Resolutions are (mostly) a meme

720p on a small screen looks as good as 4k on a medium sized screen

1080p on a medium sized screen looks just as good as 4k on a medium sized screen

higher resolutions only make a difference on bigger monitors

i think youre too stupid for this board mate

you're on Sup Forums faggot

Nintendo fanboys used to say the same circa 2006

It's true. Buying 4K for desktop is utterly retarded.

Eyesight fucked anyone?

There is a clear difference, specially if you like to read -anything- on monitors.


Where did he steal that computer?

Especially for that application a high dpi is useless. A FHD display can render text small enough to make it unreadable because of size, not the lack of pixels.

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user, I...

When you're sitting close to a monitor, you'll notice the difference eaily. For sitting on a couch, watching the screen from several feet away. You'll need to have a big screen to accomodate the detail of the higher resolutiuon.

1080p is ok for a 5" smattphone
1440p is ok for a 6" smartphone
4k for anything else.

>phones have 1440p resolution
for what purpose

Fuck off gayman.
4k is a must for any productivity workload

So i couldnt see the pixels.
1080p is meh still pixelated, 1440p is good enough, 4k phones are actually unnecessary

for the same reason why Normies buy big cars, jewelry, "brand name" clothes, etc...
They're just one step removed from apes.
In fact actual apes aren't as obsessed with superficial status.

what kind of retard made this chart?
Who the fuck watches 100" screens from 40 feet?

Is there anything more precise? Something that actually could reflect real world distances?

>Who the fuck watches 100" screens from 40 feet?
>What are public information displays

Do some math considering viewing angle of a pixel.
I suppose the graph is based on a calculation based on what angular size of the smallest object you can see

For easy of use.
But the chart was just to iullustrate the point.

It'd be nice if the standard became 2k at this point.

Yes I do like consuming content on a public information display myself aswell m'sir.

How something looks is irrelevant, how much space I have to work with is not.

>100% too small
>125% too big
>Anything in between a buggy mess

Can't decide if bait or idiot

tfw non USfag, had to calculate

1080p 5" phones have ppi over 400
4k is not really enough even for 24" monitor
Anything with more than 300 ppi is a meme tho

>bonobo skull shape

hes right you know