Why linux always freezing when browsing internet? (firefox or chromium... brave is the worst )

Why linux always freezing when browsing internet? (firefox or chromium... brave is the worst )
every fucking time dammit

I know man this Linux guy is the worst always shitting his pants because he doesnt know which distro to use

I tried ubuntu, elementary, deepin, mint, zorin, fedora, neon, chakra, puppy, lubuntu, ubuntu-mate,

they all have same common problem.... freezing when browsing internet... open more than 3 tab... then nothing is moving.... really break my errection bro

Works on my machine. Sounds like a you problem.

Maybe stop using a pentium or upgrade to a 64 version of your OS

Sounds like a hardware problem if every distro freezes. Maybe RAM or HDD failing. That could really mess up an OS.

my laptop got i3 processor and yes I installed amd64 version of the OS

but then why playing games, editing video, watching HD movies not freezing my laptop?

HDD or SSD? sata or pcie?
ram specs?
exact model of cpu?

Is like you dont want people to help you


Well for one thing you don't have a lot of RAM. Maybe you just run out after you open enough tabs. Is more RAM an option for you?

Upgrade your fuckkng ram

I'd just like to interject for moment. What you're refering to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I've recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called Linux, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project.
There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use. Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine's resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called Linux distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux!

I dont think this laptop can upgrade the RAM

>why (X) always
>when (X)ing (Y)

I presume you are from Singapore or Malaysia. From my personal experience, virtually no one uses Linux for general use on their laptop/desktop in these regions.

yes...I'm from Malaysia... nobody know linux here

4gb ram have been the absolute minimum for all laptops the past decade, yet the processor is fairly new.
Is this a virtual machine by any chance?

Is there a particular reason you need to run Linux(other than intense personal preference)? Unless you are studying computer science/engineering related degrees/diplomas there is very little reason to use in on a desktop/laptop.

try switching the hardware acceleration option on your browser
could be video driver problem so try experimenting on those too

And use BSD instead? I'd rather gouge out my eyes.

is this a shill or a troll ?

>freezing when browsing internet... open more than 3 tab... then nothing is moving.
sounds like ram is used up
try again but this time monitor with - watch free -h
enlarge ur swapfile bigger

Windows10 +360安全浏览器

No, think its an nvidia problem .

Get rid of gnome user, use some lightweight DE or go for WM only if you can live without one, you need to be careful with you ram usage

atm gnome has TWO sessions running
this means about 2x ram
one is for you and the other is for gdm
enable auto login in gdm prevents this - until you logout

just because I'm sick with windows... since this laptop also bad with gaming, and linux have software to do basic computing like browsing internet, writing document, watching videos, so linux is good OS overall just bad at high graphic gaming...but damn every distro i try... always freeze when opening more than 5 tab on internet browser.. I think its about my graphic card driver (nvidia-prime)

Retarded post.

I dont have swap partition when installing linux

yes., I'm using nvidia propertary driver

Alpine Busybox/Musl/Clang/Linux with Suckless Surf does not have this problem.

This laptop for everyday use for work .. BSD maybe for my old computer that I need to bring it alive again for tinkering

so create a swap file nigger

I dont want to mess with desktop enviroment... once I got black screen of death... game over, reinstall distro again

same goes person said androidx86 doest have problem (-_-)

> (You)
>so create a swap file nigger
Ok I shove the swap file straight to your ass nigger

use xfce or lxde as your desktop environment

increase size of swap file or make one to begin with

or just get some cheap RAM you CIA nigger

y u so mean :'(


nope, I migrate to linux completely

no more search forcracked software online to do stuff

> (You)
>use xfce or lxde as your desktop environment
Both for senior citizen, I want modern look...for this laptop model I think its fair to expect that.
>increase size of swap file or make one to begin with
min partition size?
>or just get some cheap RAM you CIA nigger

there is no cheap RAM for laptop , you inbread bastard

I'm not chinese, or taiwanese... but we both eat rice tho


Yosha lucky!

stop being a computerlet

If you're low on memory you have to sacrifice looks or stop whining about you not being able to afford it
Just use the guided partitioning if you can't figure it out mong

just fyi i have loonix work fine with 1gb ram
you're doing something wong

Never happened to me, and my PC is from 2000.
Happens a lot in Windows.

My laptop is not that bad, I think its other problem

linux always works fine with computer without nvidia GPU

> (You)
>yes., I'm using nvidia propertary driver

Same here.. It occasionally freezes so Linux isn't at fault here lol

>bloated DE
it's like you asking your PC to freze
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