Fucking use hooktube, faggots. A Sup Forums user made it so you better fucking like it fags

Fucking use hooktube, faggots. A Sup Forums user made it so you better fucking like it fags.

Other urls found in this thread:


this is how facebook got popular
>/ourguy/ made this site, so you better shill it to the stupid goyim

This is actually pretty good

What is it?


>maximum quality is 720p


HT here. They already know about it. Shilling it is only pissing people off. Last time some of them reported it to google which isn't going to do anything but nothing good comes of this in any case.

>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
>Sup Forums
I see....

>hooktube is made by a windows user

well that explains a lot

That I do more than the logo

dev of hooktube uses windows AND windows defender

It's basically a YouTube overlay, but Sup Forums's so unbearably dumb they're still convinced that Hooktube is supposed to be a YouTube alternative a la Vid.me.

And a polite sage since the only Hooktube shilling any of us ought to be doing is passively by simply using Hooktube as it was meant to be, not splitting hairs over something that, ultimately, is really innocuous.

Most likely a fake shill but eh.

You make a good service that isn't shit, you could make the site look a bit nicer though I do understand it's simple for muh compactness.

Also, I've got a few questions. Not a Jew but just someone curious.

How many people use HookTube in a single day?
What is HookTube built on, wasn't able to find any info with search-fu.
How many people have tried to break HookTube? since some fa/g/s use it I assume someone has tried.

>look nicer
I've seen this come up a lot, but I'm not a designer and I think as simple as possible is the nicest. When I can get away with it (personal site, etc) I just use 1990s html with no css. But I'm always interested in opinions on what specifically can be done here.

>how many
It went over 50k uniques in a day a week back due to reddit but normally 10 to 20k. Pic

>built on
PHP/mysql. Never got into frameworks or nodejs other than some twitter bots years ago

>How many people have tried to break HookTube?
I included rate limiting and enabled cloudflare and all that jazz from the start so I haven't noticed anything

Sage please in case of further posts

>A Sup Forums user ma...
I stopped reading right there.

>>look nicer
When it comes to design I'm no expert but creating a theme for bootstrap is moderately easy if you know basic css, just play around with the theme creator and rows for a while until you have something that looks nice. See pic related if you want inspiration, not a css wizard but bootstrap can look nice without too much fiddling

>>How many people have tried to break HookTube?
Kinda strange, I look in my logs for even my personal site and I see floods of chinks and blyats trying to break into my site, and I use CloudFlare. Guess it might be my search rankings that brings them or just me being unlucky.

That pic looks real nice, might try a copy of that. I originally had a dark theme where I tried this but it was before I learned of the wonders of bootstrap so it looked like a shoddy porn site.

Oh yeah that happens to all sites. Not worried, I don't use wordpress or any public code, plus if HT database was to get recked it would make no difference (contains no sensitive info + it would just automatically rebuild)

Actually if you want to further develop that theme for hooktube and make sure it doesn't have more dependencies than what I currently have (font awesome, jquery), I'd pay $50 in bitcoin. I'd want to have to make no or very few changes in html - plug and play. I also want to either substitute or get rid of the existing HT logo in favor of text as it looks amateurish. You have my email if interested.

could you make the search box longer? its a bit too cramped

Hes not Sup Forums hes Sup Forums who happens to post here occasionally

i have a logo proposal


Explains the shitty logo.


>a song about killing yourself
>fat acceptance cringe


Caring more about look then fucking usability, the absolute state of Sup Forums.

Algorithm of truth

In what way is the usability superior then?

other than getting rid of Google shit, and adding a download button, that's it.

Like how he's smarter than you'll ever be. Retard.


who else other than a windows user?
it's not like you need anything than mpv on ganooo loonatix to watch youtube videos

Someone's been reporting it to ddg too, in case you didn't know. Pretty funny how a search for "hooktube" can turn up reddit, facebook, voat, etc. threads about hooktube, but not the site itself.

Are you planning on adding accounts to hooktube? would be neat to be able to upload/comment/etc without going to youtube proper.



Anyone have a link to that Chan Alert software? It's not coming up anywhere.

>videos max out at 720p
>reeeeee u should like it >:(

Fuck off you retarded shitstain.

Nah. I get YouTube Red for free through work, so I have no reason to use hooktube

lmao I discovered it by accident and thought like "this is totally something some freetard on Sup Forums would come up with" and now it turns out that's exactly the case

Love it btw, great job. Youtube has long passed the lethal amount of javascript and using youtube-dl all the time is a little overkill too

>The HookTube frontend now loads its data from hooktube.com/api JSON rather than inserting inline with serverside scripting, so it requires JavaScript. Please give the site permission to run hooktube.com JavaScript in your NoScript or similar plugin. The javascripts are purely for loading data from hooktube.com and enabling interface elements, not tracking or ads.

>Pretty funny how a search for "hooktube" can turn up reddit, facebook, voat, etc. threads about hooktube, but not the site itself.
Heh I noticed. A little bit ironic given their slogan/point

>accounts, comments
This would be wrong for HT for several reasons. 1) I want youtube's monopoly to be broken, but a well funded company/team with a plan and a lot of monkeys doing their grunt work has to be responsible for that. Hooktube is just a bandaid until the real alternative video sites become viable. 2) It would effectively quarantine privacy conscious and generally alert people away from the normies, surrendering their minds to the facebergs.

If I find a billion dollar hoard of gold coins to cover b/w

I was going to sell it for $10 but never got around to it, too paranoid for paypal etc. Sup Forums's api is easy to work, you can make something similar in a few hours, but I will release it eventually somehow.