What's going to happen?

What's going to happen?

Other urls found in this thread:



You'll get a milion dollars

You'll get an icon called home when you next plug it into your computer. Put it in the recycle bin, see what happens .


You’ll download more battery

You'll soon be walking around with 128gb of electricity for charging your devices on the go!

>plug in
>house installs Trojan
>refrigerator won't open unless you send bitcoin to obscured darkweb address
>no hotr water until you sign up for a "free" trial using your credit card

Nothing, the wallwort provides 5v as it should

Outlets don't "push out" electricity, retard.

The device draws out as much as it needs.

Then why did that guy get his dick electrocuted?

Should USB killer it instead.

*small loan



Oh god


It will activate your almonds


now what if you connected a USB killer?

The bitcoin wallet.dat locks itself to that particular power socket. No other socket will ever unlock it

now i understand

What if it’s a bootable usb?

Your Mac laptop can access the files on the usb using its charger cord while plugged in with Mac OS 15 Magic Mountain

Alright, it should be safe to stick a fork in there since its not a device that "asks" for electricity.


Seriously, americans should collectively decide to go extinct

installing gentoo into your house?

Your USB will become a nuclear warhead

We're headed that way, especially since we keep letting you fucktards in here.

I don't know a single European that wants to be there, fagtron, we have it way better here.
Central Yurop is god-tier comfy

NSA can read your files over the electricity grid.

Ahhhh, european ignorance at its finest. I'm actually envious sometimes of how utterly careless you all seem to be. Living under a golden umbrella. Churning out substandard crap.

Cause his donger needed the electricity

It'll be powered and then wait for orders. Thought this was Sup Forums not Sup Forums.

a fork asks tho
it should be fine because electricity will move along the shortest path

Go back to YouTube. You're too young for a place like this. Don't care what your mother said.

Not him but I was asked to move to "The OC" from the Netherlands.

Hell no.
Weather is much nicer but everything else is shit and that's supposed to be one of your richest and most desirable places to live lol.


>Huge immigration problem and STILL less niggers than US
>Free healthcare
>Free education
>Free commerce between states
>World leading art, culture, literature and possibly even music
>Universally liked, even by cucked americans
>Everyone's fit on average

You're actually justified to be envious, trumplet

>it should be safe to stick a fork in there

And isn't it?

I honestly don't know but assuming it's 20V and 5A (which iirc is the maximum for USB) - is that even dangerous?

If it has an LED, you now have a night light.

You're fucking stupid. The human body is a conductor. When you stand on the ground you're a closed circuit, with your resistance being a few MOhms at most. This resistance draws current, so basically, as the other guy wrote, you're "asking for it". Another case, if your fork touches both phase and ground or N, the resistance will be close to zero. In that case there will be maximum current, that's when the breaker opens. It's middle school physics you fucking mongoloid. A few years back I would've thought this is bait but now with all the genuinely retarded pajeets, applefags and hipsters flooding in I can take posts like this seriously.

>40%+ base income taxes
>everything is more expensive on top
Your "free" stuff isn't free. You pay out the ass for it in other places.

It looks like an apple product so I assume it's quality tested/controlled. I presume it has a converter that steps the mains voltage down to a usable amount? At what point does a USB give out?


Kek, underrated

>I presume it has a converter that steps the mains voltage down to a usable amount

- Apple user figuring out how tech works

Well said user...

>A few years back I would've thought this is bait but now with all the genuinely retarded pajeets, applefags and hipsters flooding in I can take posts like this seriously.

The shocking part is all the people ITT who think there will be 110V AC on the USB port because it happens to have an integrated wall plug on the other side......and you seem to be one of them?

You'll have a NAS over your whole house.

>ITT: People who don't understand capacity and how electricity works

>move to paris
>get raped

>move to germany
>get raped

>move to sweden
>get blown up

t-thanks europe

Don't! Your IoT will get a virus!

You'd burn your hand

this is correct. "free" programs are not free

>move to the usa
>get shot in the face

doesn't sound any better.

Your thumb drive will power up.

electricity follows all paths to ground

"I want to believe!"

A million dollars is actually a small loan in the business world.

>the dick needed the electricity

You wouldn't download a house, right user?

Pirating is a C R I M E

1 small correction: Humans don't just have DC resistance. We have significant impedance. This is relevant for AC.

Worst case nothing.
Best case, the flash memory controller will power up and most likely refresh the flash cells, making the data last longer.


I doubt 20v DC can overcome the resistance of dry skin. Maybe if there was an open cut or a wet hand in play.

Don't do it OP it creates mustard gas

>>ITT: People who don't understand capacity and how electricity works

Yeah man that's crazy for a tech board.
How illiterate

>Sup Forums
>hardware knowledge

>sneak into usa illegally
>buy illegal gun from illegal seller
>shoot someone in the face
>they live and try to sue me

>now that person gets their gun taken away
>now they pay for my healthcare
>now I get a free education
>no one wants to send me home

The odds of that are infernally low. Don't be a cuck, user.

That's the point he makes. What the user he replied to said is also very very unlikely to happen to you. Even though I'd argue that gun violence in the USA is way more common than any terrorist attacks in Europe in the last 20 years.

As well as (rape) crimes by immigrants.

>Sup Forums - technology
this board is fucking dead