What themes and launchers does Sup Forums use?

What themes and launchers does Sup Forums use?

Show me your best ones, I just got my new S8+ and I want to pretty it up

Stock because I don't have autism


There must be some nice ones out there, surely?

Stock or Something that emulates stock like nova launcher

I have an iPhone. It already looks good.

T-UI from fdroid

Normalfags should be gassed

Until yesterday I had a blurred background with pic related icon setup. I changed it for some anons KLWP setup that I'll post in a second

Stock because I lack autism

Here it is
Fuck off if you've got nothing worthy to contribute

>two signal bars
>diagonally arranged icons for maximum autism
>shitty background gradient, tried to make it look cool and chill, but instead looks tryhard and fedora-tier
>no icon labels
>indescript bottom arrow
>no battery percentage, instead a low resolution circle

Yeah looks like shit

Nova because MIUI feels like 2012 and no decent ROMs for my phone.

Hahaha oh my god how much time did you waste on that shit lmao

>shitty fonts
>edgy disturbed
>edgy colour scheme
>nerd statistics you don’t even need to know say to say on a phone
>shitloads of wasted space


goto /w/ they have a thread for homescreens check the op for information.

Mainly you'll want apex launcher and kwlp and kwgt to get a setup

Dude that's fucking awesome good work. I dont suppose you could upload it somewhere??

>needs to be reminded what day of the week it is
>edgy flashing Asperger epilepsy background
>icons look out of place
>shitty fonts
>Muh skullllzzzz

KISS Launcher with icons disabled.

Disregard this post I actually opened the webm and it looks terrible

Get a job

Stop being poor

All substratus themes look bad.
Evie launcher

>two signal bars
I've got two sim cards, hence two signal bars. If you want to limit yourself to one carrier, that's fine by be
>diagonally arranged icons for maximum autism
>shitty background gradient, tried to make it look cool and chill, but instead looks tryhard and fedora-tier
That's a matter of taste. I also used this setup with a darker and blurred background, but it's on my computer and I'm to lazy to transfer it just for idiots like you
>no icon labels
I know what app is represented by each icon. Labels in general are unacceptable outside the app drawer
>indescript bottom arrow
That's the app drawer you fucking autist
>no battery percentage, instead a low resolution circle
Why would I need to know the exact percentage? A rough estimation is good enough
>Yeah looks like shit
Fuck off and show yours
>inb4 pajeet shitphone for 900 burgerbucks bought on a loan

>shitty fonts
Matter of taste
>edgy disturbed
I didn't take this video and it's not my music. I don't even listen to metal.
>edgy color scheme
t. somebody who doesn't appreciate the full spectrum
>nerd statistics
I'm working on putting something more useful there
>shitload of wasted space
It looks pleasing. The app drawer is literally one swipe away and the most frequent used applications are available through shortcuts

I can upload my customized config if you want. The original creator can be found in homescreen threads of on #homescreen at irc.rizon.net

Yeah right you're totally the guy you responded to. Fuck off.

Using SquareHome 2 Launcher. Good for someone who need a selfie stick to read on his phone.

>calls me the autist
>formulated this reply to defend wasted time fedora ricing bullshit

Are you upset kiddy?

>buying flagship phones every year to prove your wealth status
good goy

No, just bored. I also didn't create the purple thong but stole it from an actual autist

If you want a girlfriend you better throw away that povertydroid

>he settles for dumb whores instead of getting a girlfriend who is interested in computers
Stay mad burger

What if I use themes and launchers to make touchshiz look more like stock?

>Being this much of a try hard.

You should install vanilla or lineage, all other options are not welcome in this thread

>being lazy and call others tryhard to justify it

Ok Gurpreet

There's a difference between being lazy and not giving a shit about autistic phone ricing. It's all good if that what you are into but don't piss your pants when you post your shit and other people don't like it. Nobody really cares about why you think it's good. If somebody thinks it's shit, it's shit.


No my shit just works out the box

stock emui and custom icon packs

So why would anybody care about you thinking it's not good? My phone looks better than 99.9% of all the phones out there and I've had people ask what os it's running
No you're just a lazy fuck that is still searching for an excuse to not rice his phone. Because you know that it looks like shit.

Your mom asking what you’re doing with your phone in the basement is not people asking about your OS.

Nobody sits at a coffee shop with their friends and go “HEY what os is ur phone runin xD”. It doesn’t happen.

Stop whining when you post on Sup Forums and people blow you out for your assburger bullshit

The only person that seems to care here is you. Why you so mad?

I would use it without icons but that empty space triggers my autism

Been using the stock LG launcher with the orange/black theme. Just werks.

Because I'm not a starbucks loving faggot. I'm working and people there in ironically asked me. Also, of your friends aren't talking about phones and computers they're shit people you shouldn't spent time with
I'm not mad, I just keep responding because you keep responding

That would be good just so i dont have to find the original guy i'm gonna customize it anyway, thanks a lot

I wish the internet was 18+

Abandoing thread, reply all you want. I'm sure it will make you all warm and fuzzy inside knowing you have proven your point with a total stranger on the internet.

Have a nice life kiddo.

I still hat the thread I stole it from cached, the post is here
If you still want my config tell me. If you're confused how to use it: You have to create 3 empty screens, scrolling between them will trigger the different views
Have a nice day and die in a bloody car crash fucking normalfag
I'm 19 btw

I had a great laugh, thanks

I completely agree, but I don't like icons at all. After a while you just get used to it tho.

No one mentioned Starbucks you turbo autist

Starbucks doesn’t even make any profit in my country, there are way better places to go.

>Also, of your friends aren't talking about phones and computers they're shit people you shouldn't spent time with
Lmao this projection.

I have a myriad of friends with different hobbies and beliefs, and I do loads of different things with all of them. You lead a sad life if you just want to talk about installing gentoo all fucking day.

I would much rather go to gigs, or rock climbing, abseiling, swimming, laser tag, airsoft, bars, clubs, pubs.

All you’ve proven to me is you’re a fucking one dimensional elitist autistic faggot who disparages people if they don’t like your nerd shit. What a fucking sad life.


Evie Launcher + Delta icon pack

>somebody wrote all this to hide his insecurity
>even said he has friends
>calls me an autist

People without autism don’t sperg out when people don’t want to talk about his ricing fetish :)

>sees a thread about home screen customization
>here is my vanilla iphone screen xdd fucking autists
>complains when people ate ricing their shit
>autists autists

*high five*

did you use immaterials icon pack after I posted the my setup like a week ago?

I'm not quite sure what you're trying to say, but it's the serenity icon pack. I've had it like that for about 2 months, so probably not

This looks very nice, I didn't think that it was possible to make it look so clean, without being monotonous.

Norman comin through

can someone help me find a simple lockscreen app? the ones in play store are trash and i want to replace stock because 2clocks

75% of these riced Android launcher screenshots look pretentious as fuck.

I usually just use the stock one with lock clean (substratum). No idea if there are any good ones on the play store

Why do you think so? Examples?

is substratum only for nougat and oreo?
i literally just want a lockscreen that hides my launcher icons and keeps my klwp wallpaper visible without greying it out. that way i can theme the lockscreen with that

Kiss mothafucka

No idea. If you try it and it bootloops, just flash the legacyrescue.zip in the substratum folder, there's really no reason not to try it. Pic is my homescreen



Hey could you upload a webm of the changes you made?
I'm curious what you improved.

Nova on LineageOS14.1 :3

Also I'm not an autist wtf

Give me a second or two, I've to figure out how to create webms on android

Nova prime

Ok, I don't really want to figure this out right now. I changed some shortcuts, the screenfetch and the layout of the music control screen. Nothing wild, really

wallpaper please

It's from Steins;Gate btw

Some KLWP theme I've been using for while. Might change soon, but I really like it.


I had feeling it was from there.

Good taste user

>KISS Launcher with icons disabled.
>That blank space
Why don't you set it a bit more transparent like ?
The space gets less noticeable.

Nova for gestures and emulating stock

What did you load onto Lienage 14 to do this, this is actually really cool, curious

like which KLWP?

Why do you have vkontakte