What happens when you have a successful startup but can't afford to scale?

What happens when you have a successful startup but can't afford to scale?

You get investors. If you can't do that then it's not really a "successful startup" now, is it?

You sell it.

sell it to google to a few millions

what if i don't want some kikes having a piece of what I built by myself.

BTW I don't have a startup, but was just watching a video about pinterest, their traffic exploded within a year and the server costs were like over $50k a month and they aren't making any money

Because you have admitted being unable to build it yourself.


You let investors take most of the profit without doing any of the work or come up with any ideas.
It's called capitalism.

so the only way to make it is to sell out to the jews?

>waaah why isn't money free?
>I need money desperately and value it highly, but anyone who has money are by definition worthless as defined by my inarticulate value system
>see, if I make something by using money, it's building something with my own hands but if they make something by using money, it's stealing my hard work

Did I trigger you, Schlomo?

Then just don't scale

They could do like metafilter when it happened. Only paid users can post. That solved the problem, they stayed niche, but good quality and close knit community and steady income.

>successful startup
>can't afford to scale

Cashflow is a big issue when you grow fast.

You're living on the wrong planet then, wrong planet.

>without doing any of the work
The work they do is finding startups worth investing in, that's not an easy job when most startups are trash that just burn money with no return.

you got properly wrecked

suck enough dicks to raise capital

You probably shouldn't be running a business.

juden detected

You become AWS' slave boipucci