They are all shit

They are all shit
What do you use

it just werks

I use Clover :3

Just use clover fagot. What is it that you need more?



i literally just use chrome why would i use a shitty app

What's wrong with clover ?

Because it works a thousand times better than a mobile web browser?

Clover ia nice, sorts pictures per board, bulk download, bookmarks, video/picture viewer..

chrome does all that shit and its comfy because ive done it this way for years
itll even let you tell everyone youre a girl!!

try chrome its less clunky and shit feeling

is that a brainwashing technique?
its quite funny

I hate bundled replies
I want replies replies displayed like desktop version or like overchan

Other than that it's almost perfect

Bulk download? How?

Fucking this i miss crucial posts all the time because of this


fucken firefox and Sup Forums x
app niggers

This is the best app for phoneposting.
Every phoneposter should try it.

only iphone posters

chrome is a shitty app

T. iNigger

Here it is, the special autistic snowflakes who need to do something uncommon and claim it works better than something specifically built for it.


What are you implying dumbo

I think I might actually make an app for iOS with the name kys and that pic as logo


why is overchan dead ?

Fucking this REEEEEEEEE

whats 2017

this is a joke right?

Clover for browsing Sup Forums
Dashchan to save album, archive threads and browse other imageboards


>tfw cancer
This chart needs to be updated.

The only acceptable answer.

based frogposter

Anyone having an issue in clover where you can't open webms externally?
Started today when I upgraded to android (lineage) 7.1

Clover for Sup Forums, Dashchan for Harkach


I must admit that reddit-style comments would be great as an alt option. But it's still the best client available right now imo.

>unironically phoneposting

i'm cancer

Clover does all I ask for and looks good. Tried the others but theyre all wrong.

the current year

tfw newfag turned frogposter

whats wrong with overchan?
its the best chan app i ever used. the only thing missing are the dumb pol meme flags

Overchan with tomorrow theme.

Cancer here
I miss new meme threads, they used to bring me joy




Weird, I joined at 2012 but didn't remember that picture.

Not a gay os


what's the best chan app to browse 8 and 420?


I have clover on my phone but I mostly use my actual fucking computer you normie faggot

fuck you, you Indian piece of shit living in Ukraine, just because you live in Ukraine doesn't make you Ukrainian poojeet, and no the Russian people are not friendly to you they just don't want to sperg one of you peacocks off.

wew user, don't you think this post is a little insensitive and racist?

On the rare occasion I lurk on my phone I just use the web browser

Favorite reddit app? For me it's RedReader.

I use chanu


Firefox with 4chanX.

Omnichan as soon as the dev gets back from vacation and implements all the ideas we gave him. Then it'll be good tier.

Mimi because im diffrent

>Mfw I've been phone posting since 2012

>uses the web browser that comes preinstalled on your phone and that every normie uses
>autistic snowflake who need to do something uncommon

I've only ever used Clover and I like it. It's snappy, and I like that it notifies you whenever someone gives you a (You).


Well I use Clover for Sup Forums, but I don't visit any other boards so I just have Omnichan for 8ch and that's it.

It was all over the place, you obviously did not lurk enough...

how do you get Sup Forums x on phone?

I tried Clover and Chanu and Clover sucks just a little bit less.
I Still prefer lurking in browser tho

i would like clover to have an option to hide thumbnails, not like the text only mode, where it eliminates then completely. something like the is on the browser when you select to not display thumbnails, it displays then as grey and the image is displayed when you select it, and is hidden again when you de-select it.

Dashchan > Overchan > Clover > the rest.

Overchan > Clover

Clover, didn't even know there were other options.

Clover on my tablet anyday because it runs smooth as butter


Back to plebbit and VICE News you dumb fucktard. where do you think you are? stupid Ranjeesh

>how do you get Sup Forums x on phone?

And here is one my friend
Don't waste it

dashchan, I browse 8ch and other chans enough to warrant having them readily available in one app.
Still not as comfy as browsing from my laptop/desktop though

I can't be the only one who uses Omnichan...right?

Clover for Sup Forums
Dashchan for the other one

oldfag checking in

also clover

Wait, let me get this straight, phonecucks LITERALLY need to use an extra program for a single website?

fuck off phoner

Overchan remains the best to me, supports plenty imageboards, it works, and that's enough to me.

Overchan, how else am I gonna browse more esoteric imageboards?

Not him, but how many extra chromosomes do you have that disabled your ability to detect obvious sarcasm?

2002. What am I?

Dashchan runs circles around Clover even if you use it only for 4chink. There is literally nothing that Clover does better except maybe theming. Haven't used the others, so I can't really compare.

the browser

A lying piece of shit

This you triggered snowflake! We don't care about your feelings around here.

Sup Forums stands united against race gism and soggy knees

Looks like BBC

No, I am moot.

The first client I saw on Play

good may may