>step into office for interview
>manager is indian
Step into office for interview
>open csg/spg/dpt
>everyone is Indian
Should have let out a mighty turd on the spot and throw it onto his disgusting pajeet face right before exiting the building
Impress him by pooping right then and there
wouldn't that be considered brown nosing
Hello Sir yes please do the needful and hire me and pay me lots of money
Make sure you do the needful.
Fuuuuccccckkkkk! Happened to me too, dude. I went to a casino in Connecticut, expecting it to be full of mobsters and shit. Fucking place was owned by god-damned Indians and decorated like a fucking wig-wam.
What the fuck is a wig-wam
If grill, show bobs and vagene.
a fuck hut
And? What does someones skin colour have to do with it?
Get out!
That's all """race""" is. We're all the same, step out of the 16th century please.
Nothing, Sup Forums is leaking again.
Its happening to every board now. Those intolerant jerks need to be rounded up and killed.
>those intolerant jerks
>need to be rounded up and killed
Sounds like you're being a bit hypocritical right now, user.
Free speech doesn't mean Hate speech buddy. We can't have these extremist nazis ruining the country. They're already running over people and rioting. It's time to fight back, and RESIST.
>Free speech doesn't mean Hate speech buddy
Uh, how does that at all relate to my reply? And free speech does include hate speech anyway.
This is probably bait but whatever
>please don't make fun of our color
>m-muh hate speech!
Kek. Look at all these butthurt pajeets. Come back when you learn how to poo in a loo.
Nazis aren't running anything. The left and the right both need to stfu, and get a damn job/life.
Anyway I'm considering pulling the trigger on a T530 besides the TN display
would the UEFI get in the way of using GNU/Linux distros?
hello my frend
An SJW just found Sup Forums, fucker has been running around calling people nazis, seen it in another thread
>he hires you
>months later he smirks at you condescendingly for wanting to stay at the company you both work at
>lets you go
Hello, yes. I am pajeet and I am calling about your computer has a virus, yes
I need you to give me access to the computer and credit card so I can fix it
No I'm not a scammer, people trust me and their computers get fixed, yes
Sadly there are a lot of people who fall for this garbage.
That's the real saddest of all dumb frogposter, I agree.
Oh no, a virus!
Yes my credit card is 1234-5555-etc..
Fuck off pajeet