascots
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Good grief it's satisfying to use
NASDAQ investor here
You can only be a good programmer if you're good at math
What are the best practices for C++?
Computer speakers
Assemble a part list
Transmission on Windows!
Who here uses a simple budget phone just for browsing Sup Forums on power saving mode and simple stuff ?
Free vpn
Firefox 57 Quantum Update
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Wintards BTFO
500 word essay due in 34 hours
Speedtest thread
Why are pirate niggers such self-righteous entitled cunts?
Don't bother buying the ThinkPad W520
Windows is a Service
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
You wake up and this is now your keyboard
free app
HELP ME Sup Forums
This thread is about the appreciation of horology...
Why does AMD still bother marketing to Gamers?
/vgcag/ - Video Game Console Assembly General (formerly /pcbg/)
You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
Why is this app triggering people so much?
Been a while since I've seen a sticker thread
Are you ready for ipv6?
Coffee Technology
/hpg/ - Headphone General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
NVIDIA Launches 388.31 Drivers For Battlefront II, Bring Up To 53% Performance Boost In Destiny 2
Which one of you faggots are transmitting this? You do know this is illegal without a license, right?
Guys i have been thinking about this for a long time. Is it possible to do daily browsing without JS?...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
So since Libre Office doesn't want her, can we make Libbie the new Sup Forums's mascot?
Disable your ad blocker or no content
/dt/ distro thread
Quality USB Flash Drives Design
Mr. Robot promoting FF
Install LTSB, they said
Have you purchased your programming uniform yet, Sup Forums?
If sexbots looked like this how much would you pay for one?
So it says here that you don't have a Facebook, care to explain?
AI killer drones
Internet in niggerville
What is some old/outdated tech you still use? Does it do its job well or are you just using it for the novelty of it?
Teletype for Atom lets developers code together in realtime
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Windows 10 LTSB 2016 is the best Windows
Note 8
In theory
I'm so glad we live in an era where this is possible. White men are truly technology leaders, all others need not apply
Which Linux/GNU is the best for me?
Lower quality = more imagination?
Recommend a good distro for someone who just wants to do work, and watch anime
Is the Blackberry Passport /ourphone/?
Is there any reason to use soyfox now that they went full-on cuck and destroyed the only thing that made it stand out...
ITT: Indicate the state of your life by using a piece of technology or software
What f.lux settings do you use?
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Apple has great aesth
Blocking yourself from a website
Hand held PC thread
Hacker stories
Is the physical keyboard worth the loss of screen?
Why is C so hard and frustrating to grasp?
Tfw fell for the CS meme
Which is the comfiest Windows 10 build and how do I un-fuck it Sup Forumsuys?
I’m a cyber feminist. What are you Sup Forums?
You know I had to do it to Apple
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The rarest meme
Sup Forums browser bread
Why are there no standard package managers for C/C++
Wikipedia is still banned in Turkey
If there are no free meals, how come GNU/Linux is free?
/spg/ Smartphone General
Firefox 57 just broke my 4chin-x, wat do?
/wt/ - Watch Thread - Casio modding edition
At work
Is the Essential Phone due to the price drop THE Sup Forums approved phone?
Spent over a 1000$ for a new build
Is there any practical use (besides nostalgia) for MS-DOS in 2017?
New Linux Convert
Hey you fucking faggots, I know this is a slow board but let's fucking do it...
Uncucking Android USB tethering
Why do normies hate enterprise-grade PCs?
The inventor of email
Prove me wrong
FaceID finally proven a shit
Is there a decent scripting language with C-like syntax and no annoying quirks...
Is this correct Sup Forums?
White or black
Well Sup Forums Tabs or Spaces?
This kills the OLED shill
What's the deal here? Why do right angles disrupt the flow of electricity so much?
Best Firefox Plugins?
A 10-year old root exploit was found in the Unix “man” program used for displaying system documentation
Favorite OS, go!
I found an iPhone x without any password or pin
The state of apple
Literally what is the fucking point of 5k when 4k isn't even well supported?
AI are gonna take all programming jobs
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
How does Sup Forums choose a cpu
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
Wtf this Firefox Quantum update messes everything up...
IPhone X vs Note 8. Which is the most overpriced piece of garbage?
Lets post guts and rate guts. i'll start
Are computers too fast?
Remember, tomorrow is Wednesday and on Wednesdays we kode
Why linux always freezing when browsing internet? (firefox or chromium... brave is the worst )
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What's a good entry level job where I can just sit on my ass with a computer all day...
Not using NewPipe yet
What is Sup Forums's opinion of makeapp. Judging by his twitter he's a Sup Forums user
Raven Ridge - Overclockable?
HTC 10 Bricked itself?
How much code can I expect developers to write in a day? I had two developers write a single function today...
LibreOffice mascot round 2
Gentoo General
Essential Android Apps
What did Dr. Lisa Su mean by this?
Machine learning
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Will computers still exist 15 years from now
My sister bought an iPhone 8
Its a unix system, i know this
Greatest genius of our time died before he was even in his prime because of luddite conservatives' homophobia
Sup Sup Forums
Audiophile audio players
Write an AI in python
I'm gonna buy one of these bad boys, what should I expect?
Android browsers
What do you think about BSD?
There’s now a Sup Forums app on iOS that doesn’t break any Apple TOS
My old laptop is dead because of my clumsiness, and I need a new one ASAP...
Step into office for interview
Ajit Pai: the man who could destroy the open internet
LibreOffice mascot finals!
Why aren't you using the best monospaced font?
Code with Karley
Which Linux distro is this?
My fucking computer is downloading an update 1/4 and I think its fucking frozen help what do I do...
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What happens when you have a successful startup but can't afford to scale?
How would I go about creating an level app that ignores the cellphone built in accelerometer/gyro and can only be...
Newfag here, I need an idea of how to remotely crack into an iPhone
TempleOS thread
Nvidia takes a nap
Chrome 59
Should I use this as a first distro?
Why is everything so much slower and less responsive in loonix than when using the same machine with windows?
Yasss queen! Brogrammers be afraid
/dsg/ - Durgasoft general
/ntr/ - NeTRunner official Sup Forums browser
My friend works for the police and he says bitlocker is the most secure encryption tool
#Firefox is trending
Is it worth buying apple tv just for airplay? If you have apple tv, what is your experience? Apple tv thread, i guess
Firefox = Soros + SJW
/tfg/ technology fallacies general
Is it KINO?
Geforce Now
/wt/ - Watch Thread - Germany Edition
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why were the 00s so aesthetically pleasing?
Why i should install more extensions like uBlock?
WTF Sup Forumsuys, none of my add-ons work. I'm disabled and I can't even use my browser anymore!
Best phone for audiophile?
/wdg/ - Web Development General
What are some must have addons for Firefox?
GE is exiting lighting business
I'm in love Sup Forums
So really, why the notch?
Is there any reason to limit the sample rate to 1000000Hz...
X or 8?
Is ARM the future of computing?
So what happened?
Firefox 57
Iphone X doesn't work in cold xD
Konqi explains why you should use KDE instead of GNOME!
Telegram is the best
I hate Oracle and I don't know why
Windows 10 hidden feature
Most 2017 AAA titles had the FurX dropping fast below the 980Ti, and even the GTX1060/RX580/980 level...
It's fucking broken
No Speccy thread? Well here it is
Not using Windows 7
OnePlus: #AlwaysSettle for factory-installed backdoors
/Fedora/ - /fed/ - general thread
Windows 10
So Sup Forums, given everyone here clearly loves Firefox, I'm curious as to who actually compiles their own Firefox?
Sup Forums whats your thoughts on the global movement of Pirate Partys?
Anyone else smoke while programming?
This won't probably turn out well for humanity
The Chrome Killer
Valve Anti Cheat is spyware
LibreOffice Calc has a 1024 column limit?
I am TIRED of Makefiles
Energy consumption
First day
/wt/ - Watch Thread - China Edition
In /csg/, we discuss the cheap shit you see on Gearbest, Taobao, AliExpress, Banggood, eBay and similar sites
/hsg/ - Home Server General
Linux Mint is fantastic
My smartphone was in my pants pocket when I washed it in the Washing Machine. Is it a lost cause?
ITT: Plights of working IT
Why are Pajeet motherfuckers literally everywhere Sup Forums even in non-tech areas?
Wolfenstein patch 2
/cyb/ + /sec/: Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General
It says here you dont have a github profile, care to explain why?
What kind of anti-stress/Stress relief toys do you guys use...
Just werks memes aside
/sqt/ Stupid Question Thread
Pay $2k for phone
How is your relationship with Jesus?
Firefox installs in my drive c
One of your fans has started to rattle. The resulting vibration is amplified by you case...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is Linux mint a good distro?
Watching a talk on J-Blow's language for games
These are the people that benefit from the technology engineers create
Mechanical engineering textbooks
Say what you want about Apple, but macOS just looks objectively better
Github is an SJW shithole and nobody uses Bitbucket for public repos. Is GitLab any better?
Is this any good?
Is high Sierra the worst macOS release?
Which Linux distro to use?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is this legit????????
/cosg/ - CloverOS GNU/Linux
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Tablet thread. Is it worth it? What tablet should I get?
Our boy is no longer a virgin
Do companies really care
Removing apps that can remove ads from other apps
Is IRC really kaput?
Oh, Hai!
FF57 Addons and about:config
Lightweight distros thread
This is a house built by a giant 3D printer in has little as a day
Is this real?
Flight Sim Controls
Why is C so prevalent?
All these silly boys 'futureproofing' their computers with 32GB of RAM
/wt/ - Watch Thread -Financial Advice Edition
Get call
Can I use sd cards with higher capacity than the one described on the device's manual? Is there any side-effect?
Be brazillian
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why did linux go to complete shit after 2007 Sup Forums?
What makes thinkpads "good for Linux"?
Argue against this
Just got this. thoughts?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Girlfriend found .zshrc
I’m a techno sadist. What are you Sup Forums?
What's the highest end hardware you ever had in one point of your life?
Is the headphone jack ever coming back?
I don't get why Sup Forums hates Ubuntu
Have YOU overclocked your i9 yet user?
I have a secret file here which only needs a real h@Cker to open it
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Is a $10 iPhone replacement battery going to totally fuck my shit up? Seems suspiciously cheap...
FreeBSD confirmed cucks
Which Linux distro should I install if I have an IQ of 160?
Apple is a walled gard-
Processor hitting 45 °C while idle
ITT: prove you are a tech enthusiast with one photo
500 word essay due in 2 hours
Boss pulled me aside today and asked for me to stop using my mechanical keyboard due to noise complaints
Tfw you finally switch to linux
Are you HYPE for electronic paper?
Javascript Love
Why did 4:3 stop being the standard aspect ratio?
Just airgapped my Ubuntu box. What can I expect?
Alright, so I've started a company and found that I need to install a desktop in a pickup truck...
All non-memes aside, why would I ever need to use anything other than C++, XML and a shader language like GLSL?
The LibreOffice mascot contest enters round 2!
Which environment and/or distro should I use?
Just downloaded ubuntu, what shall i install/uninstall?
Hello Sup Forums, I am from India and I have cultural question about west
Do it yourself
Alright Sup Forums, let's hear those startup ideas. I want results
He owns a gayming meme racing chair
Why the fuck is he praising him that much? What's going on?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Physical keyboard phone thread
Should I buy a Japanese-layout keyboard?
Why aren't you using the One True Programming Font?
Free software
Why is this still allowed? Why is this resolution used for anything larger than 6 inches?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
SJW mozilla
What browsers does Sup Forums use?
Brits vs. Porn
My college courses have a mandatory required macbook pro 15'' for photo and video editing, I need one by next fall...
Recommend me some good desks that aren't shitty glass ones
Install arch linux
Sup Forums still never talks about AI despite the recent steady progress in supervised...
If you are using JS outside the web, please kill yourself
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Having 80 different messaging apps installed because different girls use different services
I'm about to upgrade from an FX8350 to this
If I buy a current 4k tv 120hz, and an hdmi 2.1 cable...
/wt/ Watch Thread
Hello buddies: biz here
Is this real?
Why aren't windows like this
How do I force a drive to kill sectors if there are already 8 dead sectors?
It should be Linux/GNU, or Linux for short
Discrimination at work in the tech field
Will the programmer or the person who switches on the autonomous killer weapon be jailed if it kills someone?
Can someone tell me why my dumb cunt slow as fuck $3000 macbook thinks my dinosaur 256gb iphone7+ is showing as full...
Do people still think Antivirus and AntiMalware are necessary for Windows?
*decrypts all data and tls packets*
B-but Apple is best for productivity!
Apple Face_ID cracked
How come no one has started Open Source OSX Desktop-Environment Functional-clone?
V57 final build is out!
ITT post what your phone autofills when you start a sentence with the word technology
Pocket Gopher
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Forbes cover 10 years and one day ago
Is Intel ready to get its ass reamed by 7nm EPYC(Rome) in late 2018, what's in the pipeline? Skylake-EP refresh...
Hello Sup Forums
Name a better browser
Mozilla Firefox 57
Okay Sup Forums I've heard (on this board) conflicting opinions
/tpg/ Toilet Paper General
Year 2000+17
I got in time edition
Why aren't you using FVWM95 user?
Sup Forums approved laptop
Resolutions are (mostly) a meme
Professor takes points off for having lines wider than 80 characters
Convince me to switch back to Linux. Just try it
What do you use to upload images. (something that isnt imgur preferably)
Clover Discussion
Anyone else just going through the motions at there job? Why havent you left yet?
IPhone X: the most powerful phone in existence
Cracking passwords
How will iToddlers even compete with their "aesthetic?"
Sup Forums goes to jail
Do you ever turn off the fans on your computer and listen in on the coil whine noises made by your CPU and SSD?
Why can't AMD packaging look this good?
"""screenfetch""" (lol) thread busy mode edition. dont clean up or post an old screenshot
Windows 10 AME
Hacking grades
Mint Linux
What's the best way to get Windows for selling refurbished / rebuilt / custom built PC's to people?
I plan on putting Linux on my Laptop to make it entirely a work machine. That is, light web browsing, and writing...
Are these botnet?
I have a very low IQ. Please explain wtf this is all about
Last thread: >>63339444
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
Anyone else using world's best smartphone?
Why do people buy 3,000 dollar facebook machines?
Builds "The Ultimate Mega-Workstation"
Why in the fuck aren't you using Node.js? It is by far the best language you can use in the modern day
8 gigs of ddr4-3200 ram now costs as much as a brand new r3 1200
Business Idea: Sup Forums but you can pay to be a mod
/wt/ - Polar Edition
Do any of you use GPUs for something other than gaming or mining?
How does Sup Forums justify not having a mousepad?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
It's happening boys
Why are audiophiles the biggest suckers for snake oil?
How much storage space do you use on your phone?
Is this a fair quiz question? its from my engineering class and I feel my professor gives us overly difficult questions...
/VIG/ Vim general
Why would anyone need more than 2 monitors?
Im looking to purchase a smart watch, which ones are good?
/spg/ - smartphone general
One more day
What will you do when you get your android gf, Sup Forums?
What do you name your drives Sup Forums?
What do you do to stop the spread of linux?
The state of apple
If you had one of these as a kid you're childhood was awesome
Did anyone ever figure out why this shit was appearing on Sup Forums?
/arch/ - Arch Linux General
Is this the future of consumer technology?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Windows 10 dumbed down
Best VPN provider
/p2p/ - PeerToPeer General
External hard drives
Which smartphone does your girlfriend use?
What's the best book for learning C?
/mpv/ - libplacebo or not libplacebo
64 vs 1080 ti
How the fuck do i code in c++?
Post your uptimes
What is the best "dumb phone" on the market ?
Chromium font rendering is garbage. I can't even fucking read, it hurts my eyes!
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Click on shut down
Can't vote on-line because computers/networks are insecure garbage
PHP sucks
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's the benefit of a dvorak keyboard?
What do you listen to while programming?
With 4k 144hz monitors coming out sometime next year is it worth upgrading from a 1080p 27" 60hz monitor to a 1440p 27"...
45 year old project manager former senior developer for a big name silicon valley tech company
Your dragon dildo is botnet
For the first time I got a secondary Android device after 10 years of owning iOS devices
Should I buy programming books physically or pirate them?
Finally get the courage to ask a girl out
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Code Golfing Challenge
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
>he uses HDMI
/dpt/ - Daily Parrot Thread
Welp, november 12, still no custom Vega
/Minimalism/ Thread
Do you think 1920 x 1080 is too low for a 27” screen?
The bedroom in my apartment doesn't get warm enough in the winter months
Tfw your diploma says "Theoretical Computer Science"
Informatin Systems Inquery
Minimalist Image Viewer
Sup Forums humour thread
Privacy fags are pedos
Is 5s the i5 2500k of phones?
Is vertical screen still a thing in 2017?
Intel BTFO
Implying Sup Forums knows anything about programming
What year was this?
I'm trying to use NodeJS and Express to create a kind of a caching proxy for REST APIs together with some Redis +...
Android users “undateable” according to new study
What's wrong with startpage again...
Is NordVPN any good? any better alternatives?
Sup Forums, I need your assistance. I need a USB DAC/Headphone Amp...
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Screenfetch / Neofetch thread
ITT: Obsolete technolo/g/y
Why do people care about bezels?
Why do people use open source drawing programs?
Only 10 days left until Americans lose net neutrality
Goys help me, what is the best browser in your opinion...
Why are the commies on Sup Forums so against advertising?
What is your reason for not having a seedbox, user??
Just a reminder to NEVER dual boot GNU%/Linux and windows
What's your idea of the perfect operating system?
Thoughts on the LG V30
Elon Musk fears this
Look at this beauty
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What's your excuse for not buying the iPhone x?
Redpill me on Windows 8.1
Actual security export takes a quick look at linux USB driver source
Riddle solving
How long will Nvidia stick with their glorious early 2000s design?
The best Windows
What is fundamentally wrong with "it just werks"? Not everyone wants to spend dozens of hours getting something to run
I fucked up. I tried to make 777 all directories in a directory and I did
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Best IDE for Linux? or twitter
Find a flaw
Wall RJ45 socket to WiFi?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Let me guess: you "need" more
He pirates with torrents
Talk me out of buying this Extra large gaming pad Sup Forums
Browser Benchmark Thread
How does it feel knowing Google Chrome™ is the second most popular browser on Sup Forums?
Alt+f no screenfetch thread
Is giving your child a desktop the equivalent of taking their life away?
Haven't seen a /stickerthread/ in a while
Why aren't you running BSD Sup Forums?
You should be able to solve this
How well did you do in all your math requirements for CS? Am I a bad programmer if I'm not acing them...
Job hopping
What does Sup Forums think of luke smith
/alternative sites / Thread
Ctrl f no screenfethc thread
NVIDIA Next Generation GPU Rumored To Be Called “Ampere”
Android users UNDATEABLE
I5 enough for gaeyming?
Hey goyim, why dont you have an i7 8700k yet? Too poor?
Describe this company in one sentence
Imouto Appreciation Thread
Sony Xperia XZ Premium
Say something good and bad about Python
Things change so fast
/wt/ Watch Thread
Ask a technofetishist who can hear WiFi anything
What is the programming equivalent to a capo?
Ctrl f no screenfetch/neofetch thread
My cousin spilled water on my MacBook air
Humor Thread
People forget how awful computing, the internet, and operating systems were in the 90s
2.0 Ghz 8 core
What peripherals do you have Sup Forums?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Bomb from /mlp/!
You have ten seconds (10) to justify your hatred of classic Macs
What are some good wireless earphones?
This is what Steven Paul Jobs wanted to give you
Almost 20 years down the road, and if you want any real work done on your computer...
Is there a version of this joke except using different operating systems/software?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I'm thinking about getting a blackberry passport to use as a cell phone because it has a physical keyboard and I'm...
Dead HDD?
What soldering iron does Sup Forums use?
Does this little beast works fine with Linux?
Post tech snake oil and gore
What would a Sup Forums meetup look like? Has there been a Sup Forums meetup in the past?
I forgot my password Sup Forums. How do I remove the password protection?
Welcome to our start-up, user!
You need to choose one and use it exclusively for the rest of your life no matter how technology improves in the future
What type of monitor(s) do you have Sup Forums?
Debian: The Official Distribution of Milfs
Are you a digital nomad?
/minimalism/ Thread
Member when nVidia was worth a fuck on Linux? Shit, when was that? 2003? Seriously, how the fuck did this happen...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
The Intel i5 is dead!
What do you think will be the biggest application of blockchain technology in the next few years...
I've just started to code with my Atmega16. Wanted to try out RGB diode and i cant understand why won't it work...
I've blindly hated apple for years, but the iPad Pro (2017) has changed my mind
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Is this /oursearchengine/?
He's an old crumbly looking man and his reputation went down the toilet when the sexual allegations came out...
Buy a used thinkpad
Who is currently still using a Windows phone and why?
Why don't you have a 21:9 monitor yet Sup Forums?
Speedtest thread
Programmers without CS Degree?
What can be done about the captcha menace?
Technology in Music
The complete dominance by Google Chrome is proof that performance matters
Screenfetch/Neofetch thread
Be chicano, son of retarded border hopper
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
How advanced is your neural network keyboard on your phone...
How can I convince my team to start writing tests for our code? None of us do it right now (including me)...
Can dead pixel appear after years of usage or are they only there from the beginning...
UAE to train one million young Arab coders in the ‘language of the future’
/csg/ Chink Shit General
I love this book and i would recommend it, but the problem is that it only deals with linear circuits and elements
How do I become le epic 1337 h4x0r?
What themes and launchers does Sup Forums use?
Their conferences are pretty comfy. ill be there
Why do people hate on Windows for being a botnet when most Linux distros have even worse privacy invasion than Windows...
/hpg/ - Headphone General
Sabayon is Gentoo for non autist people. What do you think?
/hrt/ - Hardware Removal-of-botnet Thread
Are laptops genuinely shit?
Wireless or ethernet?
Who won this one again?
Java fags get in here vol2
Are you using /ourbrowser/?
Real talk. What were they thinking? I want to know the legitimate reason for the design of the X's screen
Best cheap upgrade you have done /o/?
Ghetto rigged my eGPU
Need a life advice
Scrolling main page of normiebook
Say what you want about Apple, but macOS just looks better than other operating systems
KDE released Frameworks 5.40.0 today!
/arch/ - Arch Linux General
Linux mint
SQT - Stupid Questions Thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Internet speed thread; /muhNBN/ edition
/hsg/ Home Server General /hsg/
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Juraj Tralalak
Why is this shit not illegal?
Raja Koduri leaves AMD for Intel
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
We called it libre software because there is not a word in English that describes what we are trying to say
What would you do?
/wt/ Watch Thread
So my cringey minecraft tier cousin has an old asus eeepc (forgot the model but its a hyperthreaded dual core atom with...
Its almost over
Firefox UI / CSS
Does the enterprise version of Windows 10 actually stop sending data with its disable telemetry option?
/ntr/ - Netrunner official Sup Forums browser
What's the best non systemd distro?
Is signal just a meme or is it actually secure!?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
...and the home of the braaaavveeeee
Remind me why Sup Forums hates him?
Is there a browser which doesn't suck cocks?
T-Thanks NBN
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Will we ever see another card as good as the hd7970...
They are all shit
You have 10 seconds to explain why you dont own one
/mpv/ - the Sup Forumsreatest media player
If you don't have a Google phone...
What are the most complex things in tech?
I current have 103.09% 567.00 / 550.00 points in my university's intro CS class. (Java programming)
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Samsung Galaxy Tab vs iPad Pro
"Wow this page is going pretty well in X country... but there's nothing similar in my country...
Sup poorfags, still stuck on 1080p 60hz poverty tier?
Iphone X Green line display
Is nvme worth the premium?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
This is easily the best phone on the market
Give me a distro recommendation other than Arch (using Arch right now and I hate it)...
You should be able to solve this
/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread:
/dap/ aka /pmp/
Linux doesn't have decent font rend-
My friend lost her samsung S8 and some nigger found it and turned it off, will they be able to unlock it?
Nothing about new NSA leaks?
What terminal music player do you use and why?
Even more Botnet, IME has backdoor
What's stopping someone from writing a rogue linux daemon that sniffs your keystrokes from elsewhere in the X11 context...
How Dangerous is it?
Which RSS reader do you use?
Alright Sup Forums explain to me why you don't have this book?
Hurr durr MPC-HC is dead
So long and goodnight
A⍰Phone X Thread
Guess who's getting a Libreboot T400 bitcheeees
VPNs are useless
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is this the best android browser out there...
Fell for the EE meme
Where do you think GNU/Linux/Systemd should be heading next?
What do you do for fun Sup Forums?
Studio Monitors
Upgrade from an i5 to an i7
What are some core technical differences between Windows and Linux?
What's going to happen?
Since Windows Phone is dead, Continuum is not on the table anymore
300.000 unsold glasses
Anyone eaten this shit before? Good programming snack
Android faggots BTFO
Interview for a job
/dpt/ - Daily Parrot Thread
Is Intellij good?
/tosg/ - TempleOS General
God-mode activated: EVERYTHING is now *hardware* pwnd
Rate my code
/pcbg/ PC Building General
Wow, so this is the power of deep learning
/ug/ University General
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...