Be chicano, son of retarded border hopper

>be chicano, son of retarded border hopper
>only barely afford a used thinkpad
why did I have to be born this way

owned lol

Its ok OP, im chicano too, i fucking hate my family. Just follow your dreams, dont let them make you a farmer

how many goblin siblings do you have?

Solid advice

Get a job. Don't be stupid with money. Presto, you can afford any computer you want.

Your country has been made great again, go do some dirty job. It won't make you rich, but you don't need to be rich to have a fast computer.

Mexicans are literally vermin that barely resemble people

this is true for most people

Posting from my threadripper PC.

Feels pretty good man

I am Mexican living in Los Angeles. My dad takes old laptops from work for me to use. I got a Thinkpad T400, T420, dell latitudes and an elitebook. They let him take all sorts of shit from work. I have never purchased a laptop in my life. Also, my brother is an engineer and I am a mathfag.

Using the color of your skin as an excuse for being a loser is the sort of thing only Black people do lad

you are right, its just a shame that the worst of human society tend to breed like vermin as well

Mexicans and other poor workers are the ones who make your first world lifestyle possible dumb fuck

>I am Mexican living in Los Angeles
LA is functionally mexico city at this point in terms of crime and generally being a cesspit

What candidate did you support last election?

Moping and being a nihilistic ungrateful shit is something only white kids do.
Don't be a retard.
Go learn to program and get a cushy job anywhere because you're guaranteed to get hired over a white guy thanks to diversity quotas.

And I really do appreciate the fact that there is an underclass of pseudo-slaves that is dumb enough to work for a fraction of other people while we figure out how to automate farming and construction to end quasi-slavery forever. Shame that said underclass tends to be violent and gibs dependent (while sending untaxed income back to their lands)


All those “slaves” are illegal aliens who take jobs for less pay in exchange for ICE to not be called on them

>LA is functionally mexico city at this point
t.never been to either city

>"we figure out"
you're not doing shit apart from collecting NEETbux in your mother's basement, while complaining about how _other_ people are detrimental to society

>you're not doing shit apart from collecting NEETbux in your mother's basement, while complaining about how _other_ people are detrimental to society
I'm actually working the computer vision portion of automated farming systems for a company in Spain specifically because I want to Paco to jump off the wall

NEETs know they’ve a parasite, they just don’t care

ive been to los angeles and i had to check if I was still in the united states, its a pretty fucking horrible place but so is most of southern california so i guess if you are from there that rotting dumpster is normal to you

>lying on the internet
>"I-I-I just so happen to be working on automated farming!"
sure thing lad

pot calling the kettle black


>assuming im lying
burden of proof is on the accuser ;^)

I don't believe you. What, did you take a vacation in South Central?

How is saying southern California is terrible a pol thing? Even that state admits that section of their state has tons of infrastructure and crime problems, its not like its some kind of hysteria.

Beaners and illegals don’t see themselves as parasites, NEETs are highly depressed, tons of self loathing, and think about killing themselves daily so self awareness makes them above mexicans

>burden of proof is on the accuser ;^)
that is literally the opposite of burden of proof

>people in this thread are honestly defending la
I live here and outside of pedowood this city is a mess with roads that look like they are out of mad max

This is the technology board. We talk about technology related topics here.
If you want to talk about how shitty a state is, go to a different board.

Your dad must be one of the dumb/lazy ones then. My gf's dad is an illegal but he makes good money from construction. This summer he paid for us to hang out in Miami for a week at a beach condo whilst I BLEACHED his big titty daughter

Why is California such a mess? They have almost a trillion in debt, high taxes, a massive public sector and yet outside of the Bay Area and Central Coast half of this state has infrastructure problems that would make Zimbabwe look like Norway.

I think threads like these will only become more common.
You can tell OP is larping because real mexicans don't use the word "chicano" to describe themselves.
I think threads like these will only become more and more frequent now that white people are literally being driven into minority status in the US.

Trump will build the wall, get rid of all illegals, then the legal ones are dealt with

Is that a boy or a girl?
This is important!

>tripfag singles out one user when the entire thread is off-topic

Thats not even that lewd, you won’t get the thread deleted like this

my cousin is illegal and he makes more than I do (he is a welder btw)

False. The only thing they contribute that's actually needed is farm labor else they steal jobs from young people and poor retirees

blame the employers for hiring them

>Thats not even that lewd
That's subjective.