>Juraj Tralalak
How many layers of poo this guy is behind?
>Juraj Tralalak
How many layers of poo this guy is behind?
That sounds more like slav of some sort.
Why am I watching this?
Because no one has ever tested a modern VIA CPU before, so Sup Forums will be interested in this
Is this you playing the game?
That's really cool, I like how it's not Intel
how much to make VIA rig.
I wasn't expecting a double digit frame rate.
wtf I love VIA now?
Does VIA have backdoors?
>showing off your 60fps with a 30fps YT video
pajeet ingenuity
>slav name
burger education, everyone.
no one cares about 3rdworlders
56% white.
Biggest american companies (especially the ones from IT sector) do very much care about us :^)
Enjoy having your job outsourced to us, murifat :^)
10 years is all you have before the megacorporations find a cheaper country and you're left on the dirt.
>2000 mutlithread
>500 singlethread
He could've used the money he spent on that shit game on a used xeon and compatible mobo.
But that isn't Intel :(
It's funny because cod is just using a modified quake engine, even the modern versions are piss easy to run
>Getting 30fps maximum
>Showing off 60fps
That's fucking nice user.
I wonder if x86 VIA CPUs have backdoors though...
And the price?
They are Chink CPUs, ofcourse there are backdoors.
Yeah, but who cares about non-allied states like Russia or China having access? If anything we'd be safer as they wouldn't want Western governments getting in so it'll be locked down tight on that regard.