Talk me out of buying this Extra large gaming pad Sup Forums

Talk me out of buying this Extra large gaming pad Sup Forums

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Your keyboard is going to cover most of the art. Why not just get a solid color or patterned one?

why should i? it's money you're inevitably throwing away to some gook who will be fucking your mom and sister in 10 years while they suck his dick for a bag of rice because you keep spending mom's paycheck on anime waifus and gaymer gear

keep spending your money op. it's good for you and will bring you happiness. don't let haters tell you otherwise, they're just broke poorfags who wish they could afford $20 nylon rectangles. keep buying rectangles OP, i believe in you

It screams "I'm a manchild".


overwatch is shit

you a shit

where can i buy this

A mousepad is not an expensive purchase, holy shit

Do you have any idea what the masses waste money on?
5-10 dollar coffees everyday, travel, cars, clothes and other bullshit

A mousepad is nothing

Some guy in /owg/ tells you to go buy it.

Only if you tell me where I can buy it instead.

I've literally never met a well adjusted overwatch player, especially not one that waifu's the shit out of

Or maybe this one

You realize these are TCG card game playing mats, right?
Some opportunistic chink realized you could market them to gaming manchildren and rake in big bucks.

You're likely not going to know they play OW unless they're waifufags, if they're waifufags they're never going to be well-adjusted. I'm bored as fuck of the game but when I played it was mostly normies

i need a big mouse pad where can i get one?

Search for "large mouse pad" on your preferred shopping site. Amazon, AliExpress, NewEgg. Wherever.

any website recommendations for large custom image mouse pad like op's pic?

>being butthurt Asians make most of the greatest shit

why are you even on Sup Forums

nvm thanks

You are the "masses"

cringy as fuck

this one is ok

You can get custom printed ones from a different chink.
Arent TCG mats a bit deeper though?

>You can get custom printed ones from a different chink


overwatch is shit

No he's a individual

>you can alter the url as long as the item id is the same and link still works

get the one with the overwatch girls looking in the mirror but the pov is from behind and its just all their asses lines up

But why do you need a pad in the first place?

If you were my son I'd seriously consider kicking you out of the house, or disowning you if you were older.

It's very cringey, it's probably perfect for you OP


you're too old for this site you dinosaur

I literally ordered pic related for about 10 bucks, and it's a pretty good mouse pad, can't really complain about it.

So why the fuck are you asking anons for a 10$ purchase decision outside /csg/ ?


Oy vey, lad. You better off charging this shit in a saucepan if you don't want your whole appartment getting caught on fire.

Imagine the disappointment on your parents' face when they see something like this.



I bought this one for like 10€ and it's pretty nice so go for it

So this is the power of modern anime. They all look the same except for the hair color.

This nylon pads are always shit, always gets dirty

my nigga

post the image?

It looks nice, but wouldn't it be a bit embarrassing if you brought a girl over?

buy quality laser mouse and forget about mouse pads

thats lewd
also overwatch is not a hardcore game for hardcore gamers

Enjoy your shit tier desk. I use one so as not to wear down the finish on my hardwood desk.

I use a g602 and it jumps around all the time, super annoying. I'm using a plain black perixx pad. Is the g602 a piece of shit or is it maybe the pad's fault?

>bought this mousepad 6 years ago
>still going strong
Never buy anything but fabric based mousepads. I had one with some kind of plastic finish and it wore of in less than 6 months.

>I use a g602 and it jumps around all the time, super annoying.
Tell your fat sister not to microwave hot pockets when you are trying to play vidio games

>fully describe the RJ process for TF2
>simply write "Rocket Jump" for Overwatch
You're clearly not being fair to OW (even if TF2 is the superior game)
also >>Sup Forums

>bought that 6 years ago along with other razer stuff
>tiny bit of water goes into my brand new razer keyboard and completely fries it
>stop using it and later throw it away cause fuck razer
it's too big for my taste anyway

I might actually buy one too.
I'd say go for it OP
it looks sweet

OP if you're going to get a mousepad that you wouldn't show to your family or real life friends, might as well go all the way and get one with lewds on it

Just fucking buy it already.

Spreading it on a little thick there, Chang.

i bought this stupid thing for $50

I wish the Republic of Gamers was real so we could finally have an undisputed nuclear genocide.

Its just going to remind you how far away actual hot ass is from you every single day.

>waste of money

wow user, please enlighten me on what money is used for then? is it just for the fancy artwork?

> open link
> Firefox asks for permission to record audio from my mic
> Firefox asks for permission to record video from my camera

Is aliexpress really this much of a botnet in 2017?

> imblying Quake 3 is not a thousand times better when it comes to rocket jumping
Stop trying to make TF2 so hard and shit. Yes, OW is babby mode as fuck. But TF2 is still for braindamaged kids. Back in the days it was kinda-okay when it came out, but put down the nostalgia glasses. Valve killed that game for good.

t. butthurt overwatch baby

did you even read my comment? ho lee fuk.

can you link me to a site? I want the print quality to be good tho if possible.

Overwatch girls are normalfag-tier.

It looks awful, tacky, and takes up too much desk space. Imagine trying to wash it after another lonely night of masturbation?
>the absolute state of overwatch players
At least this gave me a laugh. I guess you have a display case for all your funco pop figures, so you don't need the desk space anyway huh?

not everyone is a lumpen like you