Why are Pajeet motherfuckers literally everywhere Sup Forums even in non-tech areas?

Why are Pajeet motherfuckers literally everywhere Sup Forums even in non-tech areas?

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Because it's the world's most populous country /thread

back to ronald/mcdonald you do

There's a lot of em
A lot of them speak ""English""
Migrants will have some kind of qualifications
Willing to work for cheap

>India has 1/8th of entire world's population
>"wtf i see indians everywhere i go"

I popped into seven11 for a coffee and the place stunk of curry, armpits and farts. Damn man.

ask Sup Forums they have some quite novel ideas on the matter

That’s what you get for living in Delhi, andreet


is this really the future of human race?

>company has two dev teams in India
>decide to hire second-generation Indian immigrant as HR manager because culture difference
>she phones around, finds out around a third of our dev team are from lower castes than the others
>cut their wage by half, still above minimum wage so it's okay, some of the devs quit but most of them stay because they're obedient little pajeets

Superpower by 2030


Based Pajeets

Because there are billions of them.

Because India has a population of 1.3 billion people so even if you take only the top 25% most wealthy and educated it's still fucking 325 million people.

>I warned you on Sup Forums
>I warned you on Sup Forums
>I warned you on /biz/
>I warned you on /sci/

Pajeets will take over simply because they outbreed everyone, including nigs and spics. And because of their nepotism and ability to infiltrate other countries, they will take over.

user I'm a pajeeth, we are 1.3 billion people , we are the biggest nation to use internet and use it in English. Currently only 30% of the people use web here and internet is flooded with us. Imagine when 100% of Indians start using internet (happening soon). China did a good thing by keeping restrictions on internet and people not learning English, otherwise internet will be flooded with them too.
It's just because of the population and more people starting to use internet creating more edgy fags.
Out of thousands of pajeeths I know only 3 are using Sup Forums everyday and all of them came here from Reddit. I know many people who opened the site and didn't understand and think it's stupid then never cared.

You guys smell so bad.

Population growth is trending downward for India tho. Its at 1.26% growth rate. Doesn't even make it to top 100.

Aren't most Indians phoneposting turbonormies though?

gas the pajeets. overpopulation problem=solved

and they look nasty too


>see pajeet posting on SO
>posts filled with emoji, grammatical errors and shit
>read the actual content
>he's pointing out a flaw in Linux documentation of the kernel
>he's actually right
>it's been corrected, patched and approved
Read this years ago. The culture just confuses me so much. Keep in mind that not everyone who appears retarded is retarded. Not when dealing with language barriers at least.

I've also had the exact opposite happen.

you can’t /thread your own post you fucking poo..

That's a sad story user.
When was this? India took an official stance against it at some point iirc. Has anything happened with that.

>anything I don’t agree with is Sup Forums
Fuck off you cunt..

It's a race to see which "minority" will take over which nation first. ("minorty" since whites are actual minorty globally unlike say a chink, poo, or nigger.) Although the natives of many anglosphere countries outside of Europe are minorties to an even more extreme degree.

There's something terribly wrong with how they present themselves and their communication is a reflection of this.

They're often lacking the manners and decorum of westerners with regards to communication.

Technically speaking, whites, chinese, indians, and africans are all minorities, since none of them have >1/2 of the world's population.

>really activates that bowel movement

>t-t-technically speaking g-goy
Shoo Joo

pajeets hates being pajeets. they like to pretend to be white online. it's the closest they'll ever come to being human

They're not more self-hating than banane'd indonesians ie. First and second generation sea chinks living in America

Disgusting cunts.

>When was this? India took an official stance against it at some point iirc. Has anything happened with that.
Legally, there is no caste system any more. In practice, it is still thriving.

>"so many white servants"

Do all Indians have this much of an inferiority complex?

everybody who isn't white are self-hating, unless you're non-white, then all whites are self-hating

That's unironically one of the most racists videos I've ever seen.... and it's against white people, lol.

They are mainly for this shit only.
Pajeets hates pajeets true.I have seen documentaries about how they treat each other.Everyone should be racist with them cuz being racist with a racist isn't racist.
Their hatred for Muslims, Christians and even they have a sect within their own religion called untouchables to whom they devoid all human rights.
It's a shitty country

This. It seems that the whites in mainstream media hate themselves and love niggers. But I hate that people think pajeets are self hating, we're really not (the ones that change their names to 'bob' and 'john' probably do though).


>americans only just discovering that other countries in the world exist
can't wait to see the butthurt when china and india takes over the us

>It seems that the whites in mainstream media hate themselves and love niggers

>superpower by 2030

there's more whites than black people

not him but it's true, look how popular shitty rap music is or how white people try and appropriate black culture like shitty black twitter memes
or before that, wiggers

Guess that's true since black people don't exist. Only apes from third world "countries".

there are more whites than apes or niggers or whatever the fuck you want to call them
it's like you want to be a repressed minority

white people don't listens to rap, only europeans listens to that nigger bullshit

americans fucking invented rap music and made it popular through MTV and made it cool for white people to listen to

Only absolute trash listen to rap music. Its popularity among white audience is extremely limited. I unironically think fringe genres, like extreme metal (death, core, black etc), have a larger fanbase among white people than rap music does.

Most europeans think rap is uncultivated trash.

>statist that fell for the arabs, mezitos, and mixed race cunts are white meme
There aren't more whites.

>MTV and made it cool for white people to listen to
In 1993, maybe. See

Hindu beating up another Hindu(low caste)

>white people don't listens to rap, only europeans listens to that nigger bullshit
Are you actually retarded?

wasn't even including those, I swear you alt-right cucks want to feel like you're the underdog

Pajeets beating up Muslims


oh so white music is more popular now? I haven't paid attention to popular culture in at least a decade but the only names of musicians I hear filtered through Sup Forums are more nigger rappers, I haven't heard of any new, popular white musicians and there's so people saying 'f a m' that they had to censor it

Hindus beating up Christians and gang raping the nuns


That's because they're little pussies



I'm a mutt and I dont hate myself nor I hate whites, blacks or spics.a1

What I see nowadays is that alot of people felt it is okay to voice how uncomfortable they feel in their own skin and while they pat each other in the back over the internet and prey on white people, "white supremacists" does the same and it leads to very hilarious situations. I don't feel this racial tension outside, for example.

Why are desktop threads banned yet this shit can last 50+ posts?

>like you want to be a repressed minority
Stop projecting fuckwit.
Sorry i'm not apart of controlled opposition. That American cunt Hillary popularised the term in the first place.
Go back to r*ddit and an hero.

The present indian government radicals want an online presence so that they can curb anyone who speaks against them.Thats why.
They are Millitant pajeets who wants to curb the voice of Muslim, Christian and Low caste people.Thats why

no I don't need to scapegoat other races and pretend I need to fight for my race to stay alive, there's still more whites than blacks

>I don't need to scapegoat other races and pretend I need to fight for my race to stay alive
There you go projecting again. I never said anything about preserving my race.

wh*Tes were a mistake

t. slav

I believe that every other nations should be racist with Indians BC they are the racist piece of shit.
Deny the rights to Muslims, Christians and Dalits.
Whenever you see a Indian in white country just beat him up.It will send a clear msg.

Indians are like cockroaches.These 4 inch dicks are everywhere online.

African continent: 1.216 billion
Europe: 743 million
North-America: 579 million
Australia and NZ: 29 million
(Combined: 1.2251 billion)

Source: typing in "population " in Google search engine

That, of course, assumes that every single person living in Europe, North-America and Aus+NZ is white, something that obviously isn't true.

They are over a billion people. They understand the way out of poverty is through education. That's pretty much it.

Thanks for backing me up. Shouldn't of bothered though, he'll probably keep denying it.
>inb4 >google

Search [ethnicity] population [nation]. It's safe to say you can trim millions away.

Nope Angry pajeet

>backing you up
I'm pointing out that you're wrong. With a faulty assumption, then there's 91 million more """whites""", but seeing how 40 million US citizens are afro-americans and 20 million non-europeans live in Europe, your basis for your claim is getting pretty thin.

sl*vs are even worse
t. slav

if you google the actual racial population like a non-retarded person, they're about the same, and biologically, there's alot more caucasoids than negroids


Yes, I know. See Read the entire post before you reply, I was actually proving that guy wrong.

India is what China would be with no socialism.

>Soon there will be endless hordes of subhumans demanding open bob, show vegana and bitch lassagna at our very doorstep
The future is grim

Wait what. I'm the guy saying there's less whites. Whose side are you on?

Why y'all faggots fighting over the population ration.These are all cockroaches just kill any of these before you see them in your country.

Still lot more will be coming OP.


And you burgers smell like rotten cheese

Yeah sure we'll gas you burgers first. Problem solved.

I'm not on any side, I'm simply pointing out that whites (as in European and Caucasian whites) are not a majority compared to other ethnicities.


you weren't proving anyone wrong because you were using faulty statistics

I love you

Kill all pajeets in white country.Problems of pajeets solved.
y'all never think of coming in white country again

Fuckin what cunt? The blokes point was that the stats are bullshit to begin with.

I am pointing out that only using faulty numbers could anyone arrive at the conclusion that white europeans outnumber africans. How did I fail to make this point?

>Kill all pajeets in white country.
lmao dude just kill everyone I dislike xD
just commit genocide to ease up my butthurt xD

we are not wh*Te and we are not autistic basement warriors like the cringy Sup Forumsedditors "saving the white race"

Pajeets fighting with pajeets

pajeets pretending to be whites??

Who's the cuck actor that acts as the "reporter"?

snow bobs and vagene

>we are not autistic basement warriors like the cringy Sup Forumsedditors "saving the white race"
Instead we have subnormies who come out of their filthy hovels to have pride parades where they wave flags like
>europe white or depopulated
>we want god

I'd take fat autists who don't breed over those subhumans any day. Fat autists are a self-solving problems, infestation of subhuman vermin is a disease that breeds faster than humans.
You can be ethnically homogeneous country and still have a giant population of mental niggers. See poland and russia.

cuck pajeets are delusional these days.Their gov is telling them they that would be shit by 2030.Everyone covered in shit.