Physical keyboard phone thread

Post keyboards

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Holy shit what if they just made the screen and battery bigger instead of putting a keyboard on it? You could have a keyboard on the screen and do swipe motions to spell words!?!

Rotating a square.

>keyboard on the screen
They already make tons of phones that suite your preferences. Quit whining that a few don't, you piece of shit.

What? Why would you rotate it?

Nice for scrolling and a comfy way to hold it while reading long articles.

Posting from one of these. It's my daily driver, and I have no reason to upgrade.

>why didn't they just make a 20% bigger screen so I can waste 50% of it on a shitty swipe keyboard???
You are the dumbest fucking tripshit on Sup Forums even when considering the cringy desktop thread IRCtards.

Holy shit Android Market on that phone. Is the Market still even supported?

The eternal trip strikes again

I don't think so, but I have lineage 14 flashed on it with no Gapps so that isn't an issue. Flashing Gapps is also really easy if you need them.

>needing apps

They already do, what rock are you under?

Link me to an Android Passport then.

fuck off tripfaggot

Fuck man I love those so much
And cannibalize the keyone?
Lmao get out
Plus the 801 is dead
Wrong thread

The keyone is ass that people only want because of the logo on it

Dude I gave you a business reason why bb would never release android on a passport
I loved my passport silver

You're forgetting (or didn't know) Google said no for the passport because of the 1:1 screen
And the 801 is pretty dead in 2017 you'd be stuck with marshmallow or lollipop at worst

Also don't bully the keyone
It's perfectly fine
Not good but fine

And make typos 10x more easily.

I want it because of the keyboard

The keyboard on the KEYone is good. Try it out in store if possible.

I don't need to, I expected it to be good

Bit off topic but I just found an iPhone at the bus stop. Can i stop whoever's phone it was from blocking it? Would jailbreaking help? IPhone 7

i'll probably get my moto z keyboard somewhere at q1 2018. i'm happy.

Should I ring contacts and ask for reward? I need money. Poorfag here

you should ring contacts and ask for owner, then return it. someone will probably reward you anyways, but even without it that's the normal thing to do. being poor and being decent person are two unrelated things

Do you enjoy 4 frames per second on your devices?

wtf I love the passport now

give it back

I enjoy my Keyone.

Passport is amazing, but Android's runtime and BB10's death made me choose the Keyone. It's a cozy, little work tool.

Slideout = good
This = shit

Imagine having a soft keyboard open all the time. You'd think that was retarded. This is retarded. If it weren't "retro" because it says "blackberry" on it you fuzzy slipper footing numales wouldn't be able to call it "comfy" and wouldn't give a shit.

Shit tier bait
Have a (you) and leave

Most of the time I'm using my phone I'm using the keyboard, I prefer it to not be a slider.

Sweet, but how do you carry it?

In my pocket like every other phone I've had

BlackBerry Q10 with linux/bsd support. Please lain.

I used the q10 for awhile. Have been using a priv lately. It's pretty nice but I don't really like the slide. Will probably get a keyone in another year or so when they drop in price more.

They have locked bootloader so no custom roms. I don't really miss it but I know it pisses some people off.

blackberry classic here. planning to get a keyone when i get my tax return in a few months. long live blackberry

It actually runs quite smooth.

>it has a physical keyboard
Hmm... Can it then be considered a really small laptop? How big would it have to be to be considered a laptop?

Anybody know where I can get a small physical keyboard module like the keyone uses? I don't mean a bluetooth keyboard or USB OTG version. I mean a module you can embed in a project like you'd buy from digikey or something.

Long since upgraded, but best keyboard on a phone I've had the chance to use

Yeah that's cause you have no friends. Generally people upgrade phones for the camera. People like you and me can go 4+ years without upgrading cause nowadays phones are just a pissing contest for better cameras.

Passport is max comfy.

why would you WANT android instead of blackberry OS? fucking botnet retard

I fucking loved my OG Moto Droid. 192MB of RAM just didn't cut it though. Maybe I should eBay a Droid 4 just for old time's sake.

i have clubbed thumbs i cant use this shit

Dude, what the fuck?

Fuck, I wish this worked on Verizon. I would buy one

When did they release a Passport with fully rounded corners?

was specific to certain carriers. i think thats the ATT one.

It’s a slide phone and the keyboard functions as a trackpad when not typing. It’s maximum comfy for literal shitposting.

I've heard it lags, can that be fixed?

Get the BlackBerry Keyone

Not really desu
It's more of a phone with a built in keyboard
But things like the built in office suite, file manager and centralized notification and emails were pretty good with blackberry 10

The design is technically patent by BlackBerry so there probably isn't anything much similar

Drop the resolution

Never had it lag on me before, might just have been an issue with an earlier software version

is that a g5, g4, or g5s?

i used to like you.

Turns out the Passport is fucking disgusting with all rounded corners.

>maximum comfy
No, that'd be the actual Passport.

Ok Sup Forumsuys, I've found this old piece of shit in my basement, how can I install gentoo or any other full lightweight distro on it?

The SD808 thermal throttles out the ass.


Blackjack phones were the best

They tried but Android App optimization was obviously shit for 1:1 screens so they gave up on it. Sorry m8, we all wanted this to happen.

The reason they won't do this is because the market is saturated with Android phones and the edge-case market for Blackberry-like phones is not sustainable.
Don't forget: Only Apple and Samsung make any money at all out of phones. Samsung make a zillion different phones both smart and dumb.
All the others are trying to find a way to make a profit.

I have a few friends I talk with on a regular basis, they aren't narcissistic retards like most people today so they don't really mind the camera quality.

Isn't that a defect?

If slide out keyboards came back I would see that as the thin meme actually paying off. But sadly it seems like we're in a very small minority of people who see a problem with the blackberry method of doing things. I don't see slide phones coming back any time soon.