What soldering iron does Sup Forums use?
What soldering iron does Sup Forums use?
I use a cordless gas-powered type. Shame it doesn't have more tips (must integrate catalyst)
Also has a torch attachment.
Some random one from wallmart, prior to that a radioshack one that a friend gave me.
Looking at this one though, yay/nay?
Hakko FX-888D on the bench and a TS-100 in the toolbag.
Metcal MX 500
I just heat up a butter knife on the stove.
TS100 Is OP unless you try to use the shitty screwdriver it comes with
Love the quick-change and cartridge selection on Metcals but could never justify the cost for my hobby shit.
that guys shirt pisses me off, why do you want 2 front pockets on a shirt, you look like a dumbass
Wouldn't using an iron in this fashion burn the hands?
its a women. one pocket for each titty
It would (assuming it turns on). And in what situation would you really find it worth your while to solder non-throughhole on a motherboard? It's a stock image. Stock image creators are notorious for making inaccurate images. They're working in quantity not quality.
I use the CXG 936d mostly.
It's cheap, portable, temperature controlled and takes hakko tips.
The ceramic heating element is easy to break as every tip change will have you screw the tip against the element and you don't want to be careless with the tightening. But at 6$ for 2 from China it's not difficult to replace.
You need a spare soldering iron to do that though.
Overall I like it.
Unpowered and handled by a model for use in a stock photo shoot set up by an tech-illiterate photographer? Unlikely.
Bic lighter + paperclip master race
at work I use a Weller
at one of my last jobs we used Pace, which actually heated up faster than the Weller
At home I use a Hakko
I also have an Aoyue rework station which is awesome
pic related was done with a Pace.
Also, I use 600-650 degrees if all my equipment is clean and working nicely. ive been soldering on a daily basis for 11 years now
the hakko i have is a 939 base with 907 iron. biggest complaint is that it wont turn off or lower automatically if i forget to turn it off
YiHUA 936
Came a few days ago to replace an old one, thing works great
do you not know a pair of tits when you see them?
i work as a bench tech. one day they wanted to take photos of everyone at work. instead of taking pictures of an actual tech, they took the hottest QC chick we had, sat her at a tech bench, and photographed her pretending to be a tech.
Weller WD-1 on the bench.
Weller Pyropen in the bag.
Is that supposed to be an example of good soldering? I mean it's not bad especially considering the size but still; there's too much solder/no fillet.
>Is that supposed to be an example of good soldering? I mean it's not bad especially considering the size but still; there's too much solder/no fillet.
thats literally indistinguishable from what it looks like from the factory.
for scale
Goot KX40
unless you quoted wrong and meant to quote:
in which case I agree, not an ideal solder job
Hakko T12 kit
What do you solder on the bench and what temperature do you use?
Soviet soldering station Tepмит that needs a transformer. Considering buying Weller WSD81 to save some desk space.
Tell me you softmodded that Rigol to 100MHz.
I've got a bunch, but the one I use most is a wireless rechargeable.
some $10 piece of shit i got off amazon to feed keyboards
Some no brand shitty chink shit that's 17 years old.
Bought it because it's softmoddable but was too lazy to actually do it (and no real reason, don't work with signals over 10 MHz).
But I'll do it right now, because why not.
You just blew my mind. I have a capacitor that needs or reseating and I'm extremely poor.
you should use the $10 weller you get from walmart
I dont mess with any of that, but for some reason the hot air tube seems sorta lanky to me. seems like the ones Ive seen in repair videos were twice as thick.
if you do get it make a thread on /diy/ so I can see your review of it.
Do you know when youll buy it? would be nice to know when to look for the thread
save it friend, its all yours.
Dont fuck up your silverware.
I just so happen to be in market for a proper soldering station and was thinking of the Weller WS 81. It goes for 240 Euroshekels on Amazon which is about my budget. Is there anything else you would recommend, preferably analog?
I guess there are variants of this one, find one that doesnt have a design though could melt a butane canister and ignite the gas in your hand.
>Weller WS 81
That thing is going for almost 1,000 burger bucks on our amazon.
is that a soldering station with three separate irons each with their own temperature?
Why would anybody need this?
Some cheap Solomon soldering iron bought at my local hardware store. No temperature regulation, but it does the job.
You can use different tips without stopping.
JBCs both at work and at home.
Its either shipping costs or abusing the German made meme
Glorious 2ns masterrace now. Thanks for reminding.
BTW, does anyone know about any vape mods that turn a vape into a soldering iron? Vapes are just powerful batteries and heating coils, there's no way nobody ever thought about turning that into a highly portable soldering iron.
i bought this this am
I think the seller just doesnt have it in stock so they set it to something stupid that nobody in their right mind would pay but if someone just happened to be autistic enough to buy it then they wouldnt mind sourcing another unit for the extra shekels.
looks like my weller Ive been using for 15 years
Only because it's a 240V unit so it'd be retarded to buy one in the US. WES51 is the US model at 100USD.
That seems awfully expensive for no discernible reason. Why not a Hakko FX-888D or if you really want analog find a 936.
You could buy a regular mod, Make an elongated and weird coil for it out of kanthol wire that protrudes out so its easy to get solder on. I am personally going to try this.
>he doesnt have 240 full house mains in america
jk, good point though my brain is off. I guess I just assumed it was a switchable power supply like everything is now.
Will TS100 be good enough to replace old Weller with no temp regulation?
Did caps on mbo few days ago and this new solder used drove me insane.
What a nightmare.
Making proper soldering irons is hard, unlike controlling existing ones.
What I thought was, you can buy a usual juice tank with 510 connector, replace inner stuff with electronics and put a Hakko connector on top.
So you can unscrew the regular tank, screw in the vape->soldering iron "tank", connect Hakko T12 or something to it, duct tape the button on your mod and do your job.
TS100 is really good. It's better than a lot of bench irons.
see and just make an attachment with the same heads and make a soldering tip instead of a coil.
I dont know shit about vapes but you could get one of connectors and a piece of pipe threaded tot he right threads and tac weld the connector in place in the pipe and turn the other end into a proper soldering iron shape.
>That light flickering
Are you trying to give me a seizure?