
Has science gone too far?

How does this work?

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its like a snapchat filter but instead of being tuned to make you look pretty or like you are in fancy light it just applies a generic no makeup filter

no makeup is best makeup anyways.

It pretty much just dulls your features since make up brightens and emphasizes them.

ahh, the age of the strong and independent woman

wow something so simple and banal and they are taking it like the end of times lmao
a lot of women were shallow has fuck it seems

People hate the truth. When an app was released that would allow you to get directions that avoids d high crime areas, it was declared to be racist because it avoided black areas. Turns out there was a high degree of correlation between black neighborhoods and crime. The app was pulled because the truth is racist.

right is better

das rite

>the haggening

How will emma fags ever recover?

They wanted gender equality and now, what, they dont like it because it doesnt favor them anymore?

desaturating, nothing too fancy. you're giving it too much importance/credit.


>getting several 1 stars by angry roasties
>maker is being called a Russian spy who lobbed Trump into office


Angry roasties best lolcow.

Funny, I thought using makeup was oppressive and sexist since it creates "false standards" for how women should look, but now that this app has gained popularity it's all coming around.

Now all we need is an app to make our dicks look bigger. Amirite fellow white males?




sexist! my soggy knees! RUSSIANS! I'M GETTING RAPED!!!!!!!!!!!

Without make up 90% women will be betas, simple men won't care old and ugly women.

Stacey will get everything.

Sorry, I don't need help in that department.

ayy lmao
the app is dumb
the reaction is even fucking dumber
seriously, all they have to do is point out that the app is on the same tier as that aging one, google deepmind etc., i.e. it's just a fucking guess and you can easily game it to get hilariously bad results like most AI algorithms

>muh patriarchy!!!

As long as this one doesn't get taken down, yeah sure. It's a joke. A funny. Lighten up

And women need an app for their ugly cunts. While at it get one for bigger firmer Tits too.


Without makeup she reminds me of an old girlfriend.

Vapid roasties btfo


roastie status:


Technology is rapidly making women obsolete. Between this, and our future (VR) AI sexbots, what possible added value do these deprecated cunts still propose to men? The only value of a woman is as a walking cumrag, and that's out the window soon.

Red pilled extension. With it we have learned that Donald married his own clone in a gay wedding.


This was never true

If anything, this is the most extremely feminist thing ever because it levels the playing field for all women. They are just butthurt because Staceys are not used to fight on even terms.

I would never fuck a doll, but I can totally see this happening. I could see 50% of men doing it.

Why is it that all these articles say in their headlines how they expect their reader to feel about what the article discusses?


tbqh it's your own fault if you date a caked-up whore, it's not that hard picking the ones with little makeup so you don't wake up next to a monster.

they cant

>remove your makeup without your consent
Is this the new rape?
>photoshop woman without consent
>registered sex offender status

we already know what emma watson looks like without makeup so if anything this is proof that the app doesn't fucking work

>hurrr durr i was just baiting xD


why are women more approachable without makeup? many of you will say that i must be insecure or less confident but i feel like they look more human without it.

it's close

Because they are. Some women look better without it.

>new rape

work for what? It's a fun app

MakeApp this stuck-up bitch, please.


It also appears to have accentuated how bumpy her forehead is. Probably hides it with with foundation or something.

>deserve to see a womans bare face without her consent
the absolute state of the west.
they are acting like it's removing their clothes.


>Fetish for realness

This. How is it legal to see a woman's face without consent? They should be wearing burkas like the free women they are.


you knwo you have struck an exposed nerve when you get reactions like this

funny thing is that it's true. Mr. Gabrelyanov was a Kremlin's bitch for a long time. He is kinda of an asshole.

I just finished an hour long jerk with my wonderwave fleshlight and tons of lube. Fuck yeah it was good. To the video with this girl I got from my Naughty America account. Mindy Main. It's like jerking off to a 16 year old scene girl. My dick is still throbbing in pleasure. I laugh at you faggots you spend all day trying to get a girl, flirting, trying to entertain her, wasting your energy on that shit. You spend tons of time and money trying to make it seem like you have a social life so they think you're cool. You spend hours talking to her every day, wasted time. You have to put up with all that bullshit women spew, you have to keep her entertained, put up with her little games. I laugh at you. If I want a real bitch, I'll buy an escort. I've got a $50 for 15 minute deal with this model looking chick. About what you'd spend going out. No drama, no flirting, no game required ;) up front no bullshit. the way it should be.

I get up, go surfing in the morning for an hour. I then go home, take a shower, and go to work. I get to troll Sup Forums all day since my job fucking kicks ass, and I make $105,000 a year. I then get home and play Crysis/COD4/UT3 on my AMD QUAD CORE PC, with 4 gigs of RAM, and 2 8800 GTX video cards. On my 30" LCD Monitor. Then i go and watch some TV in HD on my 1080i 50" plasma TV, on my leather couch, and go back to the PC if i like. Or i can take my .50 cal Barrett rifle down to the range and feel like a badass.

Then i get home, jerk off, and go back to playing games. Drama Free, Freedom. perfect life. I hope you faggots enjoy your shitty ass minimum wage jobs, and spending all your free time and energy on some whore and getting social status. While I enjoy relaxing and being worry free. All so you can say "I have a life" and prove yourself to others.

That's going into the pasta folder

like im gonna take a chance and ask some demented, retarded bitch with a princess complex if she'll go on a date with me

on the small chance that i, a mere peasant male, might meet her insanely high requirements for companionship, i have to pay out of my ass to take her out on numerous occasions, all for the mere chance that she MIGHT want to fuck me sometime

then if i get "lucky" and she wants a proper relationship, i can look forward to working my ass off the rest of my life while she sits at home doing nothing, and at any time she can decide to leave me and get half my shit, even though she never worked a day in her spoilt little life

and if we have kids and she decides to leave me, she gets the majority of my money for 18 fucking years

yeah, thanks, but no thanks, ill stick to my right hand


Turns out there was a high degree of correlation between black neighborhoods and crime.
You say that as if it wasn't common knowledge

but what it does to our waifus?
someone pls slap some 2D into the app


how do you even program this? what language? pls respond

This is comedy gold. Thank the guy who made that app. Never gonna use it because I don't use social media but the butthurt is glorious.


>Women feel threaten with a joke face app

You nigger already got your answer in the other thread

yeah, glad somebody answered

>It sends the worst message
what message? that some women are a fraud?

We need one that makes me look black so I can collect welfare.

I think it does some microcontrast enhancement or something like Retinex but at a slight level.

tfw my gf looks beautiful without makeup

roasties btfo

>observing a bare-faced female is now rape

>Never gonna use it because I don't use social media
Surprisingly, it actually works offline.


they should have named it nigger detector





Fuck now there's an idea
The nudeifier

women create fake features with contour make up these days.

wish i was smart enough to program. must feel nice having something you've created affect so many people.

bitch I'm hung what you on about

I'm a chick and I think this app is fucking hilarious - only insecure women who know they don't look any good without makeup are crying to be honest so who cares.

The roastie is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a thot, whore, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But take off her makeup and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: "I've been found out."

>no makeup is best makeup anyways.
I hate each and every one of you fucking virgins

The "X is Y and it's Z" headline format pretty much a cancer of modern """""""""""journalism""""""""""". It's partly to clickbait and partly to prime the reader to make sure they have the correct reaction.


The other one that I fucking hate is "We did X, and the implications/results are Y", where X is some mundane shit and y is usually some negative adjective like " disturbing ".

>We drank water water and the results will shock and disturb you!

You realize "women are better without makeup" is white knight shit right? it's a retarded thing men say to make themselves look better to women. That or they're virgins who haven't realized what women look like without makeup. There's no such thing as a natural beauty, just women who aren't ugly without makeup on. It is almost logically wrong to make the statement that original + improvement on imperfections < original.

if you like cosy pyjama homebody girls no make up is great because it makes them look more comfy and cuter in a sleepy way

Women that aren't ugly without makeup are actually better, and that envy is what makes shallow women mad
keep roasted

Just accept that you are a low class female.

Yes, please! I'll take two!

>soulless buzzword dispenser girl
