/arch/ - Arch Linux General

"Is Aqua the /arch/ mascot?" edition

>Q: Is Arch for everyone?
A: If you're completely new to Linux, you might want to go for an easier distro, like Debian, Manjaro or Solus, but if you know a little bit about Linux, you might be pleasantly surprised about how well you'll be able to fool your way around.

>Q: Is Arch hard to install?
A: Nah, not really. Follow the install guide at wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/installation_guide, don't be afraid to ask questions and Google.

>Q: Why should I run it?
A: You'll learn a bunch about how Linux works, be able to use the AUR, customize your distribution how you want it and try and make your classmates notice how cool your i3 rice that you copied from reddit is (they won't)

1) Don't be autistic

Previous thread

>Q: Is Arch hard to install?
Nah, not really, just use Antergos.

>be on the Sup Forums board
>Remember that the g stands for Gentoo
>Create a arch general instead of a Gentoo one
Jesus OP are you mentally ill?

But Sup Forums stands for 技術.

no bully pls

I'd rather play games need of natively on Linux if I can. I want to minimize any usage of Windows.

*connects dongle*

*gets dongle to wafiu adapter*

>only pretending

arch linux is astolfo approved

>If you're completely new to Linux, you might want to go for an easier distro, like Debian
Lmao for real?
Debian is too hard to install for Linus Torvalds, let alone a newcomer to Linux.
Debian is around just as hard to install as Arch, it's just the difficulty is in actually finding and picking an iso (with or without nonfree blobs), not in the installation process itself.


>gui installer vs full command line install

what the fuck are you on about dude

pclinuxos > all

>best package manager (RPM)
>semi-rolling. more stable version of rolling release
>systemd free niggers
>0 problems since i installed 6 months ago

antergos has it's own repositories so it's not a 100% pure arch experience

use arch with revenge installer if you want to use the shit known as arch linux

>Q: What am I doing in this thread?
A: You are on the verge of falling for a hipster game for attention.

>Q: Will I fit in on their IRC, their shitty forum, or whatever if I install their shit?
A: They will pretend to be nice for a few days, this is to bait you in, next it will be that you didn't do x using an obscure 80s dropout lang. This is a game they play because they are so far removed they can't even get slightly less fat smelly losers to ask "oh what's that"

>Q: What advantage does this have over ubuntu, debian, or any of the other linux distros that actually ship from manufacturers?
A: Nothing except faux placebo effects of the system being faster which is just having to justify it now that you've spent weeks on getting the same shit any "ubuntu normie" could get

>Q: How do I spot an arch apologist?
A: Look for doublethink in the same sentence like "arch doesn't take that long to install I just know it by heart since I've done it so many times by now" or "updating isn't that bad all you have to do is read mailing lists for a few hours"

>Q: It's 30 years after I read this and I chose to be an arch shit, IRC was fun but what do I do now that the welfare checks stop coming?
A: This is known as "grand hipster unveiling day" and you can go to your local branch of government and cash in all your hipster points you've been accumulating over the years for tendies... oh wait, kill yourself.

>Q: What am I supposed to do with all the free time I have if I don't become a trendfaggot distro shit?
A: Pick up a web framework, get a job, buy a house, and retire before 40 because it's actually a high paying career.

bait, but I'll bite
1) nah

2) The Arch le reddit discord is pretty nice cause it isn't serious, only arch community I participate in

3) Better package manager and aur + more

4) pacman -Syu

5) Better than amassing reddit karma like you do.

6) The future of webdev is a compile-to-js language you've never heard of with a built in virtual-DOM tag implementation and global event system that's 40 times more performant than React and looks like Ruby and JSX fucked and had a baby.
It's both a language and a framework, if you want. Or you can use it with another framework, I have it running on top of Vue right now.

>Is Aqua the /arch/ mascot?
She should be

This Aqua shit has to stop.

I refuse to participate in this thread, untill the rightfull mascot is reinstated.

Evangelion is too high IQ for our shilling, Evangelion was a time before moeblob and
greed in the and therefore is off limits.

>You'll learn a bunch about how Linux works
I installed it but I learned jack shit
Besides the fact that base doesn't contain essential packages for either personal or server use

Indeed, I don't get this. Many people who install Arch just follow the guide, it's not made to think, it's made to copypaste almost. Reading is overrated as a skill.


>arch general
Feels good.

>arch thread
>dont be autistic
you can only choose one

好妓術 好技術

ぎじゅつ (gijutsu)

>don't be afraid to ask questions and Google
>not relying on the superior privacy-proof search engine that is DuckDuckGo and its !bang shortcuts

!arch installation