what phones produce the best sound quality with headphones, without the need of an external amp/dac?
Best phone for audiophile?
what if i have a phobia for phablets
How about, don't be an autismphile so you're not pidgeonholed into a shit LG phone?
an actual high quality music player by Sony. But to be completely honest every phone will do just fine. When youre not at home there will be noise around you anyways so you dont need the highest quality when riding the train for example. Just buy a premium phone and youll have no problems.
Get bigger hands manlet
Do NOT purchase LG phones...I'm on my third replacement and they've all failed after a year. The boot loop is real, and the screen is always faulty.
i can get bigger hands but its the pockets issue that gets me. its not like i can just buy bigger pants
HTC 10
Otherwise just get a Sony phone they always put good DAC in
so youre saying get the sony xperia xz1 compact?
No such thing unfortunately. ;-(
To expand further, most Android phones have output impedance in the range of 5Ω and above which is a pile of fail already. Then the problem is compounded further with the OS' shitty audio mixer. It's easy to tell how bad the default sound engine is by comparing say, Google Play music with something like Rocket or Captune that bypasses Android's sound mixer completely.
>what's best for an audiophile
I've seen many anons recommend suicide, you could start with that.
Basically any of them other than sub-$150 chink shit. If you use an external DAC for your phone you should kill yourself.
Source: audio engineer
Meizu Pro 7 Plus, according to GSMArena.
>can get bigger hands
>not like i can just buy bigger pants
Are you really this autistic?
Axon 7
>listening to music outside
LG V20. Not sure if the V30 has the superior DAC.
Asian and European models of the G6.
LG phones are trash though
Samsung i9000, its like 20 bucks and 40 bucks for a 128gb sd card. voodoo kernel that bitch
prove me wrong
Does Shuttle bypass the sound mixer?
Brilliant, I can see how people want to know the time and weather while taking a selfie.
pretty much, supports all sound formats, and bluetooth audio formats, and long as fuck battery life.
Moto E 1st gen
srs, that piece of shit phone has some premium level DAC
As long as you keep KK on it and dont upgrade to LP, it's still usable for basic stuff
Pixel 2 dongle competes with the $200 dragonfly red external smartphone DAC.
HTC Rezound , no longer sold , came with Beats by Dre headphones
wth is this
oxymoron at its best desu
just stick to the device you're currently using and plug in an external DAC when you're listening to music
best of both worlds
Normally true but I do filing for a law firm as a day job. It's a really quiet working environment where I can go for hours without interacting with anyone. I can often listen to whole albums while working uninterrupted. It's pretty nice at times. Makes me wonder if getting an external DAC for my phone will be worth it. . .
a lot of other places I find myself out doors can be so noisy I barely hear my music at all. This is especially true after I switched him in your drivers to report a pro. The thing sounds fantastic, but so open that sometimes I hear nothing but outside noise.
Thanks! Rocket player is good.
That thing runs Android. It's a phone dumbass
or when the phone is face down...
Best music player app?
If you are using 60Ohm headphones, you wont hear a fucking difference.
iphone se
this the only faulty tech device I've brought in the last decade was an LG nexus, fuck LG
I had terrible fucking luck with my G3, went through 4 of them in 2 years.
My V20 is working fine so far though, I only ended up buying it because I really prefer a removable battery. If this one goes tits up in its second year its the last LG device I'm ever buying
Iphone 6 guy here. I am letimately thinking of switching to v30 next time. It is literally the only androiod phone that has ever interested me in the slightest but then i hear right off the bat QC issues with the screen and bootloops and other LG horror stories...
What the hell is this? Google search turns up nothing
Spotify you fag.
nvm apparently it's some shitty DAP
V30 or G6
what the fuck is that case
>streaming music
user you're the fag here
>caring about tiny quality differences that aren't noticeable on your shitty phone's headphone jack
Dude YOU'RE the fag. This is why you'll never see a woman naked without paying for it.
Can confirm
Get free version, it has the same audio quality, if not better
Just get a V20. They're cheep with a removable battery and a great DAC.
Stop projecting.
>phone for audiophile?
You are not audiophile.
Don't pretend to be the one, faggot.
>Carrying around both a phone and a DAP instead of just getting an Exynos S8/Note 8 and installing Rocket Player
top fucking kek, listening to music on my S8 right now with Campfire Vega in my ears
Yeah my V10 shat out a little over a year after I bought it. Just enough time to slink out of warranty. It's really disappointing because up until that I purchased LG products almost religiously. Hell I've still got an old Env2 that works perfectly. They really let their quality control go into the shitter.
You just posted that phone.
The benchmark in mobile phone audio quality has and always will be iPhone > Samsung > LG > everyone else
This, Sony even has their lossless wireless audio in their Xperia line and their equalizer is god tier.