Why aren't more games using vulkan? Are gamedevs all a bunch of microshaft cucks...

why aren't more games using vulkan? Are gamedevs all a bunch of microshaft cucks? Do they not care that their game might become unplayable in 5-10 years because microsoft randomly decides to deprecate their api and gives no shits about backwards compatibility?

> Do they not care that their game might become unplayable in 5-10 years
I can 100% guarantee that they don't. So you're going to have to have a better selling point than that.

All the popular game engines support OpenGL, Vulcan, DirectX, Metal, WebGL... It really doesn't matter anymore, since it's all abstracted away.

wouldn't it make the game easier to rerelease?

Dispite it's god like fps gains like in doom, the time it takes isn't cost effective enough. Videos games are already rushed because how expensive they are to make. Mobile and handhelds really see the improvement and I think switch used it for their OS

Rktd and defeated

99% of the games you seen out today don't need vulkan and should be made in opengl

Well they aren't getting rid of opengl anytime soon. Boilerplate is rough with Vulkan its a shame because it frees up cpu so well

ok then use opengl

Star citizen is slated for full vulkan but that game wont be beta until 2020


Well you're bitching about Microsoft dx compatability which is shit but there's no plans on getting rid of opengl either

so opengl will continue to be developed?

It's not star citizen will never be released. Only retarded backers believe this

Yes fuck star citizen, only real games that release consistently every year like call of duty deserve our dollars. The loot crates are great too.

>250 lines of code to draw a triangle
>2500 lines to draw a triangle


0 line to draw a triangle because people with a 3-digit IQ use something else.

Vulcan is new. Dx shit is where all the frameworks/libraries/game engines were made for for the past 20 years or so

don't most new games use dx12?

These images don't belong on this board. Go rape a little kid or something.

How does that contradict my statement?

are you implying people making new games don't have a 3 digit IQ?

No. There are even less games with Dx12 than with Vulkan. Most games use Dx11

is that why we aren't seeing any games with any new kinds of effects?

Devs take a long time to upgrade their shit.

When DX10 came out, most of them were using engines tailored for DX9.
When DX11 came out, most of them still were using engines tailored for DX9.

Microsoft wouldn't drop support for dx9. Too much software would just stop working.

vulkan doesn't let you do anything that you cannot do with opengl.

is tessellation the last major graphical effect added?

Nitendo Switch and Ps4 both use Vulkan API.

The Xbox AMD GPU also supports it at a hardware level but they don't want to target it.


>why aren't more games using vulkan?
>Do they not care that their game might become unplayable in 5-10 years because microsoft randomly decides to deprecate their api and gives no shits about backwards compatibility?
they don't. Making money as fast as possible is the ONLY thing they care about.
Mindless drones already know directx so why wasting time and money for them to learn vulkan when they can produce something already.
Vulkan will be used at some point but not for the good reasons.

What "kinds of effects" do you want to see? I think the real issue here is that Microsoft called DX12.... DX12, they should have called it direct GPU or something. The thing is, All the advancements from DX12 get pushed to DX11.x anyway because DX11 is a higher level api.

DX11/OpenGL: Low level resource management done by the driver thus the driver decides whats best for the given architecture.

DX12/Vulkan: The game engine has to be written in such a way that the performance and compatibility are on par with what the driver can do (among multiple relevant vendors).

The latter makes sense on a console, on the PC you can see the issue. Given the mix and match and unpredictability of hardware, code written today might work well for current GPUs but might not work as well on future hardware.

So, DX12 and Vulkan becoming main APIs on the PC is probably never going to happen. What we are going to get is new features pushed to DX11.3,4,5,6, etc. At least in Vulkan's case there is more economic incentive due to its cross platform nature.

ps4 uses it own api, although it is way too similar to vulkan.

They definitely do not. Game devs got extremely lazy to the point that there are even some who sell pre-release games and abandon them once they hit a profit, then just remove the pre-release tag and say it's complete. They don't give a fuck, they got their 10-100k. This isn't the only issue, the amount of copy paste development and terrible optimization these days is alarming especially since it's present in AA and AAA games as well. Also, since everyone can be a "developer" these days most new games are garbage. There's less than 10 games worth playing released each year.