>not having an rgb coaster
how do you faggots even go on living?
Other urls found in this thread:
BaitFag here. No shit this actually fucking exists
>limited, 1337 products
100mb of free hard disk space
>for a fucking coaster
My grandma could knit you a cool rgb coaster that isn't part of a botnet
>employees at razer
Your grandma sounds pretty fucking rad, my dude.
I'm pretty sure Razer could slap RGB onto anything and autists would shell out money for it.
>not using a dialup promo CD you grabbed the last time you went shopping
>didint put effort into this edit
>razer didnt put effort into this product
Well played.
If I saw this on someone’s desk I would knock them out for being a faggot
cool but unnecessary
>Homophobic internet tough guy
Imagine you work on a game that supports Razer lighting. Now imagine you have to test all their products to make sure they flash correctly. Someone out there is paid to make sure a cup holder flashes the right color during a loading screen.
This is indistinguishable from satire or an april fools joke
>100MB HDD space
What the fuck. I did something like this with an Arduino Duemiliwhateverthefuck when I was like 16. The client gui program for sending commands was less than 100k. It could visualize music and even hooked into the uTorrent web api to show torrent progress. Oh, and the program didn't require a goddamn registration and internet connection to get working.
>Defending sodomy on a Sup Forums board
How is your cup holder user ?
>USB gadget needs activation
what are you, poor? get with the times gramps, can't affort to spend 100 millions bytes on putting a cup on a bench? go be 80 somewhere else, ugh *groan zone* "ree"
Why is there not a Razer RGB Gaming Shredder yet?
next step - rgb condoms for gaymers
not that they will use them AHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
>thinking they won't just put them on their dragon dildos.
>dragon dildos
w-what ?
>asks uncle google
>pic rel
Barely down the alt-dildo rabbit hole user.
How new are you?
i am not new i just missed moment that Sup Forums went gay
Nah, I'd rather buy a GNU/cup
>works with any OS
>no extra software aka. botnet and bloat needed
>no registration aka. surveillance needed
>if it breaks you can glue it back yourself
>image on the side is under a free license
>offline mode available always
>the URL unironically has the word "gay" in it
>only ~600mL
If it weren't for it being such a small mug, I'd consider it when they inevitably get thrown up on Ebay, just so I can have my girlfriend realise how autistic I am and probably leave me for Chad.
You're clearly fucking new, my dude
Dragon dildos is not a Sup Forums only thing, and also has been memed for the better part of a decade.
Pretty nice, actually.
How's your sexual frustration, user?
i forget, it's a screenshot of an NES game that was in a recent GDQ
honestly, don't hate razer, hate the people who buy their stuff
if you were in razer's position, what would you do?
don't bullshit me, if 12 years olds are willing to buy green LED's from you for 1,200 shillings a pop, would you deny them for being dumbasses? or take their cash and laugh your way to the bank?