>linux mint
what did the authors mean by that?
Linux mint
They meant shut the fuck up and stop beating this dead horse meme no one cares about your shitty hax0r program. If I see this googly eyed faggot on my Sup Forums one more time I'm going to shut down Sup Forums for 8 weeks.
>i rather want to see desktop threads with loli porn wallpapers
>a paranoid hacker who constantly wipes his computer uses a distro that's easy to install
gee i wonder
make a clean gentoo install
do an image of it with clonezilla
>touching mint ever
It means that the writers are retarded normies, because Mint is the Antichrist of security. There is basically no other distro that goes more out of their way to make their shit so insecure.
I really liked the last episode, the way it was filmed.
So what distros value security and privacy?
>unironically never have watched this show out of spite for him being called robot when he's actually a normie
How far gone am I Sup Forums?
I already tried Void. It was decent.
That the show is complete shit. It has always been.
quite gone. Tbh I started watching mr roboto after seeing quite a few threads here and kept watching it because I just liked the show.
Among Linux distributions, Tails easily.
Another very secure OS which is not however based on the Linux kernel, Qubes.
I still can't get over how immensely retarded Elliot was in the season 2 finale.
that its great to use as a mid tier honeypot when you know you are being watched and yet someone with physical access working for the government inserts a device in meatspace that broadcasts your display signal to a video recorder ... thats all it was
i have no idea what virus scanner he used, i use mint and debian and never seen anything like that ....real ?
Maybe this is why he searched for rootkits with kali.
He setup his personal computer to honeypot the FBI and it worked in under 12 hours.
Well he boots Kali Linux when he goes into hacking mode.
He probably was pandering which distro to use for everyday use, he went to distrowatch saw Linux Mint on number one and started using it.
Seriously why Linux Mint number one on distrowatch, I think someone is messing with the ranking
All version counted as one.
I like Linux mint... It's my go-to linux because it's painless to set up and can do whatever other Linuxes does. On old computers I use Manjaro with i3wm because I like the "easy to get up and going" thing about it. Only reason not to use Linux Mint is if you want to run a server (then use debian) or in some embedded systems.
Mint is top because it looks the most like windows. The is the EXACT reason it's so popular, just like how Ubuntu is popular because it (used to) look like macOS
Linux Mint is as secure as any other distro.
Doesn't that happen with more distros though?
what version of mint are you using lads? Betsy here
But is it popular though? Never heard of someone using it unironically.
>Mint is top because it looks the most like windows.
Dumbest shit I have ever heard. It does not look more like Windows than any other distro and the look depends on the desktop environment, not on the distro itself because you can get Linux Mint with tons of desktop environments.
Linux Mint don't look more like windows than Arch, Debian or Fedora.
It's more popular than Ubuntu. I am sure nobody installs a distro ironically unless it's explicitly for a joke and how good of a joke is installing Linux Mint? I installed Linux Mint on my work machine.
not if they use deprecated packages
Any security updates are available straight away. Old packages is a pain, but the safest distros like Debian only update their packages like twice per decade or something.
It fucking looks like windows idiot, it has a start menu and dock thing just like windows 7, stop being angry about me being right.
>linux mint
It's like they're trying to cover up how badly their distro stinks. Shoulda named it Linux Perfume on a Turd.
>It's a day where Sup Forums is mad about something that literally does not matter
Huh, must be a day that ends with y.
All other distros look more like Windows than Linux Mint, Linux Mint is the distro that looks the least like Windows 7 compared to anything else. So it can not be the reason why Linux Mint is popular.
Why isn't OpenSUSE popular? Why isn't Fedora as popular? Why isn't Manjaro as popular? They all look more like Windows 7 (although nothing at all like it) than Linux Mint does. So you are not right, that is not the reason why Linux Mint is popular.
>projecting so hard
ITT autists analysing a show based purely on gifs of it on Sup Forums
Maybe brain problems.
>these distros that don't specifically ship with a specific DE look more like Windows 7 than Mint which specifically ships with Cinnamon, which uses the exact same arrangement for everything as Windows 7 does as well as a similar "start" menu
>than Mint which specifically ships with Cinnamon
Mint don't specifically ship with Cinnamon
Mr. Distro
I do.
why is he white if he is Egyptian?