/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previous: Friendly GAHNOO slash Loonix Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.
*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***
Also try to keep systemd shitposting on minimum.

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.
If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Your friendly neighborhood search engine.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Sup Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux: wiki.installgentoo.com/index.php/Category:GNU/Linux

>What distro should I choose?

>What are some cool programs?

>What are some cool terminal commands?

>Where can I learn the command line?

>Where can I learn more about Free Software?

>How to break out of the botnet?

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: /fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

Other urls found in this thread:


why is /fglt/ suddenly ded? is this the end of gnu/linux?

Yes, systemd killed it. We've moved onto Alpine and Void with musl and BusyBox.

Is there a way to force Dolphin to truncate large file names? With just a ". . ." or something?

It pushes down icons on the next line like pic related.

Have recently installed Manjaro. Feels good.
However, I have seen people here having 200-300 RAM free, and I have like ~800 if I don't run everything, just when system is loaded.
What do I do to optimize this shit?

more like memejaro

Uninstall manjumga and install vanilla Arch and set your system up without bloat and misconfigurations

>installing manjina

How do I install linux without a USB drive? I can't find any.

However I have a hybrid drive; that is I have an SSD where I will install the OS on and a hard drive where the ISO is store. How can I use that to install my debian?

>I can't find any.
look harder. you may find one at, get this: a store

I'm new to GNU, how do I fix this?

>I can't find any.
did you check between the couch cushions, kyle? i think i saw it there last.

It's late and I want to install it now

Been using clang to compile some of my larger projects and programs. Install times are 20-30% faster then gcc!


Yeah, but how's the performance those programs?

Fix what?


unbelievable my fucking linux min cinnamon pc stucks at login loop wtf im supposed to do i enter password it accepts shitvidia screen comes up bam back to login screen help me out guise there is nothing on net. last things ive done was connected it through vga and nothing. after vga thing it was working fine so i thought problem was maybe on nvidia i created /dev/nvidia/ folder god wtf im supposed to do recommend me good distro with openbox i guess

>good distro with openbox

>good distro with Openbox

Antergos, ArchLabs, or step up and install Arch with Fluxbox, which is superior.

shit screen m8

What other distros should I check out? I'm getting bored of Ubuntu. I've done Arch...is netBSD any fun? Manjaro?

>enter password it accepts shitvidia screen comes up bam back to login screen
Sounds like a GPU driver crash. Try logging in from a tty or over SSH from another box and doing some troubleshooting from the shell.

So I'm on Deepin on Archlinux and loving it, BUT my fonts are fucked. Bold things are now really long and annoying and they aren't how they are on Windows despite having standard and serif fonts as Times New Roman, sans serif as Arial and Consolas as monospaced font.

It appears that regardless of what I set the fonts to, force closing chrome and reloading does nothing and continues this horrid font? Need some help as my eyes hurt >

not my screen m9

still a shit screen m10


>not a multiple of 1280x1024
still a shit screen m7

last one m12801024

i did that nothing useful comes from that some shitty thing about mdm with no results and something about nvidia which got no relevant results which files should i look for

The fucking title bar on firefox, seriously is there any way to do it on Budgie? Or should I install GTK3?

you are forgiven

Look up infinality patch but dont use the pathces, just use the config settings for fontconfig.
Alter to your liking

how can I register global keybinds from the CLI in KDE


* * * * * echo min_power > /sys/class/scsi_host/host0/link_power_management_policy

I love that this fixes my hardware issue but hate that it's necessary. I will ditch this thing in a heartbeat once Purism ships a Qubes 4.x certified HiDPI laptop.

I'm trying to run DBAN on an old PC to wipe it but anytime try to proceed with autonuke or any of the options I'm getting a "undefined video mode 311" error but eventually it just boots into a bunch of codes. Any fix to this?

Why isn't there an official Google Drive client for Linux?
There has been a dropbox one for years.

>a bunch of codes
welcome to dban


For reference.

New to linux, just finished a new Arch Linux install, pretty neat. Had a couple questions though:

Whenever I close the lid of my laptop and put it to sleep whenever I resume it only seems to work off of one core until I reboot it then it goes back to normal, is there some setting I can change to fix this?

Is there an easy way to use the AUR?

>Whenever I close the lid of my laptop and put it to sleep
this tends to fuck up all kinds of shit for some reason. on my laptop (and plenty other people's laptop) it causes it to automatically go to sleep every minute or so until you reboot. couldn't find a solution.

Check out the power management section on the arch wiki

>arch wiki
nobody reads docs anymore ffs

>Is there an easy way to use the AUR?

>couldn't find a solution.
i lied. i turned off sleep from lid closing, and invoked sleeping manually, since it got rid off the problem for some reason. shit only happened on sleep from closing the lid.

Are any of the BSDs worth checking out


What's wrong with my LDFLAGS?

LDFLAGS="-Wl,-z,combreloc -Wl,-O,2 -Wl,--relax -Wl,--enable-new-dtags -Wl,--sort-common -s"

Switch from the Gnome desktop enviroment to the Unity desktop enviroment. Google it if you don't know how.

I'm trying to download a playlist on pornhub with youtube-dl but its substituting the ' characters with '. What is the problem?

Rate my motd

nice bobs. show vagene.

>Using Linux.

>New to linux, just finished a new Arch Linux install

A. You probably watched a video to install it

B. You fell for the meme because you saw those "cool" screenshots

C. You're a retard

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you're referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.

Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called "Linux", and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.

There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called "Linux" distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

looks pretty dead senpai


Any tips on how to improve?

at the end it says end of kernel panic and not syncing write error. Either the disk/flashdrive you are booting dban off of is not formed correctly or the disk you are trying to wipe is not able to be written to. Note that dban actually writes to the disk to erase it. However, generally when panicking it tries to write a log to the boot disk which could also explain the write error. I can't tell from this screenshot what is causing the kp. start with rebuilding your dban drive then if that doesn't work consider re-downloading dban or trying to run dban on other hardware. If it says undefined video mode it probably doesn't like the video settings, try a different videocard or monitor.

What font is this?

Liberation Mono

Speaking of fonts, I need some fallback fonts for chinese / japanese, preferable bitmap so they fit to terminus. Any recommendations?

when i connect my android phone to linux all folders are empty in nautilus, how to fix this?

First you must connect Linux with Linux.

What do you guys use to write your iso files on your usb ? I personally use opensuse image writer for windows. But it seems like a hassle to get the link to the program. I'm thinking of switching

Do you guys use a proprietary program to write your iso images?

dd bs=4M if=/path/to/iso of=/dev/sdb1

How do you know what block size to use

it's not essential, it just describes how many bytes at a time will be written to the output.
You might bottleneck if you try writing 4M to a floppy disk for example.
I always use 4M for flash drives, it doesn't make things slower.

I'm talking about windows. I know it's piss easy in gnu/linux.

change it back to '

oh sorry i dont use macroshit wangblows

so this is the great Linux huh? look what happens when Fedora finishes installing in my VM

rufus mah nigga. shits cash yo.


Well you once used to cunt

is it really worth installing a Linux OS in 2017?

There's no Linux OS yet.

What's Linux OS?

Depends. Go with the sheep? Enjoy the commung 1084 botnet dystopia. Love computers and want to rescure tech from cancer? Install any GNU/Linux distro, learn to love it, spread it.

okay but i use this most of the time



maybe read that thread and follow the links?

The thing i don't get is why are there different distrobution names on device? What is the point of that

So I got a bunch of ancient dumbphones where I have to backup as much shit as possible. What are some good utilites to get that job done? Pls help, I want to go home, fap and get drunk ASAP.

Never mind i have been lied to for 4 years. Im going to use rufus from now on. Fuck that opensuse image thing for windows

Here's a quick how to install Firefox and have auto update work:

on gnome F11 for fullscreen does NOT make it always-on-top


>Is there an easy way to use the AUR?
acpid conflicts with systemd logind power
cower + makepkg -cirs

ah, fuck yeah user. my next project will be trying to make a generic wordprocessor that works for documents on the GNUnet. I can imagine not only a terrible months-long nightmare in just getting the network to run, but even that is in the shadow of just Getting F闘nts トo Work on GNU/Linux.
I'm really a fan of decentralized networks, I will not be publishing to github, but to git-ssb, which is a p2p git repo.
ah, now kindly attempt to find something similar to GNOME 2 and install that instead, or some comfy rice i3 w3m and also never g®™le anything, use DuckDuckGo.

how do I make the ascii logo thing/system specs appear?

install screenfetch or neofetch

>install fedora
>wifi drops to 150kbps
>unable to install anything because it's so slow
>read online about at least five possible causes
>implement every fix i can find
>problem persists
>can't download a different os because the internet is such garbage
>download on phone
>can't transfer because i lack the drivers
>install the drivers
>sit through 10 minute install
>still doesn't work
>try bluetooth transfer
>able to pair and send file but fedora is unable to process the incoming signal so it can't receive the file
>fuck it i'll use microsd
>only one i have isn't formatted for android
>wipe it
>single partition
>command not found
>man -k exfat
>nothing appropriate
>dnf search exfat
>literally 5 minutes just to search
>no results
>look up online
>"hur a dur nonfree format"
I had to dig up my fucking ancient 32 bit 4gig machine, put the microsd in a usb adapter i happened to have lying around, mkfs.exfat from that thing, put the microsd back in the phone, load the iso onto it, take it back, copy the iso to ANOTHER usb because my machine was an antique piece of shit with only 4gb hdd space, pop both usbs in the fedora-infected machine, burn the iso back to the microsd, and THEN, only THEN could I boot the installer and finally be free of this hell. Suffice to say I barely escaped with my sanity.

Fuck that bullshit. Never again. Call me a brainlet but I think I'll stick with good ol Ubuntu from now on.

screenfetch looks like shit on fedora, is neofetch better

Starting with one core is a normal part of the resume process. Your real issue is that resume takes too long. Consider upgrading to an SSD.

None. You'll probably need Windows XP or MAYBE Vista.

>copy the iso to ANOTHER usb because my machine was an antique piece of shit with only 4gb hdd space
I don't follow. Why didn't you just keep the iso on the one usb?

The usb it was already on -- the microsd in the adapter -- was exfat. Fedora can't operate on exfat so I needed to transfer the iso to a compatible filesystem before I'd be able to access it in gnome-disks. I could've saved some time by just using gnome-disks on the 32 bit piece of trash, except that it doesn't have a gui because I couldn't fit one, and I'm not sure I trust dd or cat to get the job done.

having fonts does not mean they are used and DEs cant do shit for font setting

I want a car like that.
It's unique.

I just want to download pycharm in fedora

how the FUCK do i do it? There's no makefile in the extracted tar

what the FUCK

also it's not in any repo

Is there a more practical solution to restarting all services (e.g. apache or nginx) in a distributed network of servers, instead of logging in to each box separately and issuing a service restart command several times?

Which aur helper should I be using?