Software mascots

With this recent shitstorm over a certain contest, let's have a thread about software mascots - because it looks like only Microsoft is killing it.

Does it matter much the aesthetics of mascots, and do you care about it? Or, do you actually and unironically use a software simply because it has a kawaii logo representing it?

Other urls found in this thread:!AAo0DDqC!Y1aoK14N683Ear4z462TCWJOy1lWpqD5NwD2RzmeQ3I

Microsoft has the best mascots and not only for Windows.
You should look into some of their other products.

Aizawa is the best mascot.

user I hate to tell you this but...

Isn't silverlight still being worked on? I've ran across some applications and websites to this day that require it.

Silverlight is still used but from memory microsoft have officially killed it and basically all modern browsers don't support it anymore.

WTF I love Microsoft now

>Windows Azure have the same VA as Sayaka
>Windows 10 have the same VA as Kyouko
What did microsoft mean by this?
How can other company even compete?



wtf I want to FUCK these operating systems

Install Windows

why aren't you shitposting on tokumei onii-chan

Cute mascots can't hide a shit MS attitude.

How about hardware mascots?

Dumping some

OS-tans were great when they poked fun at the quirks and flaws of the OSes. Now they're just dumb moeblobs selling a product.

Official OS-tans were a mistake.



> Ryzen
> two boobs
Should be up to 8.

This is a tote bag for the manliest men.

>last good windows
>best looking mascot
>best seiyuu
Why is 7 so best.

>not mentioning AMD's Amada




>Windows 10
>hot mascot

this is windows 10 mascot

Have they forgotten her?

>not knowing boobs are RAM
How to spot a newfag.

Theme pack where

>"windows azure have"
>"windows 10 have"
kill yourself twice

No functional site.

Why only girls?

When you look at the west, it's usually a fury mascot, not human

this and they are also the only weeb enought do this kind of shit

>he doesn't have it

Windows 10 themepack!AAo0DDqC!Y1aoK14N683Ear4z462TCWJOy1lWpqD5NwD2RzmeQ3I

it's legit, if someone is scared to install it

What does it look like?

why is hyper-v-tan a dominatrix?

is this official?

plus you get a weeb girl voice instead for all sounds, like errors of logins




yes you are


hhnnnnnnnnnnggggg post moar microsoft waifus





There's also something similar for linux:

absolutamente asqueroso

why is there so few win 10 tan stuff? they're under exploiting her. does she even owns a cat like the win 7 one?

because nips are still using 1024x768 CRT screens and windows xp or 7. they are really really slow when it comes to adopting new tech

good to see them rejecting the botnet


To bad they fucked her up in Halo 5...

captcha: STOP

She fucked with rms for the subsystem.

>posting shitty taiwanese weeb bait



Already deprecated.

thread is dead
press F


Generic design

buttmad glow in the dark detected

unlike 90% of western civilization Japs are quite woke, even normies.

>also they would rather recycle older but proven tech than buy new shit.


>you will never be dominated and get your balls crushed by Hyper-V
Why live?
All the mascots need more porn tho

Im not going to fall for the botnet
Im not going to fall for the botnet
Im not going to fall for the botnet