They said it couldn't be done
Wintards BTFO
Get a life.
well, well, well, what have we here another faggot neckbeard (most likely yuro) shitting up the place with his Sup Forums faggotry. you picked the wrong night to fuck around, asshole. i've just texted the Sup Forums mod (we're friends irl) about this thread, so he'll be here shortly to deal with the matter, and most likely hand out some sorely needed bans. i'm also going to report the thread (for safe measure), as well as alert the other moderators in the Sup Forums irc channel. and just in case you wanna try and pull a fast one, i'm screen shotting the entire thread for additional proof and e-mailing Hiroyuki about the matter personally. i'm tired of you stupid fucking dick sniffers pressing out whatever lolrandom faggot shit you want on the fucking technology board. it's time for you assholes to get a reality check, because this shit won't fly for much longer. prepare your anus, you 500 pound pile of shit. your days are fucking numbered
new copypasta
I literally all the Led Zeppelin discography on CDs inside a drawer and never made FLACs out of them
I hope the Cds are ok, I don't open that drawer for like 4 years
>max fucking cpu useage
>not even under load
You try to leave the botnet, but in turn, made yourself look retarded.
out of date, replace Sup Forums with Sup Forums
recommend me a good music player
it was doing like 10 things in the background
Yeah, but is it running natively, or through wine?
is that driving your harware directly or is it going through pulse ?
i tried the same with j river media centre in wine and believe me, pulse was still doing its gay ass software mixing
objectively the correct answer ONLY if you can't shell out $40 for linux version of j river media centre
my digital crossovers run internally at 24/96 and i upsample everything my computer to bypass their terrible 2005 era hardware converters...
fuck i hate pulse, in windows i just set my prefered bit rate and sample rate and im off to the races, pulse really tries to force out the native sample rate of the media... deadbeef and jriver were the only programs that managed to get it to behave and force what i wanted
fucking poettering !!
Garbage dude. Literally why wouldn't you use a cloud music player? Do you enjoy keeping your phone and desktop music libraries in sync all the time?
>le cloud
literally just somebody elses HDD
Somebody else's HDD that's abstracted away as a shared music library across all your devices.
>not using you own HDD as a "cloud"
shiggy diggy
There's very few advantages to doing that.
>HDD dies, lose library
>Can't access remotely unless you have a static IP or constantly sync your IP with DNS
>Have to have an app on your phone to access this library and somehow maintain basic functionality like playlists
Or, just keep a folder synced to Google Music. Once it's uploaded delete the folder locally, wow save hundreds of GB, can play music anywhere, low chance of losing music library.
botnet botnet stay away
meme your clouds some other day
windows sucks and google's gay
local storage is here to stay
>what looks like the mega extension installed
Absolute garbage, kid.
mpd + ncmpcpp
Why does linux looks like an end of 90's/start of 00's software?
I think i missed the joke. However nice distro bro.
>shit desktop and music thread
Laughed, thanks