Tfw you finally switch to linux

tfw you finally switch to linux
> ubuntu gnome with arc-dark and GTX, 100x more aesthetic than windows
> super fucking fast performance
> searching is instant
> installing updates whenever I feel like it
> searching torrents within command line
> every game I want runs perfectly

should have done this sooner

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So you only play tux racer?

Congrats on selecting the proper, modern, defacto Linux DE and not falling for a shitty lightweight meme.

Plenty of shit works with wine these days

windows shill rekt'd

Oh boy I tried to run CS:GO once in Steam on Ubuntu.
Couldn't get more that 40 fps whereas the same hardware could run it on Windows fine with 144hz

>he plays games

Video games are a great way to pass leisure time. The only people who don't understand are those with no job where every day is meaningless and the same anyway or those who can't manage their own life.

>Video games are a great way to pass leisure time.
>he plays games

>The only people who don't understand are those with no job
holy shit the absolute level of projection

>be me, not even that much into gaymen cause no time
>played csgo on windows, 120ish fps
>finally switch from 7 to linux
>install steam
>see that csgo has a native port
>get 140 fps while ingame with highest settings

>Video games are a great way to pass leisure time. The only people who don't understand are those with no job
When are we getting mental gymnastics as an olympic sport?

I wish to play one game. Grim Dawn. It seems to work perfectly under Wine but run like shit. Are games supposed to be running way slower on wine or have I just messed something up? I'm using the default PlayOnLinux and I've never touched Wine/PlayOnLinux before.

what's wrong with games?

Reminder Reminder Reminder

Please explain how 40 fps and 144Hz are a comparison.

>Jaw hitting table when booting into SuSE with KDE 3 after being used to Windows 98se.

Life time windoze user, first time installing Debian XFCE and everything just werks.

aight bois I'm ready to make the switch, was thinking go full out arch for the meme but seems like debian is the way to go for me. However I don't want to leave everything behind and want to keep my windows and all my shit. Is getting another SSD the only way to go? And then boot linux or Windows depending on what I want? How do I approach this? (What convinced me were the beautiful rices so plz give me some advice on that too)

>Age of Empires + Voobly runs perfect on Linux
And my Loonix experience is complete, I dont need anything else

You can play with the configs, but it will always be much slower than Windows, using an abastraction layer has a heavy impact on performance no matter what.

Your best bet is GPU Passthrough instead of Wine.

how do you search torrents via CLI? would be good for my rtorrent machine

I recommend moving your Windoze and GNU/Linux to the SSD and having your HDD for data or gayms of you are into that.
Dualbooting is easy as pie, the bootloader handles that.
Debian is, as silly as it may sound, not the best distribution for someone just starting out, but it can be a good learning experience even. If you want to go full meme go for Arch, if you don't, go for Ubuntu/Fedora/Manjaro.
Good luck.

nice, thanks for the link. will find all my linux ISOs that much quicker.

Thank you user, but I like the swirly logo to a point where I cannot go for any other distro. At least I will learn something. I don't want to waste life moving shit from ssd to hdd since I boot from ssd and want to keep all the comfy windows shit I have going exactly how it is. I guess Ill just get an ssd one of these days and just get on with it.

Anything I should watch out for?

Also I keep seeing the ricers use arch, is this for any particular reason?

surfraw has an elvi for that

It's minimal, and minimal = rice (for the most part)... That's just an aesthetic inclination that most people who rice have in common, and arch suites that inclination best.

Linux OS fucking looks like shit

Arch is not minimal, their packages are known to be bundled with extra packages. The case for its popularity is just screenshots on the internet.

The installer will take care of everything, nothing to worry about.

Most minimal distros are suitable for ricing, since they don't come with a lot of garbage you might not want in the first place.
Technically, you can rice any distro, and Arch is like a status symbol for an angry neet online, part of the reason I stopped using it.

Play on Linux is shitty in my opinion. I use Wine Staging and have no problems, I don't even mess with the Wine settings.

>Arch is not minimal
Kek, guess I'll have to go back to windows!

Nice bait.

Are you me? Installed Ubuntu 17.10 a few days ago after a long absence from linux and it just feels so fucking good. Windows feels antiquated in comparison
Thinking about switching to Debian or Arch but I might be able to resist the urge, mainly the constant distro hopping that brought me back to Windows back in the day.

I wish Linux worked properly on my main machine, I have a second PC that works just fine and its great. I think it's because my main PC is running modern hardware (Ryzen + 1080), the PC just shits itself from the get go

Use a newer kernel, Ryzen it's known to have some quirks.

Yeah I've been waiting for updates to come through, when I tried previously the system was unusable. Graphical glitches, screen only refreshing every 30-40 seconds, almost hour long boot times
Hopefully I'll be able to get it running next time I try

You're probably using Wayland, switch to xorg the next time you log in.

Disgusting, pulseaudio make newbies think audio didn't work and now this shit appears. Fucking RedHat wanting to keep linux as server.

Yeah, it's pretty shitty at the moment. I don't know what possesed them to force this shit on us before it was ready.

That might be it, I'll keep that in mind
Thanks user

>I don't know what possesed them to force this shit on us before it was ready.
Just like pulseaudio, and they are deprecating pulsecrap for another crap. Is a trap, simple as that.

Wayland works well on Sway as long as you aren't using proprietary nvidia drivers.

choose one

gnome shill spotted

>Use Windows 10 at work because muh business class
>After 4 hours, system notably slows down
>Dialogue box appears
>Click it
>Nothing happens
>Click it again
>Still nothing
>Click several more times
>Box finally responds
>Turns out that input on all applications is lagged by several seconds

I never have this problem on Linux. Why is this allowed on a professional piece of software?

>I disagree but have nothing to disprove this point
>better correct writing/grammar

Back to Sup Forums

playonlinux is just a wine frontend, it's not some alternative or modified version of wine like some people seems to believe
you can use it with wine-staging

Technical terms do not constitute as writing/grammar.

How do I run doom on Linux? I've no experience with wine. Can someone be kind enough to help me please?


Linux is 100% soy. There is nothing manly about using it.

>tfw filthy gamer

I just can't use Linux on my desktop. I wish I could. Its so much better. I've used it for so long on my laptop that I just fell in love with its simplicity.

Are you certain that you installed the correct GPU drivers and are not just using the Intel GPU?

I have done some gaming on Linux and never had such performance problems, especially not in valve games.





runs ok here

Single Player ran fine. Multi-player had like 30fps on Ultimate. Ended up installing Windows on my old af HDD I was not using anyways.

>Linux OS
that's how retarded you are

install wine
click on .exe
if you are lucky it runs without problems, if not check winehq for workarounds, usually a modification to wine configuration (winecfg) is enough, sometimes installing a specific directx version is required

I play hollow Knight you retard nigger.

fyi, the game supports both d3d11 and d3d9, you could potentially get more performance out of it in d3d9 mode
that's what i did, i have a radeon card, so i have access to gallium nine, for that reason i disabled d3d11.
this game is a little different though, the GOG version at least has a d3d9.dll file alongside the main executable, which gets in the way of wine switching to csmt/nine dll's, so i had to rename it for nine to take effect

here's the main menu fps simply between leaving the existing "d3d9.ddl" in the game's folder alone and being renamed (so it doesn't get loaded)
this is effectively the difference between normal d3d9 and nine

(you'll also notice the threading values at the bottom, this is mesa's gl_thread option, it only applies to the top one, as that's wine's d3d9>opengl translation, while the bottom is native d3d9, not opengl)

aha, my gpu seems to dislike the shader effects, turning that down sped things up a lot

in game

Don't mind him Sup Forumsuys, he's just retarded.

>searching torrents within command line
How do you do this?

How well does wine work with VNs now? I tried to install grisaia on my linux work laptop last year and nothing I tried worked.

tux racer is a good game

i haven't played many, but the ones i've tried have all worked fine

Fuck off weeb

>muh gayming

maybe this?

>tfw first gnu+linux was suse 8.2 with KDE3
I didn't come here to feel.

Agreed. Also GNOME 3 is pretty lightweight. I cannot understand how faggots can say that it's bloated. If you are willing to invest like 30 minutes of your life to learn the elementary key shortcuts it becames the comfiest DE on Linux so far. I've avoided it for long time because I fell for the stupid "GNOME 3 is SJW shit" Sup Forums meme but I've been using it since I gave it a chance. KDE is bloated and fucking unstable to the point of unusability.

I also switched to Linux. It's been great so far except for a few things that I could fix. Installing programs from official distro packages is very comfy. Also no need to search and install drivers. Everything works out of the box.

IMO gnome/wayland Ubuntu is not ready yet. I might switch to it in 8 months when bionic beaver is out.

Left 4 Dead 2 also runs faster than on Windows. It goes GNU/Linux OpenGL > Windows OpenGL > Windows DirectX for performance. I wish more people tried to properly optimize their games, but you see most AAA ports aren't even done by the home studio, it was outsourced to someone else.

seems to work ootb
at first i thought the characters were invisible, but the first couple scenes just didn't have anyone in them

Not sure what distro you're using, but Void might be worth a shot. It should have a newer kernel than mots other distros.

Fuck, that looks good. I appreciate the help, I'll give it a shot later!

>he judges other people based on how they spend their free time by making fun of them on an anonymous image board.

3/10 if bait because I replied.

>install xubuntu
>try to import an .icc profile
>doesn't work
well then

either just
wine game.exe

in a terminal or in the desktop file.
Or try playonlinux if that doesn't work.
And be okay with something not working or have graphical glitches.

Also have multiple prefixes and keep a 32bit one just in case

I just use mine in mpv.

what game?


> 17.10
why when it's eof is next year

dota 2 is pretty great

literal retard NEETs with nothing to do but distro hopp. Nobody who actually cares about having a stable system would install what is basically a beta run for Ubuntu 18.04

tfw you finally switch to windows 10
>windows 10 default theme, 100x more aesthetic than any linux distro
>super fucking fast performance
>searching is instant
>installing updates whenever I feel like it because I'm capable of configuring Windows
>searching torrents within my web browser of choice
>every game runs perfectly

Oh boy oh boy can I play The Witcher 3 on it?

>>windows 10 default theme, 100x more aesthetic than any linux distro
>>super fucking fast performance
>>searching is instant
>>installing updates whenever I feel like it because I'm capable of configuring Windows
Really wrong
>>searching torrents within my web browser of choice
You can also do that on Linux
>>every game runs perfectly


I had a Windows / AntergOS dual boot on my old laptop with a 256gb ssd

Right now I could have my OSs (windows and nixos) on a 120gb ssd. But I had to repartition the ssd to contain a 50gb windows partition and a 40gb Linux partition and then reinstall windows and Linux. I formatted the rest to NTFS and automount it using ntfs3g.

So it's a bit more work but I think if you want this to be a long-term solution it's worth it.

tfw you finally switch to macOS
> macOS with High Sierra and GTX, 100x more aesthetic than windows and loonix
> super fucking fast performance
> searching is instant
> installing updates whenever I feel like it
> searching torrents within command line
> every game I want runs perfectly / can also install a windows partition
through Boot Camp

lolbtfo fag